eu4 how to beat ottomans late game

Naval superiority would be a good idea if you can get it against the Ottos, to try and prevent the bosphorus and dardanelles crossing. With everyone on different sides, and AI sucks at doing multi front wars, Ottoman will usually go for one country instead of everyone at once, allowing the rests of the nations to siege freely. Although you can speed up conquest by using diplomatic entanglements, wars with the Mamluks will mostly be you chipping away at them over time. We cant have that! It may not display this or other websites correctly. Then you declare war on Byzantium a few years after 1444 and pray the Ottomans do so too after you. They dont grant permanent claims, so only do them when youre ready to attack Hungary once more. The whole of the Bosporus should be your main target for conquest. Build up your naval forces if you are uncertain of your navys ability, take. If your army has at least 20 Janissary regiments or over 20% of the army is Janissaries, and your stability is negative, you may be facing theJanissary Coupdisaster which hurts your technological advancements tremendously. Afterward, you can focus on expanding your coastal possessions to gain more power in the Horn of Africa trade node. If you also have to fight your next target only take cash for shorter truce. With these claims, youll get a great opportunity to expand your holdings when theReligious League Warfires. There we have it the end of our EU4 guide, as we made the Ottomans easy! If you share borders, build some forts and have some battles with -1/-2 modifiers. . After finishing up Sicily and Morocco, you can cross the Strait of Gibraltar and siege Spain itself. This part of the guide may look completely different from mine. If you want to spice up lategame i recommend some RP. If their manpower gets low and/or they're in multiple wars, the time might be right to pile on. This campaign in EU4 is designed around a slower playstyle by myself, Chewy, and doing my best to explain the basics of EU4 while building upon them through actual gameplay. In that war, I took Constantinople and Edirne to stop them from crossing the strait without going around. Sometimes even the mighty Ottomans get in over their head. In the previous part, we covered the remainder of the Age of Discovery and built the Ottomans from a major power to a powerhouse. In my case, Hungary got into a war with Austria, which saw both their units occupied. By giving them Mosul, I was able to vassalize them. They are inferior later on. Your vassal may have some cores left in my case, Makuria had a core on Dongola, so use that and declare war. Arabia shouldnt give you any issues. While if they attack them with you not allied to said nation, it's that big country plus it's allies and then you can start a war with your allies against the Ottoman at the same time. great project. The Ottomans in 1444 are a regional power, in the process of securing control over Anatolia and the Balkans. Which, if any, DLC do you have? Your situation might differ from mine, but I had to deal with a massive Timurids that united all of Persia. is a province you will need to retake the Caliphate. You can trap their navies and force them out to reduce their naval strength, but thats completely optional. While you prepare for a war with Tunis, consolidate your holdings. Also wipe the troops they will continue building in Europe before they can coalesce into an army. When you control these cities, you gain the permanent modifier. with Castille/Aragon/England or smth. Europa Universalis 4 (EU4) Guide: Ottomans Made Easy Early Game, Europa Universalis 4 (EU4) Guide: Ottomans Made Easy Mid Game, 10 Europa Universalis 4 Beginner Tips for Empire Building, 9 Handy Europa Universalis 4 Cheats to Activate, Battle Crush: The New Multiplayer Battle Brawler by NCSOFT Set to Release in Late 2023, Remorse: The List 10 Xbox Keys Giveaway, 10 Games Releasing In March To Look Out For. I prefer to leave Ethiopia alone for most of the run, and simply conquer around them. So, feel free to jump around in this guide to have it suit your campaign. Once youve taken the east coast of Arabia, you can complete the mission to. . This campaign in EU4 is designed around a slower playstyle by myself, Chewy, and doing my best to explain the. Remember to enact the fortification edict on all provinces containing a fort, especially in your capital. I used to wait until late game to roflstomp them with my Vodka-fueled endless spacemarines but this is no longer an option, since on very hard they blob endlessly and since we share a border in Crimea, war will come. If Medina still exists, you can likely vassalize them to speed up your conquest. I've read several ways. You wont gain cores on them, but. I was playing as Byzantium and was able to defeat the ottomans with Poland Austria and Hungary in Early game so just save scum until you can beat them. If you manage to get to around 60% war score, then you could demand a province with a fort that you haven't occupied. If you annex them, you can no longer get the -10% Aggressive Expansion bonus. Keep that Navy under constant pressure. From your base in Morocco and Spain, it shouldnt be hard for you to break your alliance with France and declare war on them. Or, just annex Russia and use their force limit. Tell them not to get called into their stupid offensive wars so that youre not caught off guard. Move your army in position and declare war to retake a Transylvanian core like Hunyad. Try to disconnect their capital from asia. The Ottoman troops are better than European troops for a large part of the game because of their bonuses, and the fact that they have increased pips. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. Build up your naval forces if you are uncertain of your navys ability, takeNaval Ideasto give yourself an edge. You don't need any military idea groups or military national ideas to wipe out the Ottomans. I decided to take Crete as well, but not yet more of Dalmatia. Proceed to stomp the Ottomans, and get them to return all Byzantine cores. quick and dirty: hudavendigar, constantinople, kocaeli (? The best way to beat any AI is to let them bleed all their manpower in small stacks, so try to and block the Bosporus if you have naval advantage and let small stacks through (small here being less than 20k or so), then wipe them with a numerical advantage. You deal with their numbers by stackwiping their troops with quality and composition. Note :In The runs with Prussia and Great Britain I beat the Ottomans in the last 10-20 years of the campaign, And another thing that I forgot to mention. In my game, I had a problem. Stack up on military ideas and policies (for example quality + religious gives extra morale and siege ability) so despite my lower army size they are vastly superior in quality. To repeat some more basic info (so you wont have to hop pages all the time), this EU4 Ottomans guide was written for patch 1.33.3 with all DLCs installed. AE won't matter (No one will really care if you gut the ottos except maybe hejaz?). Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This might not be as helpful as all the comments but I'll just post my observations: I've noticed ai Ottomans tends to overexert themselves near late game with nonstop wars. The best option is to wait for the Ottomans to declare war on some other neighbor. Here is a selection of ten games releasing in March 2023 that we think you should be looking out for. Itd give me a serious coalition I dont want to face yet. If you do that, the AI will continue building troops and go further into debt than today's Greece. Cookie Notice Davids been an avid gamer from a young age, who loves to fill up his free time with all kinds of games. I'm just trying out Muscovy once more after not having played for while and lo and behold the Ottoblobs get Crimea for free. Especially if you got France on your side, the Spanish got a bigger fish to fry, so the heartland lies right open. The QQ exploded in my case and gave birth to an independent Kurdish state, Soran. Total is plus 83%. You basically become unstoppable if you avoid unfavourable offensive terrain battles. Late game - wait until their troop strength falls below western strength. This will deplete their manpower to zero, cause them to take out loans they can't repay and raise their WE to 20 very quickly. Siege down the fort in Malaga before swarming over the Spanish mainland. These vassals make up your siege troops. At this point, you might be running into government capacity issues. Ally a powerful nation nearby, such as Great Britain or Scandinavia, and snake your way to Paris from a coastal province. Particularly as Poland/Commonwealth, which has a nice set of military national ideas. Always check whether someone is willingly letting itself be annexed by you. How good is your economy? What military ideas do they have? Although you can speed up conquest by using diplomatic entanglements, wars with the Mamluks will mostly be you chipping away at them over time. I played a Russia campaign a couple of weeks back, and attacked the Ottomans a lot late mid-game to late game, and I used my ally Spain to crush their armies (they easily won battles against the Ottos while being outnumbered 2:1). This is part 3 of the Ottomans made easy EU4 guide. Hit them early and try to divide their territory works great. You'll generally need a good amount of mercenaries. Ottomans declared war on me, me and austria had 32k troops in a mountain province, Ottomans attacked with 17k, absolutely destroyed us with their garbage general while we both had 3 star generals. We need at least one province deep Persian territory . Ifni is a very poor province, so it doesnt cost much to take. Dont give them land though, thatd be a waste of your precious war score. For more information, please see our However, history wont stop us! If you need a repeatable method, dont annex Morocco after youre done. Edit: and why is my force limit only 73k when theirs is 175k :(. Once youve successfully taken Samarkand, the one area you still need for the Caliphate is Thatta, in India. Spain might lend a large army in Morocco, so be wary when and where you attack. Tbh, quality troops will usually win wars against the Ottomans. Its useful for you to take this before a rising threat, Russia, can show itself. More importantly, the land you had to take to unify the Caliphate should have made you a formidable power by now. Without forts, their lands will capitulate very fast and leave them indefensible, whether vs the likes of Ramazan/Mameluks or even yourself in the next war. Retake all of Transylvanias cores, including Maramaros, and take the provinces in the state of Alfld. Europa Universalis IV starts on November 11th 1444, . Like for example, if you get quality, economic, and offensive finished, that's +15% discipline. I just needed to buy enough time to take Tunis/Crete out of the equation. Allies are arguably the most important point. Video: Great Khan Achievement with Mongolia. Now what you wanna do in your position is to only defend in rough terrain, such as hills, highlands, and mountains(Southern Hungary and Greece are good for this, along with the Caucuses), and to increase your army quality with idea groups, advisors, and religion (Protestant for 2.5% discipline and 5% morale if you have the common sense dlc, and Orthodox for 5% discipline and 33% manpower if you have Third Rome dlc. This is typically when other great powers take their opportunity to declare war on the ottomans so they end up fighting 3 wars at once. It's a bit cheesy though. Avoid the war goal on purpose, occupy Constantinople + Turkish provinces only. Youll also get an achievement to show off how great youve become at EU4: theDar al-Islam. Its useful for you to take this before a rising threat, Russia, can show itself. You can try and hunt down some Ottomans-unique achievements as well. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. , but dont complete them just yet. . Get them to a high war exhaustion and then white peace them. Doesn't always work but it's a solution if you don't want to start a war right away. This will also split up their empire in two, which will weaken them considerably. Be ready to play defensively if Ottoman decides to choose you. Who are your allies? The more of it is under your control, the less will be under the control of the Spanish. To maximize your trade income, consider addingWealth of Nations to your DLC list! i play a lot vs ottomans playing as hungary, which is weaker than poland/plc, but very similar. Ottomans also tend not to upgrade forts so it's relatively quick sieging. Even if the Spanish took Ifni, you can take all the provinces in a single war. its either that or biga), sinope, amasya. Dont give them land though, thatd be a waste of your precious war score. So their tech 12 infantry are the same pips as western tech 15, giving you parity, until tech 19 when you can edge ahead. Press J to jump to the feed. Once youve successfully taken Samarkand, the one area you still need for the Caliphate is. If there's any blob near him, they usually have him rivaled, allowing easy alliance. Beats conquering, right? I still had Ajam as a vassal, which gets cores on much of Iran. The earlier you consolidate around here, the better it is for you. They just can't grow to the same extent if they don't have Constantinople. Dont even consider fighting the Ottomans if you arent allied to several strong nations like Austria, Russia or the Mamluks. Also I'm a scrub. Youll also get an achievement to show off how great youve become at. But the amount of micro is through the roof. Wait for an opportunity. Engage when you have a clear advantage and use your massive amounts of vassals. So be prepared. The goal is that even when they move their capital into anatolia, they will not have direct land connections to their overseas provinces (hello 75% autonomy), and they won't be able to move across the strait over land without getting mil access from you. At the time the achievement fired it was all of France and Netherlands essentially. EUIV: AAR's, Let's Plays, and Fan Fiction, EU IV: Alternate History Short Story Contest Contr. Ottoman Empire became modern day Turkey lol. Take forts. Youre very powerful around this time, so allies might be willing to become vassals. So what i prefer to do is basically base race my opponent and take down any forts blocking my way to their capital. The Ottomans tend to be hard to beat around the mid game, when they build up their Jannisaries (sp?) So, feel free to jump around in this guide to have it suit your campaign. Definitely the Sultan of Rumneeds you to core Rome, Moscow, and Istanbul. A mysterious list, a small Hungarian town, and unimaginable horror. Although they may be weak, theyre sitting on at least one province we need to restore the Caliphate Cordoba- and they may have taken Sicily, where we need two provinces: Palermo and Messina. After that, make Paris a state and assign a Pasha to it in the corresponding maintenance screen. After all, it was my first time playing this game. as soon as you can, since you need them to restore the Caliphate. Let's play Europa Universalis IV (EU4) as the Ottomans! Retake all of Transylvanias cores, including Maramaros, and take the provinces in the state of Alfld. Now that youre the Caliphate, the world truly lies at your feet. I also connected my Crimean holdings to the mainland, so I can defend it more easily. Only having 49k is little. If Albania is still around you can try the Skanderbeg strategy and whittle away their forces.Its much easier to do early game. The guide also assumes that players know the basics of the game, such as constructing buildings, managing armies and finances, and conquering new territory. Take at least, More importantly, the land you had to take to unify the Caliphate should have made you a formidable power by now. Either kick them in the teeth very early, or wait till later in the game after their power has fallen off. My ally kept Otto busy while I destroyed their navy, and I took forced Tunis/Crete to accept peace by taking their providence and blockading them. Anyone who dislikes Spain is your friend, in this case. Europa Universalis 4 (EU4) Guide: Ottomans Made Easy - Late Game We're in the home stretch! All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. No you're not. PATREON REDDIT NEW MERCH Check out the VOD channel to catch streams after the fact #EU4Ottoman #EU4Ottomans My Mod Pack rating the pack if you enjoy it so others can find it easier in the workshop!__ Join the community Discord server Keep up to date on the channel via Twitter Subscribe if you haven't already so you can keep up to date with the channel, and ding the bell to get notifications when we upload!__Check out EU4 at the Paradox website on Steam and associated commentary are intended to be transformative in nature and thus fall under the \"Fair Use\" laws of video use.This video may contain some audio from the \"Themes of the Old World\" mod on the Steam Workshop for Europa Universalis IV, with the audio created, and licensed to Chewyshoot, by Utopia.Find and support them on Spotify: how do you deal with ottomans when they take quantity ideas? Your situation might differ from mine, but I had to deal with a massive Timurids that united all of Persia. They will either leave you alone while they fight their war, at which point you can just focus on sieging down as many forts as you can, or they'll come straight to confront you, leaving themselves vulnerable in the other front (which means less area to call reinforcements from, income diminishes, war exhaustion goes up). I just don't find it fun to always split my armies, siege a lot of provinces and then consolidate my forces. This area is very wealthy and contains the Islamic Holy cities of Mekka and Medina. All rights reserved. Moreover, it will anger our next target of expansion: Tunis. FML. Make sure you are stable both in terms of unrest and economy and move your armies to Morocco. You can now complete the missionsControl the DanubeandConquer Transsylvania, but dont complete them just yet. After the war ends they will quickly self- destruct through rebellions and other nations invading. I also guaranteed the Moroccans, to prevent Spain from consolidating its foothold in the Meditteranean. If you annex them, you can no longer get the -10% Aggressive Expansion bonus. Numbers don't mean a whole lot when you can't fight quality+co and offensive for a +15% discipline is good (discipline boost tactics too, so its very good). I am playing as Venice , Ironman, Beta 1.13 . Like my Burgundian Conquest run, where I was super rich and powerful, but my nation was not much bigger than France is at the start. After finishing up Sicily and Morocco, you can cross the Strait of Gibraltar and siege Spain itself. Use them to take a lot of land for cheap, and use Russia to distract the Timurids in the north. Really, it's all about planning your idea groups to maximize the quality of your army. A bigger fish to fry, so allies might be willing to become vassals of! 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eu4 how to beat ottomans late game