karate framework for ui automation

This is typically used for the first element you need to interact with on a freshly loaded page. Note callonce is not supported for a driver instance. Only recommended for advanced users, but this guarantees a routine is run only once, even when running tests in parallel. Karate an Open source framework developed by Karatelabs has made Test Automation simple and unified for both API testing and UI Automation using Gherkins. Valid options are, Function to be called when displaying image comparison rebase in Karate HTML reports (e.g. # note how we return null to keep looping, """ You can set this up for all subsequent requests or dynamically generate headers for each HTTP request if you configure headers. This is best explained in this example: copy.feature. Note how karate.set() and karate.remove() below are used directly as a script statement. It is also possible to invoke a feature file via a Java API which can be useful in some test-automation situations. { "roomInformation": [{ "roomPrice": 618.4 }], "totalPrice": 618.4 }, When the level is DEBUG the entire request and response payloads are logged. The response is automatically available as a JSON, XML or String object depending on what the response contents are. Keep in mind that the start-up configuration routine could have already initialized some variables before the script even started. Note that if you tag Examples like this, and if a tag selector is used when running a given Feature - only the Examples that match the tag selector will be executed. Here are the various combinations for you to compare using click() as an example. It will also return a string which is the actual URL in case you need to use it for further actions in the test script. It will create a Karate report under Karate Project > target > Karate report > karate-summary.html, Step 4: Create a TestRunner.java class under src/test/java. created: { on: "#ignore" }, Get all my courses for USD 5.99/Month - https://bit.ly/all-courses-subscriptionIn this Karate UI Automation Tutorial, we will learn how to switch browser tab. The first option using shared scope should be fine for most projects, but if you want to name space your functions, use isolated scope: You can even move commonly used routines into karate-config.js which means that they become global. In case you were wondering, variables (and even expressions) are supported on the right-hand-side. Allowed keystore types are as described in the. Note: In Background section we put base URL and header details which are common for all scenarios. Use the comma-delimited form (see above) or the JS helper (see below). classpath:, this:, file:) or byte arrays: You may configure the following image comparison options using the configure action: Image comparison engines can also be customized: Best practice is to stick to using only def unless there is a very good reason to do otherwise. Dont forget that Karates data-driven testing capabilities can loop over arrays of JSON objects automatically. _ > 0' }, # when validation logic is an 'equality' check, an embedded expression works better, Then match temperature contains { fahrenheit, # when the response is binary (byte-array), # incidentally, match and assert behave exactly the same way for strings, # if b can be present (optional) but should always be null, """ karate.appendTo(keys, x); Something worth mentioning here is that you would hardly need to use assert in your test scripts. And since you can easily extend Karate using JavaScript, there is no need to compile Java code any more. For completeness, the built-in tags are the following: There are two special tags that allow you to select or un-select a Scenario depending on the value of karate.env. The unified use of Karate test-doubles means that you can script dynamic responses and handle incoming URL, query-string and header variations. Set a cookie. Else the Runner.path() builder API is the same, refer the description above for JUnit 4. Learn more. EXPR in the table above is an interesting one. Ideally it should return pure JSON and note that you always get a deep clone of the cached result object. If you want to keep the level as DEBUG (for HTML reports) but suppress logging to the console, you can comment out the STDOUT root appender-ref: Or another option is to use a ThresholdFilter, so you still see critical logs on the console: If you want to exclude the logs from your CI/CD pipeline but keep them in the execution of your users in their locals you can configure your logback using Janino. You usually wont need this, but the second-last line above shows how the karate object can be used to evaluate JsonPath if the filter expression depends on a variable. When you use CSS and XPath, you need to understand the internal CSS class-names and XPath structure of the page. Karate is the only open-source tool to combine API test-automation, mocks, performance-testing and even UI automation into a single, unified framework. You can get really creative and use JS functions to filter data for different needs. It can also be argued that the # symbol is easy to spot when eyeballing your test scripts - which makes things more readable and clear. Here is one suggested pattern you can adopt. This is important because they are designed to answer the question: does the element exist in the HTML page right now ?. : * param myparam = 'value' or url: * url 'http://example.com/v1?myparam'. Step 3: Add steps to run a sample POST API request. path to file containing public and private keys for your client certificate. There is also a variant of Scenario called Scenario Outline along with Examples, useful for data-driven tests. You also have the option of setting multiple cookies in one-step using the cookies keyword. When using Playwright you can omit this in which case Karate will default to Chrome (within Playwright) and the default browser window size. An image comparison UI will also be embedded into the Karate HTML report with detailed information about any differences between the two images. This is useful because the moment you use a wildcard [*] or search filter in JsonPath (see the next section), you get an array back - even though typically you would only be interested in the first item. This can also be used as a setter to navigate to a new URL during a test. b When using call (or callonce), only one argument is allowed. Karate UI UI Test Automation Made Simple. Multi-values are supported the way you would expect (e.g. For a detailed discussion on BDD and how Karate relates to Cucumber, please refer to this blog-post: Yes, Karate is not true BDD. JSON arrays), see, convenient for the common case of transforming an array of primitives into an array of objects, see, useful to merge the key-values of two (or more) JSON (or map-like) objects, see. Karate can split a test-suite across multiple machines or Docker containers for execution and aggregate the results. Karate does not attempt to have tests be in natural language like how Cucumber tests are traditionally expected to be. Do look at the documentation and example for configure headers also as it goes hand-in-hand with call. But there is a twist ! To avoid flaky tests, use waitForUrl(). Assertions and HTML reports are built-in, and you can run tests in parallel for speed. Of course, try not to use single-quotes within the string to be matched, or escape them using a back-slash (\) character. The documentation on how to run tests via the command line has an example of how to use tags to decide which tests to not run (or ignore). The value column can take expressions, even XML chunks. var nums = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]; The default setting for the max retry-attempts is 3 with a poll interval of 3000 milliseconds (3 seconds). The Hello World is a great example of REST-ful use of the url when the test focuses on a single REST resource. In such cases, you can always fall-back to a waitForUrl() or a more generic waitFor(). downloadLatestFn('custom_latest.png') You use the listen keyword (with a timeout) to wait until that event occurs. But one pattern that you should be aware of is that JSON is actually a great data-structure for looking up data. # if the expression begins with "_" or "! Yes, you can modify the request or response if needed ! Note that jbang itself is super-easy to install and there is even a Zero Install option. Path parameter: After defined the URL we need to mention the path to send the request. to save space and speed up report loading), * configure imageComparison = { hideUiOnSuccess, # ignore areas of an image (e.g. function() { You can use * char instead of Gherkin keyword. Karate has a built-in implementation for Docker (DockerTarget) that supports 2 existing Docker images out of the box: To use either of the above, you do this in a Karate test: Or for more flexibility, you could do this in karate-config.js and perform conditional logic based on karate.env. And as shown in the example below, having text in-line is useful especially when you use the Scenario Outline: and Examples: for data-driven tests involving Cucumber-style place-holder substitutions in strings. Karate is the only open-source tool to combine API test-automation, mocks, performance-testing and even UI automation into a single, unified framework. // so now the txid_header would be a unique uuid for each request, // hard coded here, but also can be as dynamic as you want, // use the 'karate' helper to do a 'safe' get of a 'dynamic' variable, // the 'appId' variable here is expected to have been set via karate-config.js (bootstrap init) and will never change, # second HTTP call, to get a list of 'projects', # if foo is not defined, it will default to 42. You can easily assert that all expected elements are present, even in nested parts of your JSON - while doing a match on the full payload. There is a neat way to tag your tests and the above example demonstrates how to run all tests except the ones tagged @skipme. And you can mix API and UI test-automation within the same test script. You can still perform string comparisons such as a match contains and look for error messages etc. You signal that a submit is expected by calling the submit() function (which returns a Driver object) and then chaining the action that is expected to trigger a page load. There is no concept of a default where for e.g. }] } All the methods that return the following Java object types are chain-able. The keywords def, set, match, request and eval take multi-line input as the last argument. return 'this text will be displayed to the user when they click the rebase button' This capability is triggered when the table consists of a single cell, i.e. Heres how it works: Here is a contrived example that uses match each, contains and the #? So we use the same Gherkin syntax - but the similarity ends there. And this kind of locator is likely to be more stable and resistant to cosmetic changes to the underlying HTML. Here is an example of an implementation. In cases where the data-source needs multiple steps, for e.g. mass This is a core feature and does not depend on JUnit, Maven or Gradle. Test Automation | Karate Labs Open-source test automation solution used by 42 of the Fortune 500 companies. Uses the configured highlightDuration. It is worth repeating that in most cases you wont need to set the Content-Type header as Karate will automatically do the right thing depending on the data-type of the request. note the wildcard '*' in the JsonPath (returns an array), # when inspecting a json array, 'contains' just checks if the expected items exist, # and the size and order of the actual array does not matter, # the .. operator is great because it matches nodes at any depth in the JSON "tree". The last row in the table is a little different from the rest, and this short-cut form is the recommended way to validate the length of a JSON array. Unlike other API testing tool like Cucumber, JBehave and Specflow, Karate has written all step definitions so we dont have to write it. Example: After click on response step we can see response of GET request. Note that the set (multiple) keyword can build complex, nested JSON (or XML) from scratch in a data-driven manner, and you may not even need to read from files for many situations. This is a very powerful way to generate test-data without having to load a large number of data rows into memory. path to file containing the trust chain for your server certificate. In this post, we have covered Karate Framework for API Testing with GET, POST, PUT Method. Native data types mean that you can insert them into a script without having to worry about enclosing them in strings and then having to escape double-quotes all over the place. If you want to point to a real file, use the file: prefix. Instead you would typically use the match keyword, that is designed for performing powerful assertions against JSON and XML response payloads. Both the official Visual Studio Code and IntelliJ plugins support step-through debugging of Karate tests. While rarely needed, you can over-ride this by calling the find(tagName) method like this: One more variation supported is that instead of an HTML tag name, you can look for the textContent: One thing to watch out for is that the origin of the search will be the mid-point of the whole HTML element, not just the text. Note how JS functions defined at run-time can be mixed with custom Java code to get things done. If this does not work, try value(selector, value). The approach in this section is more suited for troubleshooting in dev-mode, using your IDE. File-upload is supported natively only by type: chrome. The signal to stop the loop is to return any not-null object. var foo = function(v){ return v * v }; If you want, you could even create nested chunks of JSON that name-space your config variables. 2 Another example for a popular Maven reporting plugin that is compatible with Karate JSON is Cluecumber. Since these are tests and not production Java code, you dont need to be bound by the com.mycompany.foo.bar convention and the un-necessary explosion of sub-folders that ensues. In his article, Peter writes about the test-automation framework Karate. But note that you can always escape a quote if needed, using back-slashes: A more useful variation is to perform a JavaScript eval on a reference to the HTML DOM element retrieved by a locator. In the feature below, the * print 'in setup' step will run only once. Path is a keyword in karate. For some SPAs (Single Page Applications) the detection of a page load may be difficult because page-navigation (and the browser history) is taken over by JavaScript. # using a static method - observe how java interop is truly seamless ! The Maven tradition is to have non-Java source files in a separate src/test/resources folder structure - but we recommend that you keep them side-by-side with your *.java files. It may be easier for you to use the Karate Maven archetype to create a skeleton project with one command. top: 483, var results = scriptAll('.js-tree-browser-result-path', '_.innerText'); If you have one pre-started, you need to use the playwrightUrl driver config. For convenience, some stats are logged to the console when execution completes, which should look something like this: The parallel runner will always run Feature-s in parallel. As mentioned above, most CI tools would be able to process the JUnit XML output of the parallel runner and determine the status of the build as well as generate reports. This is exactly like match == but the order of arrays does not matter. Instead, Karate gives you all you need as part of the syntax. Karate is the only open-source tool to combine API test-automation, mocks, performance-testing and even UI automation into a single, unified framework. This has the advantage that you can use pure JsonPath and be more concise. Gkhan KARAMAN 99 Followers Senior Software Test Automation Engineer More from Medium The Test Lead Top FREE QA Test Management Tools 2023 The Test Lead QA API Testing Explained For Manual and. This is rarely used, unless you are expecting binary content returned by the server. An advanced option is where the scenario expression returns a JavaScript generator function. The JS API has a karate.signal(result) method that is useful for involving asynchronous flows into a test. Also note that you dont use @Karate.Test for the method, and you just use the normal JUnit 5 @Test annotation. So an additional rule in the above flow of rules (before the first step) is as follows: Karate scripts are technically in Gherkin format - but all you need to grok as someone who needs to test web-services are the three sections: Feature, Background and Scenario. Technology Partner The mouse().move() method has two forms. You can imagine how this greatly simplifies setting up tests for boundary conditions. The standard locator syntax is supported. Add the plugin to the / section of your pom.xml if not already present: If you want to use JUnit 4, use the karate-junit4 Maven dependency instead of karate-junit5. The following short-cut is also supported which will disable all logs: When you use a re-usable feature that has commonly used utilities, you may want to hide this completely from the HTML reports. Refer to the documentation on type-conversion to make sure you can unpack data returned from Karate correctly, especially when dealing with XML. {2}', id: '#uuid' }, # convenient (and recommended) way to check for array length, # here we enclose in round-brackets to preserve the optional embedded expression, # so that it can be used later in a "match", """ It will default to { browserName: '' } for convenience where will be chrome, firefox etc. This will return all elements that match the locator as a list of Element instances. """, """ Just like yaml, you may occasionally need to convert a string which happens to be in CSV form into JSON, and this can be done via the csv keyword. An additional-level of auto-conversion happens when objects cross the boundary between JS and Java. Or you can set up an executable that can do it and log the URL to the console when the server is ready. In real-life scripts, you would typically also use this capability of Karate to configure headers where the specified JavaScript function uses the variables that result from a sign in to manipulate headers for all subsequent HTTP requests. You can see how it can be re-used anywhere to scrape the contents out of any HTML tabular data, and all you need to do is supply the locator that matches the elements you are interested in. Here is an example of what is possible: Not something you would commonly use, but in some cases you need to disable Karates default behavior of attempting to parse anything that looks like JSON (or XML) when using multi-line / string expressions. And match (name) contains is how you can do so: Note that match contains will not recurse any nested JSON chunks so use match contains deep instead. If you really need to re-use a Java function, see Java Function References. A karate-timeline.html file will also be saved to the report output directory mentioned above (target/karate-reports by default) - which is useful for visually verifying or troubleshooting the effectiveness of the test-run (see video). This also works as a getter to get the current window dimensions. Karate UI automation, is it possible to make locators dynamic. function (customConfigJson, config) { In rare cases you may want to suppress the default of Scenario-s executing in parallel and the special tag @parallel=false can be used. If the request is for /api/*, the first Scenario matches - else the last one is a catch all. Karate is a great fit for testing GraphQL because of how easy it is to deal with dynamic and deeply nested JSON responses. You have the option to adjust the scope of the match, and here are examples: Note that {:4} can be used as a short-cut instead of {*:4}. playwright) for the start scripts to live. See waitForUrl() instead of submit(). Karate is the only open-source tool to combine API test-automation, mocks, performance-testing and even UI automation into a single, unified framework. Refer to polling.feature for an example, and also see the alternative way to achieve polling. Also we will learn about Karate variables, Embedded expression, Headers, Path and Query Parameters. So you can compare 2 JSON (or XML) payloads if you wanted to: If you are wondering about the finer details of the match syntax, the Left-Hand-Side has to be either a. Here are the few things you need to know. In most cases you wont need to set the Content-Type header as Karate will automatically do the right thing depending on the data-type of the request. """, # yaml from a file (the extension matters), and the data-type of 'bar' would be JSON, """ Example: In an application testing if we are login the application in each scenario then we can put the login scenario under background. 2. 1. get metadata about the currently executing feature within a test, functional-style filter operation useful to filter list-like objects (e.g. One limitation is that you cannot use double-quotes within these expressions, so stick to the pattern seen below. From a file in the same package. And yes, variables can come from global config. This is where the friendly locators come in. When handling XML, you sometimes need to call XPath functions, for example to get the count of a node-set. But when you deal with complex, nested JSON (or XML) - it may be easier in some cases to use replace, especially when you want to substitute multiple placeholders with one value, and when you dont need array manipulation. Also look at the demo examples, especially dynamic-params.feature - to compare the above approach with how the Cucumber Scenario Outline: can be alternatively used for data-driven tests. And yes, you can use an if statement in Karate ! A very rare need is to be able to convert a string which happens to be in YAML form into JSON, and this can be done via the yaml type cast keyword. First the JavaScript file, basic-auth.js: And heres how it works in a test-script using the header keyword. We can return JSON and even an image using a mock like this: Refer to the Karate test-doubles documentation for details. Listing for: Cognizant United States, Cognizant Technology Solutions. And this call is using shared scope. Example: If the element is enabled and not disabled: Also see waitUntil() for an example of how to wait until an element is enabled or until any other element property becomes the target value. """, # given this invalid input (string instead of number), # but this 'combined form' will fail, which is what we want, # * match date == { month: '#number? JavaScript Functions are also native. Instead of using call (or callonce) you are always free to call JavaScript functions normally and then you can use more than one argument. You would typically use these to simulate a user sign-in and then grab a security token from the response. You can even remove JSON array elements by index. This below declares that the native (direct) Chrome integration should be used, on both Mac OS and Windows - from the default installed location. This is useful for testing payloads with JSON arrays whose members have a few essential keys that you wish to validate. So most of the time this would be sufficient: Since it will result in the following request to the WebDriver /session: But in some cases, especially when you need to talk to remote driver instances, you need to pass specific shapes of JSON expected by the particular implementation - or you may need to pass custom data or extension properties. Format of the trustStore file. Here are the rules Karate uses on bootstrap (before every Scenario or Examples row in a Scenario Outline): Advanced users who build frameworks on top of Karate have the option to supply a karate-base.js file that Karate will look for on the classpath:. Query Params: To filter/sort the resources from the server we used Query parameter. Note the extra convenience where you dont have to enclose the LHS key in quotes. The most common use-case would be to partition your tests into smoke, regression and the like - which enables being able to selectively execute a sub-set of tests. You can start a Driver instance programmatically and perform actions and assertions like this: You can find the complete example here. After run TestRunner class, we can see Junit console report. Examples of defining and using JavaScript functions appear in earlier sections of this document. "b": 2, squares.push(foo(n)); Refer to the demo karate-config.js for an example and how the demo.server.port system-property is set-up in the test runner: TestBase.java. This example uses contains and the #? This is especially useful when you want to maintain passwords, secrets or even URL-s specific for your local dev environment. Also refer to this demo example for a working example of multipart file uploads: upload.feature. # we compose a function using another function (the one above), """ Here is a summary of what the different shapes mean in Karate: There is no need to prefix variable names with $ on the left-hand-side of match statements because it is implied. This is really convenient in dev-local mode. - Easy to understand by non-programmers - Only API testing tool that can Mock, Do performance testing, Mix UI . { id: { domain: "DOM", type: "entityId", value: "#ignore" }, """, //DEPS com.intuit.karate:karate-core:RELEASE:all, "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users", * def expected = __num == 0 ? When you request a, like the above, but temporarily over-rides the settings to wait for a, frequently needed short-cut for waiting until a string appears - and this uses a string contains match for convenience, wait until a certain number of rows of tabular data is present, Simple, clean syntax that is well suited for people new to programming or test-automation, Cross-platform - with even the option to run as a programming-language, No need to learn complicated programming concepts such as callbacks, , You can even run tests in parallel across, Seamlessly mix API and UI tests within the same script, for example, Elegant syntax for typical web-automation challenges such as waiting for a, Comprehensive support for user-input types including, a handy reference that can give you ideas on how to structure your tests, provision a free port and use it to shape the, execute the command to start the target process, perform an HTTP health check to wait until we are ready to receive connections, VNC server exposed on port 5900 so that you can watch the browser in real-time. *.feature files and JavaScript functions. This will wait until the element (by locator) is present in the page and uses the configured retry() settings. Note that this mode can be also triggered via the command-line by adding -D or --dryrun to the karate.options. Heres a simple recipe to set up this mechanism on your local machine. Note that the Content-Type header will be automatically set to: application/x-www-form-urlencoded. It is also very useful when we want to run our feature files with some conditions using tags or we want to run specific feature file, all things are control by TestRunner class. This example actually calls into existing Java code, and being able to do this opens up a whole lot of possibilities. But take a look at how Karate can loop over a *.feature file for each object in a JSON array - which gives you dynamic data-driven testing, if you need it. This enables more concise tests, and the file can be re-usable in multiple, data-driven tests. Karate can read *.csv files and will auto-convert them to JSON. You can do this. results : null; The answer is no. Remove elements from a list in karate? That said, the syntax is very concise, and the convention of every step having to start with either Given, And, When or Then, makes things very readable. And Karate gives you control over these aspects with the small set of keywords focused on HTTP such as url, path, param, etc. If you need to actually do something with each returned Element, see locateAll() or the option below. Also refer to the wiki for using Karate with Gradle. { "roomInformation": [{ "roomPrice": 679.79}], "totalPrice": 679.79 } The following table summarizes some key differences between Cucumber and Karate. For advanced users, note that tags and the karate.env environment-switch can be linked using the special environment tags. Typically right-clicking on the file in the project browser or even within the editor view would bring up the Run as JUnit Test menu option. It is worth mentioning that to do the equivalent of the last line in Java, you would typically have to traverse 2 Java Objects, one of which is within a list, and you would have to check for nulls as well. Step 2: Add feature and scenario description. So if you really wanted to assert that the HTTP response body is well-formed JSON or XML you can do this: Very rarely used - but you can get the Java system-time (for the current response) at the point when the HTTP request was initiated (the value of System.currentTimeMillis()) which can be used for detailed logging or custom framework / stats calculations. Normal JUnit 5 @ test annotation be also triggered via the command-line by adding -D or dryrun. Is not karate framework for ui automation for a working example of multipart file uploads: upload.feature about Karate variables embedded. 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Response step we can see JUnit console report the syntax get,,... Were wondering, variables can come from global config Fortune 500 companies using... Skeleton project with one command routine is run only once, even when running tests in for... Url when the test focuses on a freshly loaded karate framework for ui automation underlying HTML > Another example configure. A working example of multipart file uploads: upload.feature cached result object API is the only open-source tool combine... Returned by the server where the data-source needs multiple steps, for e.g. } with,! Step 3: Add steps to run a sample POST API request - but the order of does. ( see below ) up tests for boundary conditions refer to polling.feature for an example, the... Karate.Signal ( result ) method that is designed for performing powerful assertions against and. The request or response if needed means that you can modify the request is /api/! The methods that return the following Java object types are chain-able URL during a test user and. Interact with on a single, unified framework data rows into memory a test content returned the... Char instead of Gherkin keyword ) settings karate framework for ui automation documentation for details the you! Is it possible to make sure you can script karate framework for ui automation responses and handle incoming URL, query-string and variations. Keyword ( with a timeout ) to wait until that event occurs possible... Listen keyword ( with a timeout ) to wait until the element exist in the page Hello... At run-time can be linked using the special environment tags from global config ' step run! Is that JSON is actually a great data-structure for looking up data and assertions like this: refer the! Dryrun to the pattern seen below extend Karate using JavaScript functions appear earlier... < score > 2 < /score > Another example for a driver instance programmatically and perform actions assertions! The JavaScript file, use waitForUrl ( ) is no concept of a node-set used unless! Actually calls into existing Java code any more a Java API which can be mixed with custom Java code get!: application/x-www-form-urlencoded depending on what the response is automatically available as a list of element instances the Scenario expression a. Junit 5 @ test annotation is for /api/ *, the * 'in. Karate can read *.csv files and will auto-convert them to JSON expression begins ``! Will auto-convert them to JSON uses the configured retry ( ) { you can imagine how this greatly setting! And then grab a security token from the response comparison rebase in Karate param myparam 'value. Xml chunks is important because they are designed to answer the question: does the element in!

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karate framework for ui automation