figure four leg lock signature move

These include Boston crabs, figure four leg locks For instance, in his recent Joe Rogan Experience episode with Rick Rubin, he criticized the legendary Figure-Four leg lock pro-wrestling move. This elevates the wrestler and places all the weight of the wrestler on the opponent. The wrestler then pins the arm with the grappled wrist against the second or top rope to the outside of the ring, passes their other arm from under the opponent's biceps, and grapples the opponent's wrist. Published 18th October 2022. The wrestler then holds the other arm with their legs, stretching the shoulders back in a crucifying position and hyperextending the arm. The wrestler pulls upwards while his leg goes downwards, applying pressure to the shoulders, head and back. Sanada used this hold while applying with bodyscissors as the Skull End. Known as Ashi-gatame in Japan and a pumphandle armbar in America. Known in combat sport as the "bicep slicer".[11][12]. (Aa announcer calls him) Hardy boyz are the best. The late George Hackenschmidt is known for innovating the move. He calls it the Koji MAX hold. The hold is applied when the aggressor places their middle and ring fingers into the opponent's mouth, sliding them under the tongue and jabbing into the soft tissue found at the bottom of the mouth. Samoa Joe, Jazz, Erik Watts and Nikki Bella have also used this move. By controlling the opponent's body and pushing the arm perpendicularly away from the opponent's back, pressure can be put on the opponent's shoulder. Also known as the Gorilla Clutch, named for Shuji Kondo's King Kong-themed signature move names. However, instead of stepping over the opponent to flip them, the applying wrestler flips the opponent over from left-to-right, keeping the opponent in front of them. This move can be used as a submission hold or can be used for a neckbreaker slam, or a facebuster takedown. A common move out of this transition can be a powerbomb or a suplex. The wrestler then forces the opponent to one side, traps one of the opponent's arms with their own arm and drapes their free leg over the neck of the opponent, forcing it downward. Essentially a scissored armbar with neck submission. This attack is illegal and results in a wrestler's disqualification, should the move not be broken by a count of five. A wrestler approaches a sitting opponent from in front, behind, or either side. The wrestler first hooks each of the opponent's legs underneath their own armpits as if performing a reverse Boston crab, then reaches down and underneath the opponent's chin with both hands, applying a chinlock, and finally leaning back to pull up the opponent's head and neck. Figure Four Leg Lock. Another form of wrist lock, sometimes known as a figure four wrist lock, involves the wrestler (after applying the initial wrist lock with the left hand) threading their right arm through the gap the two arms provide, forming a 4, and providing leverage on the wrist lock. The wrestler then reaches over and bends one leg so that the shin is behind the knee of the straight leg and places the ankle of the straight leg in their armpit. The wrestler takes hold of a supine opponent's legs and pivots rapidly, elevating the opponent and swinging the opponent in a circle. Wrapping his same leg (if he grabbed the left arm, he will use his left leg) around the back of the opponent's neck (against the back of his knee) and bracing his foot against the front of the other shoulder, he steps over his opponent with his other leg, squatting down. It is used by Cody as the American Nightmare. The wrestler grabs their opponent's throat with one hand and squeezes tightly. Get your opponent on the floor. The justification for its legality is that, like a head scissors, it uses the legs rather than the hands to perform the "choke"; also, it does not crush the windpipe (strangulation); rather, it compresses the carotid arteries (jugulation). However, instead of locking the opponent's legs in a "4" shape, the attacking wrestler crosses one of the opponent's legs over to the other leg. It is a neutral move, but it easily transitions for either wrestler to a position of dominance. It was used by Taiji Ishimori on rare occasions until he joined NJPW in 2018, where he used it frequently as the Yes Lock, named after Bryan. This typically starts with the opponent on their back, and the wrestler standing and facing them. The Fiend used to use this move. The wrestler exits the ring to the outside and drags the opponent by the legs towards the ring post, so that the post is between the opponent's legs (similar to when somebody 'crotches' their opponent with the ringpost). Please click this line if you do not care and want to view it anyway. This is also called a "reverse chancery". The maneuver can be executed on a standing or a downed (facing upwards) opponent. The throw still inflicts the full damage when reversed, but the The attacker can now roll towards his back, creating more pressure on the neck while hyperextending the opponent's arm across his own chest. One or both of the arms can be pinned. [7] Zack Sabre Jr. uses it as his submission finisher. This move has been used in several other martial arts and is banned in most competitions due to the high risk of injury from this move. This can also be a setup move for the 3/4 Facelock Jawbreaker, also known as the Stunner, made famous by Steve Austin. One wrestler who does use the move as a submission is Matt Hardy; his Ice Pick maneuver sees him lock the double underhook on an opponent while simultaneously trapping the opponent in a bodyscissors lock. The attacking wrestler stands behind the opponent who is either sitting or lying face down, then pulls the opponent into an inverted facelock, often hooking the opponent's near arm with their free arm. This may sometimes be preceded by an arm wrench. The wrestler stands over the opponent who is lying on the mat face up and grasps a leg of the opponent. The wrestler then sits on top of the opponent forcing them into a bridge and pressing down on their body. This version is a variant which sees the opponent face up with the wrestler grabbing the opponent's legs, putting their own leg through, and twisting them as if doing a sharpshooter, but instead putting their other leg on the opponent's nearest foot, dropping down to the mat and applying pressure. The wrestler then places their free leg on the instep of the leg which is already being used to choke the opponent. Some wrestlers use these holds as their finishing maneuvers, often nicknaming them to reflect their character or persona. Wrestler Lex Luger was famous for using it as a finisher.Hercules also used this as a finisher move as well. WebThis is a best signature move to defeat enemy. In this toe hold maneuver, a wrestler will grab the opponent's foot and lift their leg off the ground. Likewise, chokes are usually not applied to the point where they cut off the oxygen supply to the opponent's brain. Some common submissions from this position are the triangle choke, armbar, and other types of armlocks and chokeholds. Used by Taichi as Seteii Juhjiro. The wrestler wraps their arm around the opponent's neck performing a sleeper hold, then climbs to the second rope and hangs the opponent by the neck. This neck crank sees the wrestler wrap both hands around the opponent's face and pull back, which applies pressure to the neck and shoulder area. Often confused with the octopus hold, it was popularized by Perry Saturn as the Rings of Saturn. The whole maneuver would force the opponent's arm to be bent in the number "4" shape, applying more pressure as the arm is trapped between the second or top rope. This counter to the figure-four is often called a "modified Indian deathlock" or sometimes referred to as a "sharpshooter variant". A body scissors version exists as well. His nephew Bron Breakker has also used the standing version as well. Marty Scurll uses it as finishing move. How to do the figure 4 leg lock Santino Bros. Wrestling 112K subscribers 383K views 4 years ago Head trainer Robbie Phoenix takes you step-by-step and shows The wrestler then does a spinning toe hold and grasps the other leg, crossing them into a 4 (hence the name), and falls to the mat, applying pressure to the opponent's crossed legs with their own. The wrestler then lies on top of the opponent's back and locks their arms around the opponent's head. A transitional hold in which an attacking wrestler hoists an opponent up onto their shoulders so that they are both facing in the same direction. Jungle Boy uses this as the Snare Trap, while Kazuchika Okada uses a kneeling version called the Red Ink. The attacking wrestler traps one of the prone opponent's arms in their legs, wraps the opponent's other arm under the attacker's shoulder, and then applies the crossface. The opponent is face down on the mat, with the attacker bending both of their legs up and tucking their ankles against their armpits. Professional wrestling throws Giant swing, "Wrestling Innovators The Origins Of Your Favorite Moves", "What a manoeuvre! This may lead to an armbar, a wrist lock, the wrestler pulling the opponent onto their shoulders in a fireman's carry, an Irish whip, or a short-arm maneuver, such as a clothesline. This version of a surfboard sees a standing or kneeling wrestler take hold of both of a kneeling or seated opponent's wrists and cross their arms over, applying pressure to both the opponent's arms and shoulders. [1] A camel clutch can also refer simply to a rear chinlock while seated on the back of an opponent, without placing the arms on the thighs. The Rated R Superstar, Edge used this variation, calling it the Edge-u-cator. It was used by Ed Lewis and Bruno Sammartino. 2.0 0x. Facing the opponent, the wrestler reaches between the opponent's legs with one arm and reaches around their back from the same side with their other arm. 8 Jeff Hardy's Whisper In The Wind. The collar-and-elbow tie-up is one of the mainstays of professional wrestling, and many matches are begun with this move. The name comes from its inventor's name, Koji Kanemoto. Please click this line if you do not care and want to view it anyway. This article has been viewed 73,781 times. During episode #1881 of the Joe Rogan Experience (JRE), Rogan told his guest Rick Rubin that the Figure-Four lock was a really "dumb" move. As such, a wrestling crowd will start shouting "Wooooo!" Essentially a Gogoplata with leg submission, the wrestler steps over his opponent's leg and then laces the opponent's legs together, as a standard Sharpshooter would be performed. We are led to believe that once this move is applied, the wrestler who is trapped in it is experiencing an incredible amount of pain. A rolling variation of the camel clutch is also used, with this variation popularized by Maryse Ouellet, dubbed French Pain. 4/18/10 6:00 AM. 15 moves that really exist", "The Head Chancery as taught by George Hackenscmidt in The Complete Science of Wrestling", "What a maneuver! The wrestler begins the hold by standing over a face-down opponent. Bruno Sammartino famously used this move on his opponents. The opponent will thus be on their back, with one of the attacker's legs under the victim's upper back and hooking their free arm. Also called a straight legbar or kneebar, it is performed similarly to an armbar by holding the opponent's leg in between the legs and arms so the opponent's kneecap points towards the body. Holding the opponent's legs in place, the wrestler then steps over the opponent and turns them over, applying pressure the whole way to cause pain to the knee and legs. From this point on the wrestler can either grab the opponent's wrist with the free hand and tucks their own head beneath the opponent's armpit and stand upright, locking in the hold, or simply throw the opponent's arm over their own shoulder and grab the opponent's thighs with the free hand. It is the finishing hold of African wrestler Shaun Koen of the Africa Wrestling Alliance. The wrestler then turns 360 degrees over the leg, twisting it inward. Also referred to as a reverse nelson and double underhook. Also known as a rear chinlock, the attacking wrestler crouches down behind a sitting opponent and places their knee into the opponent's upper back, then reaches forward and grasps the opponent's chin with both hands. The attacker bends the opponent's arm and reaches through with one of their own. The Figure Four Leg Lock is a staple submission in the industry and many have added it to their The wrestler then flips the opponent up and over so the opponent is lying face up on the back of the wrestler. AEW wrestler Jon Moxley uses this move as a finisher sometimes while taking the opponent down with and then transitioning from a sleeper hold or rear naked choke. For a figure eight, the wrestler will then push up into a bridge. This hold is performed on an opponent who is lying face down on the mat. [citation needed] This move is commonly transitioned from a reverse STO. Another variation sees the attacker performing a reverse STO, then locking the regular Koji clutch in, but crossing their legs in a modified figure-four headscissors. It is a key component of several throws, drops and slams. Another variation is performed in a bridging position where the wrestler wraps both hands around the opponent's neck and pulls back, which applies pressure to the neck and bridges on the opponent's back for added leverage. The wrestler will apply an armscissor with one leg and a headscissors. A common variant of this hold has the attacking wrestler also apply a double underhook before or after lifting the opponent. Different promotions have different rules regarding the legality of this maneuver. The wrestler then kneels down on the opponent's back, locking the opponent's arm behind their knee in the process. The attacker pulls up with their arm while forcing the victim's wrist down with their leg and applies pressure to the victim's elbow. There is also double-handed version sometimes known as a head vise. Average rating: 9.38 [77] Average rating in 2023: 9.67 [3] The wrestler lifts their opponent up so they are horizontal across the wrestler's body. Share. Slick Ric, known by many as the greatest wrestler of all time. Also known as a "buffalo sleeper", this choke sees the wrestler kneeling behind a seated opponent before grabbing hold of one of the opponent's arms, bending it backwards overhead, and locking the opponent's wrist into the attacker's armpit. A grapevine variation sees the wrestler applying the ankle lock hold and then falling to the mat and scissoring the leg of the opponent. An inverted version of the cravate is used by Chris Hero as part of his "Hangman's Clutch" submissions in which the hand positioning is the same as a normal cravate but the facelock is connected around the face of the opponent, not from behind the opponent's head, thus pulling the opponent's head backwards rather than forwards, putting significant pressure on the neck by stretching it backwards and in other directions toward which the neck would not normally bend. Invented by Yoshiaki Fujiwara, it is also known as a short "armbar". He grabs one of the opponent's wrists with one hand and fish hooks the opponent's mouth with the other. The omoplata (AKA ashi-sankaku-garami in judo) is an armlock that targets the shoulder. Innovated by Chief Little Wolf, the wrestler lifts up a leg of a face-up opponent and wraps one of their legs around the other leg before dropping to a kneeling position, thus locking the opponent's leg behind the wrestler's knee. Austin Aries uses a bridging variation called Last Chancery as one of his finishing moves. The applying wrestler then squats back, lifting the opponent's torso into the air. This is often a set-up for a crucifix powerbomb or a spinning crucifix toss. Favorite. It is usually done to set up the opponent for a crossface. [5], The wrestler darts their hand under an opponent's chin and grabs ahold of a pressure point above the throat, squeezing the nerve. The wrestler sits on top of the opponent's torso, facing their head, with their legs on either side. If you're playing with your friends, brothers don't apply too much pressure.. Do not let your opponent turn on to their front; this reverses the pressure and becomes like a sharpshooter variant, so it will hurt your back and now it'll be your turn to cry. A similar heel hook can be performed by holding the opponent's foot in the opposite armpit and twisting it laterally; a move which is referred to as an inverted, reverse or inside heel hook. Charlotte Flair uses this move to set up for the Figure Eight Leglock. Also known as a Bulldog headlock in BJJ, the wrestler, like a guillotine choke, tucks the other wrestlers head under their armpit. Lucha's "Electric chair" (Silla Elctrica in Spanish) is the term used for two different, unrelated attacks. Palm strikes, slaps, and elbow strikes can be used in place of punches. Similarly to the biceps slicer, a calf crusher can be applied by inserting an arm or leg in the backside of the knee and flexing the opponent's leg to apply pressure to the muscles surrounding the fulcrum. Also known as a cobra choke or a kata ha jime (a term borrowed from judo), this hold sees the wrestler put the opponent in a half nelson with one arm and grab the opponent's neck with the other, sometimes while adding body scissors. Joe Rogan Blasts Signature Move Of Ric Flair As Dumb By Adam Morrison. Asuka also uses the bodyscissors variation as a finisher dubbed the Asuka Lock. This is a scissored armbar combined with a crossface. The wrestler reaches around the opponent's body with their arms and lifts them up, spinning the opponent in front of the wrestler's body, often to deliver a slam or most commonly a "tilt-a-whirl backbreaker" or a "pendulum backbreaker". This move is used by Shane McMahon and CM Punk. Description Discussions 0 Comments 1 Change Notes 1 . Often referred to as the LeBell Lock, named for Gene LeBell, Daniel Bryan began popularizing the move under the name Yes Lock when he joined WWE. The wrestler then grabs hold of the wrist of that arm, pulling it upwards, causing hyperextension of the shoulder and elbow. The standing attacking wrestler grabs the wrist of a face down opponent, pulling it towards themselves, then steps over the opponent's outstretched arm, placing one leg to either side. Lance Storm also performs this move with both versions, including the regular Boston crab and single-leg Boston crab. Popularized by Brutus Beefcake, Waylon Mercy, Dolph Ziggler, Minoru Suzuki, and most recognized with Roddy Piper. The neck is squeezed inside the arm very tightly. A reverse version also exists, with the opponent lying on their back, the wrestler lies on the mat, putting some or all of their weight on the opponent to prevent them from moving. Steps 1. The move was used by Bull Nakano and formerly used by the former SmackDown general manager Paige as the PTO. This type of toe hold is performed by holding the foot by the toes with one hand and putting the other hand under the opponent's achilles tendon and grabbing the wrist. Similarly to the Bicep slicer, the calf slicer is listed as a banned technique in the lower levels of some major Brazilian jiu-jitsu competitions. And reaches through with one hand and fish hooks the opponent 's arm behind their in... Hyperextension of the leg which is already being used to choke the opponent 's throat with one hand squeezes. Bron Breakker has also used this hold while applying with bodyscissors as the greatest wrestler of all time pressure! Grabs hold of African wrestler Shaun Koen of the opponent and swinging the opponent,... The shoulders back in a wrestler approaches a sitting opponent from in front, behind, either... Sitting opponent from in front, behind, or either side move was used by Bull Nakano formerly. 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figure four leg lock signature move