general stewart ship 1950 passenger list

CUs, Dutch spectators. Ports in the 1840s Ira A. Glazier. CU They bow their heads in prayer. Children with backpacks walking home from school. A plane in the sky. Man raises hand and stands to perhaps answer a question. Soldiers regulate crowds. 01:14:52 Woodshop. Some look directly at the camera, several avoid it. New housing in Warsaw. This sequence was shot on the night of September 16, 1939, during Rosh Hashanah. Camera pans, but it is difficult to make out the shadows, at 01:16:45:14 there is a more vivid shot of the flames, illuminating a street lamp. Procession of priests and academics. Ruins People and clothing line seen through windows of the damaged building. Cut to elder couple walking toward camera among ruins. More city scenes of Prague, streets, buildings. 8. More shots of workers unloading materials at the dock in Gdynia. The younger girl, looking terrified, poses holding her sister's hand, CU, glimpse of the young girls' shiny black shoes. INT, children in the classroom learning geography; pictures of buildings/bombing they drew. Shots of the machinery and process and workers. Several good CUs of the faces of the workers, the raw zinc ore, machinery, etc. Men seen through an open window. EXT, VS, Polish cavalry on maneuvers. HAS of the ceremony in the courtyard. Reconstruction. VS, of women sorting pieces of zinc on a conveyor belt before processing. Children getting into the railcars with their families to begin a new life. Clear shot of more destruction at 01:05:55:29 man in suit rounding the corner, passes by a soldier, the woman with her head bandaged is carrying a baby in her arms. Peasants/farmers shovel and load hay. Debris from destroyed buildings. A man reading. You are our[an error occurred while processing this directive] (1,426 + steamboat passenger lists to date) List of (Scottish) Passengers arrived at Quebec August 1819 (Harmony & Hope from Oban, Scotland) barque Camperdown, 1819 from Limerick to Quebec, many aboard the steamboat New Swiftsure, 10th September 1819, from Quebec to Montreal Passenger arrival records may provide researchers with information such as: one's nationality and place of birth; ship name and date of entry to the United States; age, height, eye and hair color; profession; place of last residence; name and address of relatives they are joining in the United States; amount of money they are carrying, etc. CUs, lens, laborers, on lunch break, polishing, inserting film into camera. VS of men and women performing folk dances, mainly circle dances. 01:20:13 Cathedral 01:20:20 Marching band parading. Please Note: Firefox and some other Search Engines may not be suitable Use Google Chrome for this Web Page to load perfectly!. Tasmania & Union Reliance Please Note: Firefox and some iPad's or iPhone' s, etc are not suitable Use Google Chrome for this web page to load perfectly!. Stewart, Glasgow, renamed Loch Gair, 12 Mar 1908 ran ashore 4 nautical miles (7.4km) from the coast, in Richard's Bay near the Umhlatuzi River, South Africa, 1914 captured by Britain Food on board ship appears to have been plentiful and the more so for the first class passengers but even the third class passengers would not have starved with . 01:14:20 Drilling with sledgehammers on hill, smokestacks in BG. 01:00:01:07 MCU, two young Polish women in traditional South Polish folk costumes walk down a dirt path away from a wood frame house and toward the camera. MS, four horses pulling a machine dispersing seed, the horses are guided by a farmer as they make their way across a patch of plowed field. Man selling balloons. Additional shots of streets and buildings in Prague. Paintings and sculptures located on the west and south walls of Room 3 are also shown. "A first-rate resource for readers and students of popular astronomy and general science. Ship "Falstria", bundles piled high in FG, crane, workers moving bundles. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. Refugees line up for bread outside a building, a soldier guards the door trying to keep things orderly. Antiquated shaking threshing machine. Woolworth. Younger girls walk along a country road in Saxony, stake a flag, eat lunch, read, nap, and perform silly skits. INT, large group of women sitting around a table. 01:04:18 Railway underpass, a train stuck on the tracks that are now covered with debris, women and men climb out of the railcar and over the debris. 16 20 mm AA gun mounts. Men work among ruins. ISTG NOTICE: These electronic pages are Copyright 1998-2023 and may NOT be INT, A Yugoslavian family is seen in their own quarters at the DP camp (staged). 01:19:18 Tobacco farming. A courtyard, Polish dignitaries and soldiers in uniform, flags, people assembling. Reel 3A She was later sold for commercial operation under the name SS Albany, before being scrapped in July 1987.[1]. CU of a young girl with a dog in her arms, this is the same girl that was seen in Story 3982 on this tape - USHMM Film ID 3003. Horses with buggy, jovial elderly man. Swimming. if joining a relative, who this person was, where they lived, and their relationship. Underway 7 August for the Panama Canal, General M. B. Stewart steamed for the East Coast after the Japanese capitulation and arrived 19 August to debark her passengers. In yard, husband and wife gardening, picking flowers, hoeing. Polish highlanders march from the church through the Polish village of Witw, in Kocielisko Commune, Tatrzaski County. Hang gliding. Hoover Dam. 01:16:15:29 MLS, more scenes of destruction. 1939, but she taken over by the Royal Navy as the HMS Archer, later became the M.S. Large group of schoolchildren walk along a road with their teacher. City. Children walk to school. Shot from a plane, or some sort of funicular down to the valley below. Loading coal on ships, one with "HEL GDYNIA" painted on the side. Had a tedious passage of more than 5 months arriving Sydney 31st December 1818. This is where the Poles would go to ski. 01:05:57 Germans gathered on street, looking off screen. Private residences in the mountains of Poland - wealthy couple and dog. People look out "window" in shelled building, woman with a water pail, children playing in ruins, geese, Julien Bryan's car, ruins located adjacent to the river, children playing games. Nazi rally, 1937 - Hitler, Himmler, Reichsarbeitsdienst parade; Anti-Bolshevik exhibit crowds; Berlin streets crowded for Mussolini visit. City street. EXT, patrons sit at caf tables (again), talking, smoking. 01:15:36 Automobile 01:15:38 BDM women on steps of house, gardening. CUs, basketball players. 2. Several additional shots of the ceremony. He was in Warsaw in September 1939 when Germany invaded and remained throughout the German siege of the city, photographing and filming what would become America's first cinematic glimpse of the start of WWII. I have already been told the report I seek has not been found in the legislative archives of NARA, which suggests it was either never transferred or it was later withdrawn. Scene of men leaving the factory on bikes, some women, some children, and several Austrians (non DPs) are in the group as well. As the DPs board the ship, US Army man directs them from the top of gangplank: men are sent to one side, women and children to the other. Another view of the Dutch flags. VS, inside near the furnaces, men coming out for a break and getting water, women sorting the ore before it is smelted, the conveyor belt from the mine shaft, men drilling inside the mine. Building EXTs with German-language signs (iron factory, restaurant, etc). Crowd at Nazi party rally in stadium. MCU of two women, seen from behind viewing the merchandise in the window of a corset shop. Soldiers stand around drinking as well. Between 1950 and 1955 General M. B. Stewart also sailed from Bremerhaven, Germany, to New York and Halifax, Nova Scotia, transporting thousands of European refugees to the United States and Canada under the International Refugee Organization. A man walks in to show him a folder. Her husband shaves. Gdynia, ships loading and unloading at the port, pier 23. The workers leave the refinery, and head off to the church. The girls pose alone for the camera. Different shot of EXT of building with bicycles parked out front, same worker rides one. INT of apartment, clothing hanging on coat rack. MS of a guillotine. Lying next to the pregnant woman is a wounded man. Nurses change babies, toddlers, beds, eating, washing dishes, cutting apples. We do not make decisions on which records are sent to us. The Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA) was a U.S. government agency set up in 1948 to administer the European recovery program (Marshall Plan). 01:18:53 Julien Bryan footage resumes with shots of victims walking over the rubble of destroyed buildings in Warsaw, including a church and a hospital, cleaning up, etc. Julien Hequembourg Bryan (1899-1974) was an American documentarian and filmmaker. More shots of the fire at 01:06:38:12 trees are visible silhouetted against the flames, and there is a horse drawn carriage passing by. Good CUs of teenage boys and girls as they enter the school up the stairs, including Ellen Rosenthal. INT shots from inside the trolley car, several passengers are busy reading, riding, a few look at the camera. A man in traditional Polish costume herds cows in the pasture. Some men in Polish military uniforms. EXT, daylight scenes. Workers steer the barges along the waterway. Knowing the names of some. (03:50) INT shadow of man cranking the blade of a guillotine up. 01:17:25 Giant pipelines. Search the searchable database 1865 - 1883 The 1831-1865 records are not online but can be consulted at the Ontario Archives Crewed by civilians, she operated out of San Francisco in 1950 and into 1951 steaming to the Far East carrying combat troops in support of the Korean War. Wreath laying. People, refugees, destroyed buildings in Warsaw. Traffic cop directs traffic in busy town square. Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt in a flowered hat is welcomed by state officials. Scenic overlook with tables set up. Interiors with students at desks writing and a female teacher. DEPARTURES: 1949 & 1952 All Bremerhaven, Germany General C.H. Early passenger lists typically include the name of the ship, the names of passengers, ages, ports of arrival and departure, date, country of origin, and occupation. CU, worker takes off his mask as he exits the zinc refinery. 01:07:05:04 Julien Bryan's book "Siege" (1940) contains a passage about this scene. CUs, signs warning of electricity and gas. Narrator Merce Cunningham INT, Tito walking into his office. In 1946, Bryan photographed the efforts of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Agency in postwar Europe. There are certainly some committees and Congresses for which we have very extensive files -- and conversely there are some committees and Congresses for which we have very little. Several men in uniform, as well as civilians with armbands are milling about. She was finally transferred back to the Maritime Administration 21 May 1958 and was placed in the National Defense Reserve Fleet, Hudson River, New York where she remained until 1967. Two men, a woman, and a dog in the car. Balbina was photographed immediately after giving birth to twins at the bombed maternity hospital in 1939 (Photo Archives W/S 47218). Men on scaffolding. One with guitar. Several displaced persons gather around the Canadian representatives at their desk at the processing center (staged). Boys reading newspaper, eating, trombone, equipment & uniforms on the street. California, San Diego, Airplane Passenger and Crew Lists, 1929-1954, California, San Francisco Passenger Lists, 1893-1953, California, index to San Francisco passenger lists, 1893-1934, California, San Francisco Crew Manifests, 1896-1921, California, customs passenger lists of vessels arriving at San Francisco, 1903-1918, California, San Francisco, Immigration Office Special Inquiry Records, 1910-1941, United States, California, Certificates Surrendered at San Francisco from Aliens Previously at Honolulu, Hawaii, 1912-1946, California, List of United States Citizens Arriving at San Francisco, 1930-1949, California, San Francisco Airplane Arrival Card Index, 1936-1949, California, San Francisco Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving, 1954-1957, United States, Border Crossings from Canada to United States, 1894-1954, United States Border Crossings from Canada to United States, 1895-1960, Border Crossings: From Canada to U.S., 1895-1960, Detroit Border Crossings and Passenger and Crew Lists, 1905-1963, Border Crossings: From U.S. to Canada, 1908-1935, Bonded Passengers to America (9 vols. Elderly lady buying a chicken and putting it in her shopping bag- talking to the woman selling it, young dark haired girl in the market. Marching band in city square. 854 Cut to MCU of the statue, then to a LS of the deserted banks of the river, train tracks run directly along the river banks, and there are empty, open-topped train cars. CU of Jozefa (seen earlier), praying in field adjacent to the small church. VS of young boys and girls lining up for tickets, then VS, CUs of them inside a theater, laughing and smiling, watching a film? Cut to other women walking along a dirt road, a horse drawn carriage passing by, then the camera returns to the two little sisters. A young man approaches and they begin to struggle. Folk dancers in Zakopane, the southern Polish region near the Carpathian/Tatras mountain ranges. 01:06:42 INT of Eastman Kodak Laboratory in Warsaw, two lab workers with 16mm film in hand, trying to clean the mess after it was bombed. The attendant references a New York telephone book for a woman. In the 1930s, he conducted extensive lecture tours, during which he showed film footage he shot in the former USSR. There are several young children and babies in the group, as well as an amputee, and even a small dog. Quick shot of men and women, then of the street and a horse drawn cart passing by. House & Garden, Better Homes and Garden, and Good Housekeeping magazines. Man on ladder takes down a sign from the side of a building. Pupils at desks, Margot goes to chalkboard again. Entrance to Industry exhibit. End scenes of Gdynia, begin brief sequence of street scenes of Gdansk, also in the northwestern corner of Poland. 01:06:06 Children eating, kindergarten. mc N 761, in the Family History Area. MCU of two women dead in the field, also the bodies of men. Re: I would like to find information on my parent’s immigration here to the US. Fabric store window with a mannequin, a woman looks from the street. Woman with a young child and carriage. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. POLAND Young man in knickers and a cap looks at the camera before boarding, another young boy comes up behind him to board. Inside, Margot Segall, the girl in a plaid dress, approaches the blackboard and conjugates the Hebrew verb "to ask". Several shots of the children in the school yard playing happily, then a group of young children being lead by a very somber looking nun in single file to the school house. [VQ- still frames in places where there are technical problems from Bryan's camera and poor processing.] EXT, Warsaw in ruins in winter 1946/1947 on a bright sunny day. ), tourists in FG, nuns. This is listed by Julien Bryan as "Estate in winter, man and wife with dog and gun.". Quick shot of a bridge over the Vistula River. (No Jews permitted)". Line of university professors in academic robes enter a building with an American flag flying over the entrance. Scenes of a castle and the Dembnicki bridge in Krakow. Military review. AMERIKANISCHE STUNDE poster. VS of a bridge between two buildings, workmen finishing the plaster work, the sign in front of the building advertising the construction company confirms the location as Warsaw. HAS, military parade. The soldier then proceeds to tear off a piece of the wing and show the camera how it bends; several Polish men then carry the wing back into a garage. The family then walks across a bridge (recreation of the 1939 scene). VS of the scene in the park, babies as far as they eye can see. Exterior of large brick building: Pestalozzi Froebel Haus kindergarten in Berlin. Boxes of UNRRA supplies from USA stacked. Canterbury Association Passenger Manifests; Families Completed; List of names of the early Settlers Taranaki Herald; Passenger Listings for Vessels bound for New Zealand; Ships & Ports reference; Settler Ships Passenger Lists by arrival date 1806. Gas station. (08:23) CU guillotine blade falling, shadow of man. EXT, MS, women at a fruit vendor's stand on a city street in Warsaw. Several CUs of crates bearing the names of individuals and their final destinations. Queue, checking tags with numbers. Waitress with giant bow. These belongings are all that remain for the Poles featured here who have been displaced from their homes by the German air attacks. 01:21:49 Tanks parade down the street, the cannons are drawn by horses. Older peasant woman, who stops while walking along a road to kiss a tree, she then continues on. EXT, the miners emerge from the mine, head into another building at the refinery. Men gather in front of book store to see poster advertising Bavarian clergy, including Bishop Faulhaber. 01:00:42:21 A prototype train car is being tested. A woman stands in front of a mirror in a dress that a seamstress is adjusting and pinning. In 3), Bonded Passengers to America (Volumes I and II) 1615-1775 & 1617-1775, The Original Lists of Persons of Quality: Emigrants; Religious Exiles; Political Rebels; Serving Men Sold for a Term of Years; Apprentices; Children Stolen; Maidens Pressed; and Others Who Went from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600-1700, with Their Ages, the Localities Where They Formerly Lived in the Mother Country, the Names of the Ships in which They Embarked, and Other Interesting Particulars; from MSS. EXT, relocation of DPs and war refugees. Cows pass a barn. 01:09:03:00 On the occasion of Mussolini's visit to Berlin, crowds wait in the streets; a truck full of young men, the sign painted on the truck reads: BRAUHAUS NURNBERG. 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general stewart ship 1950 passenger list