lack of spontaneity as a weakness

Peripheral polyneuropathies tend to be most noticeable in the longest nerves (ie, weakness is more prominent in the distal limb than the proximal and in legs more than arms) and produce signs of lower motor neuron dysfunction (eg, decreased reflexes and muscle tone). Causes of muscle weakness are treated. It is more common among read more , motor neuron disorders, acquired myopathies, most tumors). Do you think, this is what you want your interviewer to assume about your personality? WebAll of Gods creation is good, evil is a lack of being and goodness. In patients with diabetes who take insulin or antihyperglycemic read more ; with treatment, hypoglycemia and the resulting weakness resolve. The bosses and managers are often concerned about this. Spinal cord MRI (or CT myelography) is done routinely to rule out spinal cord compression or other myelopathies (see table Some Causes of Muscle Weakness Some Causes of Muscle Weakness ). Strokes can be Ischemic (80%), typically resulting read more (the most common cause of unilateral weakness), Neuropathies Peripheral Neuropathy Peripheral neuropathy is dysfunction of one or more peripheral nerves (the part of a nerve distal to the root and plexus). Weakness is also known as asthenia, which is the medical term for weakness or lack of energy or strength. The RBC mass represents the read more, Anorexia and weight loss: Cancer or other chronic illness, Change in color of urine: Porphyria Overview of Porphyrias Porphyrias are rare disorders in which there are defects in the pathway of heme synthesis due to genetic or acquired deficiencies of enzymes of the heme biosynthetic pathway. Being a slow thinker I seem to need to carefully plan everything I do, which kills spontaneity, and spontaneity is said to be important, and I agree it is. Ignition failure (temporary freezing in place when starting to walk, followed by festination): Parkinson disease Parkinson Disease Parkinson disease is a slowly progressive, degenerative disorder characterized by resting tremor, stiffness (rigidity), slow and decreased movement (bradykinesia), and eventually gait and/or read more, Apraxia, as when feet stick to the floor: Normal-pressure hydrocephalus or other frontal lobe disorders, Limb asymmetry, as when patients drag a leg, have reduced arm swing, or both: Hemispheric stroke, Instability during turns: Parkinsonism Secondary and Atypical Parkinsonism Secondary parkinsonism refers to a group of disorders that have features similar to those of Parkinson disease but have a different etiology. Tapping a muscle (eg, hypothenar) may induce fasciculations in neuropathies or a myotonic contraction in myotonic dystrophy. While preparing for this answer you must keep in mind what position you have applied for and whether the reply that you will give will affect your chances of getting selected or not. Mild asymmetry during tongue protrusion may be normal. Asthenia, also known as weakness, is the feeling of body fatigue or tiredness. This candidate confessed to needing extra time to prepare and to not being good at spontaneous and impromptu speaking. While identifying your worst traits probably wont be the most fun part of your interview, there are ways to spin interview questions about weaknesses to your advantage. But Norwegian executives still beating a positive drum about record bookings over the last several months. In such cases, testing practices vary widely. Voluntary movement is initiated in the cerebral motor cortex, at the posterior aspect of the frontal lobe. Spontaneity is pleasing, sometimes beautiful, but it is not in this instance the highest quality of the thing to be obtained. Think of things that dont come naturally to you that require extra preparation. Ataxia may Unless the cause is obvious, routine laboratory tests (CBC, electrolytes [including calcium and magnesium], glucose, kidney and liver function tests, TSH, ESR, hepatitis C serologic testing) are usually done. WebFor many couples, the lack of spontaneity rears its ugly head in the bedroom first. You can come up with a one liner, but that would not explain anything to the interviewer, therefore, rather than saying something like I am dominating you can say that when time is pressing and you see that loads of work is there to be completed, you tend to pressurize the team member to work harder just like you to get it done on time. But, in case you are talking about public speaking as your weakness, then you will have to frame it properly. If myelopathy is suspected, MRI can detect lesions in the spinal cord. The neck, axillae, and inguinal area should be palpated for adenopathy; any thyromegaly is noted. Describing weakness in a neutral manner and in concise format: When you are talking about your weakness you can explain it concisely without getting into so much of intricate In her operations role, however, it was an infrequent part of the job, and she showed that she could get by given advance time to prepare. Poor Environment. The lack of a procedure to determine equilibrium thermodynamic properties of a small system interacting with a bath is frequently seen as a weakness of conventional statistical mechanics. Consider how the hiring manager will interpret your weakness. Take a spontaneous one-hour road trip. Clinicians can use MRI to identify muscle inflammation, as occurs in inflammatory myopathies. This is accomplished when human beings are made into living corpses who lack any spontaneity or freedom. Clinicians should also ask about the onset of weakness (sudden or gradual) and progression (eg, constant, worsening, intermittent) of symptoms. FRANK DEL RIO: We simply don't see any weakness. Reflexes How to Assess Reflexes (See also Introduction to the Neurologic Examination) Deep tendon (muscle stretch) reflex testing evaluates afferent nerves, synaptic connections within the spinal cord, motor nerves, and descending read more are tested. Hereditary motor neuropathies often go unrecognized in families because of variable, incomplete phenotypic expression. Social history should note the following: Use of alcohol: Suggesting alcoholic myopathy, Illicit drug use: Suggesting increased risk of HIV/AIDS, bacterial infections, tuberculosis, or stroke due to cocaine use, Occupational or other exposure to toxins (eg, organophosphate insecticides, heavy metals, industrial solvents), Recent travel: Suggesting Lyme disease, tick paralysis, diphtheria, or a parasitic infection, A complete neurologic and muscle examination is done to identify localizing or diagnostic findings. If deep tendon reflexes appear absent, they may be elicited by augmentation with Jendrassik maneuver (eg, trying to pull the hands apart while they are clasped together). Common symptoms include visual and oculomotor abnormalities, paresthesias, weakness read more. Weakness that becomes severe within minutes or less is usually caused by severe trauma or stroke; in stroke, weakness is usually unilateral and can be mild or severe. There is no single best answer to any interview question because it must be authentic to you (therefore it varies person-by-person) and it must be relevant to the interviewer (i.e., a weakness cant be a deal-breaker, a strength should be a key responsibility). Hyporeflexia may be normal throughout life or occur with aging, but findings should be symmetric and augmentation should elicit reflexes that are otherwise absent. While being honest with yourself is important, being too honest can set off alarm bells. A person experiencing weakness may not be able to move a certain part of But, you dont do that, instead you try something even worse, like saying I tend to overwork at times. The answer "perfectionism" won't cut it when talking about your biggest weakness because it's not a real weakness. Spontaneity and patience are also another factors in social work that is a weakness. This national bourgeoisie is in conflict with the masses. The following factors can cause a sudden onset of weakness, shakiness, or tiredness: Hypoglycemia : In this condition, blood sugar drops below 70 milligrams (mg) Yes it's a problem here. Common mechanisms of weakness thus include dysfunction of, Upper motor neurons (corticospinal and corticobulbar tract lesions), Lower motor neurons (eg, due to peripheral polyneuropathies or anterior horn cell lesions). One way to approach this problem is to enclose the small Older people take more drugs and are more susceptible to drug-induced myopathies, neuropathies, and fatigue; thus, drugs are a common cause of weakness in older people. If you have some issue which you know will come up during the interview, but the interviewer is not comfortable talking about it, then you can bring it up on your own. Weakness that is most noticeable in muscles innervated by the longest nerves (ie, distal more than proximal, legs more than arms), particularly with loss of distal sensation, suggests lower motor neuron dysfunction due to peripheral polyneuropathy. Say yes to things that scare you just a little, as even if you dont enjoy them, youll learn something new. AI and Automation Powered Recruitment Trends 2022 Webinar, The Biggest Challenge of Managing Remote Recruiters, The Best Chrome Extensions for Recruiters Are, Coronavirus and Working From Home Policy Best Practices, How to Write an Elite Executive Resume? Strong communication is essential for managers, as they're responsible for giving directions and feedback to their employees, preparing written reports and completing other tasks that involve communication. If fatigue has no anatomic or temporal pattern of weakness in patients with a normal physical examination, suspect chronic fatigue syndrome, an as-yet undiscovered systemic illness (eg, severe anemia, hypothyroidism, Addison disease), a psychologic problem (eg, depression), or an adverse drug effect. It was during the conflict management classes that you realized how your directness must have affected the person on the other side. Our registered office is at 777 Bay Street, Suite 2000 PO Box 128, Toronto, Ontario, M5G 2C8. Initial tests usually include some combination of a complete blood count (CBC), electrolytes (including calcium and magnesium), glucose, kidney and liver function tests, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and hepatitis C serologic testing. Caroline welcomes your comments and questions. For example, Weakness accompanied by upper motor signs plus other signs such as aphasia, mental status abnormalities, or other cortical dysfunction: A brain lesion, Unilateral upper motor neuron signs (spasticity, hyperreflexia, extensor plantar response) and weakness involving an arm and a leg on the same side of the body: A contralateral hemispheric lesion, most often a stroke, Upper or lower motor neuron signs (or both) plus loss of sensation below a segmental spinal cord level and loss of bowel or bladder control (or both): A spinal cord lesion. Fatigue may persist weeks or read more ), endocrine disorders, renal failure Chronic Kidney Disease Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is long-standing, progressive deterioration of renal function. Family history should include known hereditary disorders (eg, hereditary muscle disorders, channelopathies, metabolic myopathies, hereditary neuropathies) and presence of similar symptoms in family members (suggesting a possible unrecognized hereditary disorder). Lack of confidence is a common weakness that can cause inefficiencies in your work. Im trying to be more selective about the projects I agree to take on, and upfront with my coworkers about how long it will take to complete deliverables.. Enter search terms to find related medical topics, multimedia and more. You might even begin to only have sex on Saturday mornings. Theyre not looking for perfection (or at least, they shouldnt be!) Chronic diseases such as diabetes or kidney disease can also cause anemia . Disorders of the spinal cord may affect tracts from upper motor neurons, lower motor neurons (anterior horn cells), or both. And the good news is that inexperience is something we all start off with. We guarantee you every hiring manager and recruiter under the sun has heard these type of answers on a daily basis for the duration of their career. Being vulnerable is uncomfortable. Other important findings during inspection include the moon facies of Cushing syndrome and the parotid enlargement, smooth hairless skin, ascites, and vascular spiders of chronic alcohol use. (See also Red Blood Cell Production.) A cremasteric reflex can test the integrity of the upper lumbar cord and roots in males. Physical therapy is usually helpful in improving strength no matter what the cause is. Somehow, the concept of spontaneity didn't fit him. Caroline Ceniza-Levine is a business and career expert, having launched a range of eclectic businesses from SixFigureStart (career coaching) to FBC Films (independent film production). If myopathy is suspected (suggested by muscle weakness, muscle cramping, and pain), muscle enzymes (eg, creatine kinase [CK], aldolase, lactic dehydrogenase [LDH]) may be measured. Exact cause is unknown read more , or chronic fatigue syndrome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS, also called myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome [ME/CFS]) is a syndrome of life-altering fatigue lasting > 6 months that is unexplained and is accompanied read more may report weakness or fatigue but have no defined objective abnormalities. A truncal bandlike tingling and pressure in a dermatomal distribution is a spinal cord sign that occurs with both intrinsic and extrinsic lesions. Some decrease in deep tendon reflexes is common with aging, but asymmetry or absence of these reflexes with augmentation is abnormal. Lack of confidence is a common weakness, especially among entry-level contributors. However, having a lack of confidence can sometimes cause inefficiencies in ones work. For example, you might feel unqualified to speak up during an important meeting when your idea could actually help the team to achieve a goal. Will you pour your heart out about the weaknesses you have or will you hide it from your interviewer as well? History of present illness should begin with open-ended questions, asking patients to describe in detail what they are experiencing as weakness. Weakness is loss of muscle strength, although many patients also use the term when they feel generally read more ). The anatomic pattern of weakness is characterized by specific motor tasks that are difficult to do. How to Become a Bounty Hunter A Complete Guide, 150 Best Inspirational or Motivational Good Morning Messages, Top 50 Highest Paying Jobs or Careers in the World, What Can You Bring to The Company? Evaluation of weakness should try to distinguish true muscular weakness from fatigue, then check for findings that help establish the location or mechanism (eg, whether weakness is caused by dysfunction of the brain, spinal cord, plexuses, peripheral nerves, neuromuscular junction, or muscles) and, when possible, the cause. When you are talking about your weakness you can explain it concisely without getting into so much of intricate details about why it happened and how. Were talking about: whats your biggest weakness? Some hard-hitting interviewers will take it even further and ask for 3 examples. Malingering and other functional weakness is often characterized by give-way weakness, in which normal strength of effort suddenly gives way. RANDSTAD,,HUMAN FORWARD and SHAPING THE WORLD OF WORK are registered trademarks of Randstad N.V. RandstadN.V. 2020, tips to prepare for a job interview when youre on the autism spectrum. About 370,000 Palestinians live in the 70 sq.k. Diffuse atrophy may be most evident in the hands, face, and shoulder girdle. How do you answer? the contrast between an adults formality and a childs spontaneity; Weakness that progresses steadily over hours to days may be caused by acute or subacute disorders (eg, spinal cord compression, transverse myelitis, spinal cord ischemia or hemorrhage, Guillain-Barr syndrome, sometimes muscle wasting caused by a critical illness, rhabdomyolysis, botulism Botulism Botulism is poisoning that is due to Clostridium botulinum toxin and that affects the peripheral nerves. What is your biggest mistake? Then, specific questions can be asked, particularly about the ability to do specific tasks, including brushing teeth or hair, speaking, swallowing, rising from a chair, climbing stairs, and walking. The key to talking about your weaknesses in an interview setting is to choose a weakness that can be improved with time and effort. Instead, she ends up doing wrong due to a weakness of will (Kant 1793, Bk I, 2425). Copyright 2023 Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA and its affiliates. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Weba way of behaving in which you do what feels natural and good whenever you want to, rather than planning things first: I got fed up with his procrastinating and lack of spontaneity. Cause is thought read more , myasthenia gravis, radiculopathies, Eaton-Lambert syndrome) cause proximal and distal weakness, but one pattern may be more prominent at first. Being vulnerable and fessing up to a real flaw takes courage. Other symptoms may be present depending on the cause. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis may be unnecessary for some disorders diagnosed during imaging (eg, epidural tumor) and is contraindicated if CSF block (eg, due to epidural spinal cord compression) is suspected. The following responses suggest certain disorders or locations of lesions: The classic Babinski reflex (the great toe extends and the other toes fan apart) is highly specific for a corticospinal tract lesion. What is Omnichannel Recruitment Marketing? Weakness with lower motor neuron signs may result from a disorder affecting one or more peripheral nerves; such a disorder has very specific patterns of weakness (eg, wristdrop in radial nerve injury). Remember that a weakness isnt necessarily bad. It sounds like you aren't able to finish your work on time, even if that isn't what you meant! If you have a standing Zoom call with friends, shake it up: Play a game. For example, patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Other Motor Neuron Diseases (MNDs) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other motor neuron diseases are characterized by steady, relentless, progressive degeneration of corticospinal tracts, anterior horn cells, bulbar motor nuclei read more (ALS) may have findings of both upper and lower motor neuron dysfunction. No, so it is important that you know what all you have to do before you prepare your answer. The skin is examined for jaundice, pallor, rash, and striae. Lack of confidence A common weakness that could be due to your personality or a result of inefficiencies in your work. The interviewer will understand that you havent come prepared for this question and you are making it up on the spot. One candidate I interviewed who handled the weakness question well stated her weakness as presentation skills, specifically presenting to a large group. She didnt say she was a nervous wreck or someone who gets booed off the stage. If you say that you get scared when you have to speak in front of a large audience, then it is a weakness, but nothing major which will impact your job at the moment. If youre the planner and your partner is the spontaneous one, suggest two days of switching roles. A rectal examination is done to check for heme-positive stool. Depending on the causes of your anemia, you might have no symptoms. Posture to counteract weakness and enhance blood flow to the brain (Photo credit: Wikipedia). Weakness and fatigue tend to cause different symptoms: Weakness: Patients typically complain that they cannot do specific tasks. Public Speaking seems to be the safest answer when asked about weaknesses, but remember that must not be the case always. Review the job description closely and steer clear of skills and expertise directly related to the role you want. Complete paralysis accompanied by absent reflexes and severely depressed muscle tone (flaccidity) occurs in sudden, severe spinal cord injury (spinal shock). Describing specifically what the patient can or cannot do is often more useful than simply assigning a number for level of weakness, particularly for assessing changes in weakness over time. WebSpontaneity definition: Spontaneity is spontaneous, natural behaviour. WebNoun. WebLack of confidence and low self-esteem can kill you from inside because you see yourself as an adequate, unworthy, unlovable, and incompetent person. When you feel sexy, devote the afternoon to sex and intimacy. You understood that this is posing as a hindrance in your career and that is the reason with the help of your manager, you took presentation skills program which was held internally and by the end of it you were able to stand in front of a town hall filled with people and provide a 15 minute presentation without fumbling and with full attention from the audience. If true weakness is present (and usually after risk of acute ventilatory failure is assessed), initial testing typically focuses on determining the mechanism of weakness. Evaluation should focus on reversible factors. For example, cardiopulmonary dysfunction or anemia can cause fatigue due to dyspnea or exercise intolerance. Signs and symptoms, if they do occur, might include: Fatigue Weakness Pale or yellowish skin Irregular heartbeats Shortness of breath Dizziness or lightheadedness Chest pain Cold Review the job description closely and steer clear of skills and expertise directly related to the role want! 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lack of spontaneity as a weakness