chances of getting caught lying on faa medical

Thats a great question, Ben. John is a Certified Flight Instructor, who for the past decade, has worked at flight schools teaching students of all ages how to fly and takes enormous pride and satisfaction seeing his students become licensed pilots. Should I mention this to my AME? Consider the following tabulations on the number of deaths per year in various activities: Motorcycle deaths 4500 I was told at a young age I could not fly with one eye, but latter in life I found out I could with a medical waver. If you have ever been denied a medical, you still cannot go in and just use your drivers license. They, and AOPA, worked with me to get it corrected. The absurdity is having a major federal bureaucracy policing this incredibly low number of deaths. I dont remember the exact incidence of pilot incapacitations that they quote at the AME seminars, but it is extremely low. Has anyone seen that data? We have a very good AME in our area. FAA needs to justify their man hours.with scapegoats. I see my doctor at least once a year and sometimes twice he says Im healthy, But I dont trust the FAA. Im about done flying, it is expensive enough without the FAA making it more so needlessly. The all have SODA and continue to fly. There are people who should not fly, and the current system induces many of them to overcome their passions and cease flying as PIC. That process will have to be repeated every year. Most get grounded for a year? One of the greatest fears among aspiring and qualified pilots is not being issued or losing their medical certificate. 2years ago my nephew a commercial flight captain had an in flight blackout he has been seen by several neurological specialists who can find nothing wrong but he has been told he cannot fly commercially until he has been clear for ten years is this correct and is there anything he can do. I have been a private pilot since 10/05/2013 I know that the medical form is a self certifying process that can have good or bad risks but you never know what the FAA has access to since their a government organization/department. see you in the cockpit!! Just curious, as I am considering it and wondering about others experiences. SO ITS FLY TILL I DIE OR GO TO PRISON. Do You Need A PHD To Be A Medical Scientist? That resulted in the rejection of my 2010 medical! If it makes you feel any better, the doctors office transposed two numbers in the date of the exam. Did you know that most of the articles at Air Facts are written by readers like you? We can never win with you, only lose. I dont think its ever been a question about whether pilots lie. And the FAAs restrictions regarding SSRIs effectively make it impossible for use by commercial pilots. I lost some respect for FAA there. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I HAVE NEVER ACTUALLY TRIED FOR A MEDICAL OR A LISENSE AS FAR AS THAT GOES. I see a lack of evidence that this saves lives. For over 50 years, pilots turned to Richard L. Collins for his unique perspective on the challenges and rewards of flying light aircraft. Generally, first-class is designed for the airline transport pilot; second-class for the commercial pilot; and third-class for the student, recreational and private pilot. Do you need a medical to operate a large motor home, car, boat, sand dune buggy, tractor, motorcycle, etc, etc. For airmen, this, like so many other aspects of aviation, is a judgment call'but one that also gets tangled up in personal ethics. My problem is with it taking MONTHS of run around after the issue is handled to the FAAs satisfaction per the conditions they themselves tell us we need to meet. Unfortunately, this can result in some pilots opting to lie on their medical. There are too many who are afraid of liability. He memorized the color chart. Yet, until recently, the FAA wouldnt allow any pilot to be treated with an SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) a medication with an excellent safety record concerning accidents. And, apparently, if and applicant for a first medical certificate with student certificate has had epilepsy, he/she can be deferred even if seizure-free for more than 10 years. I can only speak from my personal experience as a pilot with a special issuance medical. So by that, one could lie of not having epilepsy for example even though they have! But knowing that the FAA has little humor, we all put no. I fly for a living. The FAA as a whole believes all people should fly if they desire. There could be a much better system in place that would not compromise safety of small aircraft. (No misprint.) I WAS A BIRD DOG PILOT IN VIETNAM FOR 3+ YEARS WHEN I WAS SENT TO THE DECK BY SMALL ARMS FIRE. Would be drowsy at odd times. I can understand, in the last 5 years, but most of my things are now 20 years old and I still have to report them-no change. By now most of you know there are way too many federal employees standing around over paid and coming up with way too many regulations to try and justify their job. I reported controlled hypertension on my questionnaire. I started flying and was completely awe-stricken. If the problem went away, petition the FAA to remove the requirement for special issuance. Your, AME will review your MedXPress application. If pilots routinely lie, but its never a safety issue, why do we have medicals in the first place? If your application passes AMCDs scrutiny, the certificate your AME issued will remain valid for a period of time determined by your age and the type of certificate you applied for. Compared to all causes of death, these are infinitesimal numbers. Even patients, with well controlled epilepsy, may safely drive. Good Luck. These are a few of the most frequently asked questions pilots have concerning the FAA and their medical certificate. FAA sets up high-level alerts for missed airline inspections, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. He wouldnt go to hell and back (becoming a commercial pilot) if he didnt want his dream. Its sad. Now then, back to your question do pilots lie about medical conditions to their AME naaaaaaah! That cost me about six months of flying. Until the rules change, abide by them, and make sure you self monitor. Thanks,for the new online magazine. Im not trying to be deceitful, but I really want to be prepared for this interview and I dont see the importance of something that wont effect flying. '[T]here is probably some justification for that,' he acknowledged in a 1998 interview, noting that the FAA is 'extremely conservative' when it comes to medical matters. Perhaps most problematic is that these medications are disqualifying in and of themselves. I am not an AME but am a flying physician with long experience chairing and serving on the EAA Aeromedical Council. The flight surgeon is not my friend. TH REASON IS FOR INJURIES I RECIEVED WHEN MY 01 LANDED WITH OUT A RUNWAY. The medical only looks at your health at the point in time. Gordon, I've known guys who've cheated the system but have never heard of anyone in or close to my circle of pilot frinds who've had any aeromedical violation investigations. Then, I initiated actions to get tested, never dreaming that FAA would punish me for being conscientious and wanting to be fully alert. Since I asked to have myself tested for apnea, and found it was a problem, and now use a Constant Positive Air Pressure (CPAP) machine, FAA dogs me annually. If you qualify for an FAA medical certificate, they will issue it to you at the end of your appointment, document your exam findings, and transmit your application to the FAA. the more you say no the more you are hurting your own self. I am working with a private party who specializes in this sort of thing and he cant really give me definitive answers either; just educated opinion and guidance. The list of silliness just goes on and on. What makes an airplane as a machine so different. Sure BUT would that condition really effect his flying? The questionaire is so impossible to answer honestly because it uses the word ever. Well, I believe we should have to have a medical to operate a car, a motorcycle, a truck, a bus, a train or any type of machine that is exposed to or involved in transportation. If you ever need to submit medical records to the FAA, they will review everything you give them. The FAA processes close to 400,000 flight physicals every year. In fact, it would be easier to get an approval with an assault record than for a DUI record. Those marathons at age 26 paid off. So do we really want 10+% of our commercial pilots to be flying with untreated major depressive disorders? Why would I want to go through the unbelievable hassle of explaining myself to a bunch of know-nothing bureaucrats and internal medicine doctors who dont know their ass from their elbow about depression beyond some laughably simplistic characterization of the disorder in a diagnostics manual? What Are the Chances of Getting Caught Lying on an FAA Medical? So, I can only assume that the FAA will see it so there is no question about having to report it myself. But sharing them with the FAA is detrimental to your health. you disclose something that warrants further information or investigation, or something happens to you like an accident, incident, or disciplinary action which the FAA will then thoroughly investigate. PER your admission the need for a medical is a mute issue I drive there for I fly. Again, take a look at the AME Guide on the FAA website. I'm not offering any advice on what to do. Im older now and have some typical late 40s health issues. The AME might be required to defer your Medical Certificate, but you will be 3-4 months ahead by having the AME submit your medical information along with the 8500-8 rather than waiting for the FAA to ask for the information. Yeah thought so. In fact he asked me where did I see that I could make that attachment. Federal Air Surgeon Jon Jordan is very aware of the FAA fear factor among pilots who worry about the potential consequences of filling out the form truthfully. What Are the Chances of and Penalties for Getting Caught Lying on an FAA Medical? The next hell will be finding out what conditions they place on that SI. On the part of most pilots here its not lying. | site designed by. But, it was not the fault of the FAA, it was mine for not verifying the doctors statement before submitting it. Boating accident deaths 750 If you cant pass the physical you need to find another way to fly. Any law or rule, which is widely viewed by those subject to its enforcement as being unfair, unjust, capricious and arbitrary, because it has no basis in fact, will be disrespected and thus unenforceable. If you you diagnosed with some sort of Learning Disability like ADD,ADHD,OCD,LD it doesnt make a difference. I mean no offense, but other adults telling another adult whether or not to disclose something on a medical just doesn't seem right. Who gave the FAA the power to stop pilots from flying because they take antidepressants? In the end, it all worked out, but I was frustrated about having to locate records from retired doctors across the country-all because a desk bureaucrat figured they knew more about my health than 3 doctors who had recently examined me with aviation in mind. However, if you do get caught, at best you will lose your license. Gee I wonder how many Pilots become depressed because of the hasseles from the FAA. I dont know for a fact other pilots lie on their medical, but pretty sure some I know do. This is one of those typical government deny-theres-a-problem attitudes that eventually comes to a head when something major and catastrophic happens. Some records reviewer in OKC can not guarantee those in my aircraft a safe journey only I can do that. An exam for a third class medical certificate with a student pilot certificate can cost between $75 and $150. Those pilots who lie on the FAA exams are likely to lie to themselves if/when they self certify etc. Probably, we certainly arent as full of ourselves as I was when I was a young man. The cost of the medical exam will vary by location and examiner as well as the type of exam given. N.C., one does not have the right to lie to the feds investigating an illegal act. In the latest installment of The Great Debate, Richard Collins asks you to weigh in on whether pilots are truthful when they visit the AME. I do recommend that you do ask your AME any questions regarding your medications and or your medical history and assist in the gathering of medical records relating to what condition you may have and also the same for your arrest/and or correctional history to explain why on the medical form in the explanations page. I will follow that up with a word of warning. At worse, you may face a hefty fine or even criminal prosecution. While I dont think most will lie on their medicals, I feel that some will if they have an issue and are in fear of losing their certificate(s). The FAA will then require more detailed medical information before they can determine if you qualify for a medical certificate. At worse, you may face a hefty fine or even criminal prosecution. But with such a vague statement, you can see why many pilots may unintentionally get themselves into trouble. I confessed to marriage counseling and I got snagged for about $1k+ of testing. Ive held a private certificate since 1991 and fly for pleasure and fun, occassionally with passengers and somtimes just to stay current. What are the chances of getting caught lying on an FAA medical? Logic dictates that if the medical requirement did not exist, the number of incapacitations would be somewhat higher. I have to weigh in on this issue. Managing a flight department or want to offer a premium service to your club members or students. They ask about frequent or severe yet dont define how frequent is frequent or how severe is severe. At a certain point there is the issue of freedom vs safety. Your signature at the bottom authorizes the FAA to search the National Drivers Registry for violations involving alcohol or illegal drugs, for instance, so you may want to think twice about trying to conceal a drunk driving conviction. by Paul Engstrom, Aviation Writer and IFA Member. There are about 450-500 deaths per year in ALL of general aviation. I can meet Class 1 if I fib. Im not saying I have a medical cert, but if I did this is what I would do. So, instead of less regulation, we need more and along with that comes enforcement. I understand why a lot of this stuff, like the sport pilot initiative, takes so long and always falls short, but cmon, this one is easy and its gonna bite them in the ass. You wouldn't report your dad or grandpa if he had a serious medical condition that could endanger his passengers and he was lying about it? Pilots also fly without annual inspections, insurance and they might even go flying without getting a briefing first. hej Jim, you couldnt describe better the current situation: from Aryan superman to weelchair pilot. The Aviation Medical is the most expensive physical exam I have ever had and also the least thorough medical exam I have ever had. This is why sometimes it becomes necessary to avoid telling the attending physician more than is necessary least the physician spin the whole condition in different light by making a mountain out of a mole hill, thereby destroying the flying career of the pilot for something that even the physician himself or herself is not sure about. Auto correct makes illiterates of us all. No, get a different one. When I joined the military, it popped up at MEPs and I had to complete a waiver but I was allowed to go to boot camp. They didnt even send him a letter informing him about his conduct. You had better not try to get on medication to calm you down and thus make you a safer pilot because you will no longer be able to fly. I have just been advised that I can take a NPPL which just requires a certificate of good health from my doctor. For example, what if one is tired or snores. As a 74 year old pilot, I feel that seeing the Aviation Doc every two years is good for my health. The real question is; Do you trust you AME? When that happens, your whole medical history will come under review. Try to determine why it is required of you, but not others, with OSA. No he should not have been grounded. Im no danger to anyone because I dont particularly like myself. Period. Additionally, I believe this would be a tremendous economic boon for the industry as a whole. Make no mistake: Form 8500-8 is a legal instrument, unlike many other documents. There are about 450-500 fatalities per year in all of GA. It does happen. No, of course you should not lie to your AME, but you should find one who knows how to work with you, and the FAA, to successfully maneuver around those inevitable issues which are bound to come up from time to time during a life of flying. Now I prefer Wingwalking. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); All information found on is intended for informational and educational purposes only. PIDGON IN A HAWK PACK, I love what my Union representative says, You should never lie, but there are many different ways of telling the truth.. Period. Such a persons private physician(s) might not think so, but those physician(s) have no say in the matter. He issued my medical with a waiver. You know what, I think we should drown the FAA in paperwork in protest. Should I expect the FAA to understand my circumstance if theyre going to pull a pilots ticket for marital counseling? Is the time and expense involved worth it? From the archives: how valuable are check rides? But, I dont think my level of forthcoming on the application was typical. Having people squeal on them? The FAA Cannot possibly know all the doctors or hospitals you have ever been to unless you tell them. Few people have memory of everything diagnosed as a child, how many appoinments one has been to in the last 3 years, or even knowledge of what the doctor has put in your medical record. Telling the truth in MedXPress is clearly the right thing to do, but that is not what this article is about. Google "Operation Safe Pilot." In a blatant violation of the privacy act of 1974 as amended, the FAA, DOT Inspector General, and SSA Inspector General, conducted an illegal database match looking for common personally identifying information (names and/or social security numbers) in the FAA medical certificate database and the SSA Title 2 and Title 16 disability databases of 45,000 Northern . I took medication for years, before I decided I didn't like and chose to stop taking meds (with my parents). We should not be subjected to this inquisitional questionnaire in the first place. whether, in their life, have they been diagnosed with, had, or presently have a history of ADHD. How about the person that might have some minor anxiety issues? But, its on the list that would prevent me from passing my medical, so I did not name them. The FAA is charged with both promoting aviation and regulating its safety, which can be conflicting responsibilities. For those who fly for a living, YOU are the natural enemy doctor. you say he flys solo whats it to you, Gee I fell out of bead a week ago and wacked my head I wonder if I should tell the FAA. Im old, crazy and hard of hearing bit like most experienced pilots I suppose. I need some advice from experienced pilots / medical professionals about a problem. But what happens when the FAA lies. That is approximately the same magnitude as deaths from lightning strikes, or falling out of bed (literally). However, if you do get caught, at best you will lose your license. I am a nurse and I see it all of the time. Ive been prescribed them, but have stopped taking them simply due to the fact that they are useless and I see no point in continuing to pour money down the drain for nothing. Coronary heart disease that has been treated or, if untreated, that has been symptomatic or clinically significant, Disturbance of consciousness without satisfactory explanation of the cause, A personality disorder that is severe enough to have repeatedly manifested itself by overt acts, Transient loss of control of nervous system function(s) without a satisfactory explanation of the cause. Emmons wait until you have an episode of situational hypertension or have to see a marriage counselor. Take two people, with same medical condition, one who has been denied previously and the other who has not. Some pilots are terrified of the FAA's power to revoke their flying privileges and, accordingly, bend or ignore the rules. Two of the pilots I know of with these problems have Class 1 Medical Certificates. Wiley Post would have never passed a physical. I can get it back, but I have to go through a fairly extensive bureaucratic morass to recover it, then jump through extra hoops over the years to keep it. Because of that, it is very easy to get away with lying on your medical certificate application. Ask your AME to call Oklahoma City and ask to speak with a physician about your case. He proceeded to read off the list and after a half dozen items to which I responded No, he said You wouldnt tell me if you had any of these, would you? My experience (in Italy for my first ever medical, to begin PPL training) is that if you tell the truth they dont believe you and declare you not able for flying unless supervised. If you have any concerns about your next FAA flight physical. They even asked me are you sure you never had epilepsy attacks?. A medical exam is required for a Commercial Driver License and for working on a commercial boat carrying passengers. Here is my suggestion: Expand the gross weight of light sport airplanes to something like 1800 pounds. Hmm cant spell worth a darn mostly dumb fingers will that get me rejected??? I found my regular doctor because I was looking for an AME. If the problem for which you have special issuance no longer exists, ask the FAA to cancel the SI. You are assumed to be lying. Thus, agencies such as the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Federal Bureau of Identification (FBI), for example, will most likely still be able to see your expunged records. Lie and get caught, you will lose your ticket, get fined, and possibly go to jail. If thats not a bigger threat to safety, I dont know what is. I can tell you from experience that once the AME releases their pronouncement, nothing else occurs. Most major airlines are in negotiations at this time, and many are contentious. There shouldnt be different standards for flying than are for driving. Taint worth messing up folks. Brian is absolutely right. He was the author of numerous books, including. You said they can search, where do they find that information? The FAA requires applicants with a diagnosis of epilepsy to be seizure-free for 10 years without medication before being considered for a medical certificate. Medical certificates are designated as first-class, second-class, or third-class. A trip to the pulmonologist to see if you have sleep apnea and subsequent CPAP will make you lose the ticket for a long time until you have jumped through very lengthy and expensive FAA hoops. The FAA is not there to police, but to screen, monitor, and facilitate the safety of the public with respect to aviation. ALTHOUGH IF I HAD ONE LITTLE INKLING OF BEING UNSAFE I WOULD QUIT. No, I have never lied on the medical application because I understood the ramifications in the event of an accident. With a second class medical, itll be 12 calendar months, and if you start with the third class medical, itll be for 24 calendar months. For Uncle Sam, though, this is anything but a judgment call. He never lied. People, in general, are in better health than they were 20-30 years ago, largely by not smoking, watching their weight, eating less fatty foods, etc. Since my late 30s, I have taken meds to control my blood pressure. no? Have you asked AOPA to assist you with getting your medical back? Ive no choice but be truthfull,but I am sure Ive flown with other pilots who are afraid of admitting or just dont admit that they are not fit to fly themselves or their passengers safely.Does that ache youve been noticing or even worse ignoring mean something? Can you say, Martha Stewart?, I do think that the First and Second class medical criteria should be more stringent.. The fibbing about a little issue. I would respect them more if they screened for problems and helped people cure them, rather than go over the hill with a knee jerk reaction. The application states once hired you must obtain a class 2 medical cert How is THAT not a red flag to someone??? I have patients with heart disease who are able to continue to fly on special issuance. Further, you fly with your family and maybe some of your employees if you use an aircraft for business transporation. An applicant who knowingly misrepresents the facts and gets caught can lose his or her pilot license forever and face a fine of up to $250,000, imprisonment for up to five years, or both. My understanding is that the FAA cannot see your personal medical records without your permission so how are guys getting caught. If you had physician visits since your last FAA medical and a chronic illness was found that might, in the FAAs terminology, be disqualifying, ask your AME when you call to make the appointment if you need to provide some information from your treating physician. PERIOD. No mercy from the FAA and I was not even allowed to go to a hearing I just got the notice of revocation one day and that was it. It was less rigorous than a regular over 40 physical, so I took one of those too. They are soulless people that treat you as a thing, not a human person. I dont know if all pilots lie during medicals, but I do know of one who did. If you did go fly one, it would be a violation of the Sport Pilot rule on self certification. In addition to providing your name, address, recent doctor appointments and hospitalizations, and details about your medical history, you will also need to acknowledge several warnings. What does NTSB say? How is that fair? You just hit a key to the problem. speaks to mental disorders of any sort. It goes on to give examples of depression, anxiety, etc. The FAA typically expects applicants to also identify at question 18m. An example is the FAAs recent rule change on anti-depressant use. I think that FAA should be concerned about this difficulty in people. In other words, bigger name on the other line. Online posts, including anonymous posts and posts made here on APC, have been used in lawsuits against unions. Requesting Medical Records. 'I get many calls from pilots who ask how to deal with a situation where a misrepresentation was made in the past'most often on a medical certificate application'which is now coming back to haunt them,' says attorney Charles M. Finkel. My driving record is perfect, but I have been wondering if the FAA will reject my certificate because of an assault charge that happened five years ago back when I was in highschool. Seek help, get punished? How do we know that health issues rarely cause flying accidents? But the standards are not different. Now a question: Should 80+ year old pilots with type II diabetes, hypertension, a coronary artery stent or two, on 3-4 medications be allowed to fly a 6000# gross weight airplane with 5 passengers up to 14,000 feet, VFR or IFR without having had a medical exam by an AME? Self certify etc a RUNWAY alerts for missed airline inspections, do not Sell or Share personal..., if you do get caught, at best you will lose your ticket, fined! Fly if they desire if/when they self certify etc but with such a vague statement, you face! An example is the issue of freedom vs safety the hasseles from archives. Diagnosis of epilepsy to be a tremendous economic boon for the next time I.... Do, but I dont remember the exact incidence of pilot incapacitations that they quote at the AME on! Seizure-Free for 10 years without medication before being considered for a third class medical.... 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chances of getting caught lying on faa medical