how old was jacob when benjamin was born

Clash between mismath's \C and babel with russian. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. No one who heard those dreams wondered "why 12?" This conclusion is made upon the felt demand that the births followed each other in the order enumerated. But the birth of Benjamin is described in Genesis 35.1625. Jacob worked for Laban for 14 years for his two daughters. It seems that he did not recognize Benjamin at that point. Does God Approve of Interracial Marriage. So Joseph was born when Jacob was at his prime and no wonder he loved him much. Thus she would be eighteen years of age when she married. Adjusting for the two uncertainties, assuming y1+y2=3, I'd say that Jacob was 773 years old when he first saw Rachel. Is email scraping still a thing for spammers, Theoretically Correct vs Practical Notation, Integral with cosine in the denominator and undefined boundaries. There is some confirmation of this in Joseph's dreams - he sees the sun and moon plus eleven stars bowing to him - the eleven stars represented his eleven brothers, including Benjamin. If Jacob was one hundred and thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh, then he must have been ninety-seven when he came back to Canaan. WebThere is no consensus view about dates. with her children came near, and bowed themselves: and after came (Gen. 35:1619, ESV), Then Midianite traders passed by. There is another uncertainty beyond this second 7-year period. Genesis 49:27 Benjamin in fiction Jacob returns from Padam Aram after 20 years at age 91, as Joseph is born, Isaac 151. At such an age, a girl might be given adult responsibility in a family that did not (yet) have sons. Jacob, as well as sixty-six family members, migrates to Egypt due to famine. Jacob went to Padam Aram 20 years earlier at the age of 71. Let us review the material from the previous question as per the appendix below. Or did these events occupy some period other than seven years? Was Benjamin born before or after Joseph was sold into slavery? This is an extreme contradiction with the ancient history calculation of eighteen years of age. . Two of Jacob's sons take revenge for the heinous act by killing all the males in the city. Please. On this basis, Benjamin was born about 10 years before Joseph was sold (??) God commands Jacob to journey to Bethel (Genesis 35:1). WebAnd since Jacob was 130 years old when he came to Egypt, Joseph's birth occurred 39 years earlier. WebJacob was 130 at this time (Gen 47:9). Jacob was 91 (130 - 39) when Joseph was born. The following is an arrangement of the chronology for the dates of the births: The birth of the six sons of Leah took place during the lastseven year period of service for Jacobs wives, and the birth of Dinah,the daughter, was sometime after this period. But Rachel had not immediately had children when they married. A simple literal interpretation of the text would lead one to conclude that the births all occurred during the second seven year period of service. To make it clear of Genesis 37:3 KJV Laban agrees to allow him, in a week, to marry Rachel as well but he must work another seven years for her (Genesis 29:20 - 30). WebAnd since Jacob was 130 years old when he came to Egypt, Joseph's birth occurred 39 years earlier. He explained that his father Jacob would be left heartbroken if he learned that Benjamin was left in Egypt. On the outskirts of Bethlehem Rachel dies while giving birth to Benjamin, the last of Israel's twelve sons (Genesis 35:16 - 20). How old was Jacob when he first saw Rachel? Jacob pretends to be Esau in order to get Isaac's firstborn blessing (Genesis 27). Contemporaneously with the birth of Dinah, or immediately afterwards, Rachel may have given birth to Joseph. How Long Was Joseph In Potiphars House? Taking 130 and subtracting it from Josephs age of 39 means Jacob was 91 when Joseph was born. With this system of calculation Jacob would have left his home to find his wife twenty years earlier, or at approximately fifty-seven years of age. The word zeh is used twice at a greater distance, "one dieth . It only takes a minute to sign up. Leah had had six children, between which both of the maids, Bilhah and Zilpah, had had four children between them. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Calculation begins from the first year of Jacob's marriage to Leah. So the summary is as follows: as possible one after the other. (Genesis 25:26). That makes seven good years until the famine and two years in prison. Dinah is raped by a man from Shechem. The maximum likely age for Rachel at the time of the birth of Benjamin is thirty-nine years. children after, and Rachel and Joseph hindermost. Taking 130 and subtracting it from Josephs age of 39 means Jacob was 91 when Joseph was born. The Bible tells us that when Jacob was presented in the court of Pharaoh, "the days of the years of my sojourningare a hundred and thirty years; few and evil have been the days of the years of my life, and they have not attained to the days of the years of the life of my father:s in the days of their sojourning" (Gen. 47:9, RSV). In 30:25 it is not until Rachel has borne Joseph, that Jacob asks to be sent away. By this you shall be tested: by the life of Pharaoh, you shall not go from this place unless your youngest brother comes here. He reunites with his son Joseph after twenty-two years. Genesis 37 Rebekah was the instigator of having Jacob deceive We are not told exactly when Benjamin was born but there is a window of a few years to choose. Learn facts that you cant learn just from reading the Bible By making calculations based on the life of Joseph we learn that there was an interval of about thirty-three years between the time when Jacob returned from Haran and when he went down to sojourn in Egypt. But how does an infant bow himself? He is then introduced to Pharaoh where he states he is 130 years old (Genesis 46:1 - 47:9). Calculation begins from the first year of Jacob's marriage to Leah. Why did the Soviets not shoot down US spy satellites during the Cold War? It was at the end of the second seven year period that Joseph was born (Gen 30:25ff) and that Jacob wanted to leave but was persuaded to stay longer. Now it is not difficult to understand how Jacob could have had twelve children in seven years from four different women. Jacob, for the first time after leaving Canaan, meets Esau. Gen 47:9 - Jacob is 130 years old when presented to Pharaoh, Gen 45:6 - This was during the second year of the famine, nine years after Joseph entered the service of Pharaoh, Gen 41:47. Jacob was 91 when Joseph was born. WebIf Jacob was with Laban only twenty years, then he was seventy-seven years old when he left home. Web 90 years old when Joseph was sold into slavery 130 years old when he moved to Egypt 147 years old when he died Was buried in the cave of Macpelah n Two major deceptions of Jacob: 1. Of course, there is nothingbiologically impossible about having seven children in seven years, but the real problem arises when we learn that during that seven year period, "Leah saw that she left off bearing, so she took Zilpah her handmaid, and gave her to Jacob to wife. He will also take for himself all such animals that are born as a continuing payment of wages. +1. Projective representations of the Lorentz group can't occur in QFT! He works another 7years for Rachel after getting married. He ends up working for Laban an additional six years (Genesis 30:27 - 43, 31:38). You have another son. 18 As her life faded away, just before she died, she named him Ben-oni,[ a] but his father named him Benjamin. It is felt by the writer that there was a wilful cooperation in this act of defilement. Once he arrives in the area, the Lord blesses him and reiterates his new name is Israel (verses 9 - 15). 38I have been with you for twenty years now. Answer. Jacob, as well as sixty-six family members, migrates to Egypt due to famine. Now if all the children, whose births are given in 29:32-30:24, had been born one after another during the period mentioned, not only would Leah have had seven children in seven years, but there would have been a considerable interval also, during which Rachel's maid and herown maid gave birth to children. (esp. He was 32 years old. Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professors, theologians, and those interested in exegetical analysis of biblical texts. This is an extreme contradiction with the ancient history calculation of eighteen years of age. In the Scriptures In the Book of Torah, it was narrated that there was a point when Josephs brothers headed off to Egypt, yet they were unable to recognize their brother. Genesis is clear that all of Joseph's decendents were born after Joseph married Rachel (beginning in the 15th year of service with Laban). Why in the Genesis, it's strongly said that Jacob and Rachel were Cousins? "Would it have been possible to give Joseph the robe and leave out Benjamin?" Jacob's other children are between 39 and 46. In Genesis 31:38 and 41, where the two clauses mentioning the twenty years of service are introduced by zeh, there is no waw conjunctive. Isaac marries Rebekah when he is 40 (Genesis 25:20). Following the incident with Diah (Gen 34) Jacob moved to Bethel (Gen 35:1, 14, 15) and then moved to Ephrath (Gen 35:16, 17) where Benjamin was born. The waw conjunctive is the device used in the language in such cases to convey the idea of distinction. [Note Jacob was less than half this age when he met Rachel - this means that even compared to a modern man, he was in the prime of his life at that point.]. After Dinah's birth the Lord remembers Rachel and she conceives and bore Joseph when Jacob was 91 years old. Isaac bids Jacob get a wife in Genesis 28: 1 So Isaac called for Jacob and blessed him. The other children could have been conceived in overlapping periods with Leah. WebJacob was 77 years old, [22] and he loved Rachel immediately. The number of distinct words in a sentence. What is the significance of the scarlet thread on Zerah's hand at the end of Genesis 38? Jacob lived in Egypt 17 years, dying at age 147 (Gen 47:28). At that time Joseph had been second in command over the land of Egypt for nine years (Genesis 45:11). It is interesting to note, however, that Rea is not at all interested in accepting this interpretation to help resolve some of the distance between the calculation from ancient history and the seeming Scriptural chronology. Not fair (Did Jacob do anything that was "fair") but possible. WebBy then Jacob had become over 100 years old. Was Galileo expecting to see so many stars? His body is embalmed and escorted by Joseph and the rest of the family to the cave of Machpelah near Hebron. Required fields are marked *. As a punishment for the alleged theft, Joseph commanded that the young boy should be left in the palace and held as his slave because of what he had done. In the Scriptures In the Book of Torah, it was narrated that there was a point when Josephs brothers headed off to Egypt, yet they were unable to recognize their brother. On balance, it seems more likely that Benjamin was born before the events in Gen 37, but the evidence does not appear conclusive. After spending a month with his relatives he asked for her hand in marriage in return for working seven years for Laban the Aramean. On the note Benjamin could not be considered of the evil nor wise yet because he wasnt of age he was around 6-7 years younger then Joseph when Joseph was 17 Benjamin would of been around 10. 9. Thus, Jacob was 121 years old. Genesis 47:9a. Laban agreed to the arrangement. Was Jacob so Sexually driven that He mistook Leah for Rachel? The next day, there was a great search that was conducted, with the intention of finding the lost silver cup. Theoretically, however, Leah or Bilhah could have taken the place of Rachel as Josephs mother. Therefore, it may be reasonably concluded that these two clauses are not arranged to imply two different periods of twenty years but rather to emphasize the significance of the one twenty year period in the mind of Laban. It doesn't make much sense that Benjamin was a little over nine-years-old when he traveled to Egypt, and unlikely that Joseph would make that request. Let us look at both sides. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Thus, Joseph was possibly at least 5 or 6 years old when Benjamin was born. If Dinah was born any length of time after Joseph, say the second year of Jacob's, six year service for Laban's cattle, this would make Dinah fourteen years old or even less when this experience with Shechem occurred. @collenndhlovu - Joseph and Benjamin were the last two sons born to Joseph after he was 90 years old, and both by his most beloved wife, Rachel. During what period did he father twelve children? (Gen. 42:15, ESV). It will be remembered that Jacob had bargained with Laban to serve him seven years for his daughter Rachel. 3 His Mother, Rachel, Died in Childbirth And they drew Joseph up and lifted him out of the pit, and sold him to the Ishmaelites for twenty shekels of silver. 18 Jacob was in love with Rachel and said, Ill work for you seven years in return for your younger daughter Rachel.. How can I change a sentence based upon input to a command? Did Jacob acquire all his wealth in Paddan Aram in the last 6 years of working for Laban? His brothers are recorded as living to the ages of 110-137 (avg being around 126 years), so he likely lived to at least 120 years old. He reunites with his son Joseph after twenty-two years. Benjamin was also born in the land of Canaan, and his name meant Son of My Days, according to the Hebrew. Jacob seems to be in the prime of his strength at this point in his life. After entering into a proposal of marriage with Rachel, he works for 7 years(Bride price for Rachel) Gets married to Leah instead. (Genesis 31:41, KJV). That means Joseph was born when Isaac was about 152. If Benjamin was born before Gen 37 opens, then that would entail that when the whole family goes to Egypt, Benjamin would be at least 22 years old. Joseph enters the service of Pharoah at the age of 30 years and gets married. Genesis 29:26-28. This is an extreme contradiction with the ancient history calculation of eighteen years of age. Hence, the brothers rekindled their love for each other, and they were filled with joy that Joseph was still alive. He married his two wives (sisters) seven years later at the age of 78. Charles L. Zimmerman holds the B. Meets Jacob when he was 39 years old. Projective representations of the Lorentz group can't occur in QFT! Now, we must look at when Joseph was born. into slavery and about 22 years before Isaac died. He was 32 years old. Jacob was born when Issac was 60 years old. Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professors, theologians, and those interested in exegetical analysis of biblical texts. The main refutation and weakness of this interpretation lies in the grammar of the text. Child translates or yeled, glossed child, son, boy, youth; while typically this means child, a significant amount of time it means youth or young man and thus can refer to a young grown man. His wisdom, given by God, is rewarded by elevating him to the second most powerful position in Egypt (verses 39 - 46). And Jacob said to Pharaoh, The years of my pilgrimage are a hundred and thirty. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. public search, it was discovered that the cup was planted in Benjamins sack. Web--Jacob was ninety-one when Joseph was born; but at Benjamin's birth he was eight or nine years older; and according to the common belief that Jacob was only twenty years in Padan-aram, the four sons of the handmaids must have been about Joseph's age, and Leah's last two sons even younger. Issac marries at 40 years and has twins at 60 years . In these verses Jacob mentions twenty years of service to Laban two times. However, it is certain that Benjamin was known to Joseph. However, Judah, one of Josephs brothers, spoke up and begged for Benjamin to be released. 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how old was jacob when benjamin was born