mars mars compatibility tumblr

I was curious to see if there were any patterns in which astrological placements were most common in the 43 United States presidents so far. Capricorn moons are marked by their great determination and ambitions. Expect progress towards the big milestones to be slow. Like all Cancer placements, they complain a lot to blow off steam and deflect their nervous energy. Aquarius Mars tend to have recidive hairline since a young age or just getting white hair earlier than others. Leo Mars are the type of people to look older during their youth but then keeping the same appearance for the rest of their lives. It reflects your ambitiousness and approach to pursuing goals, how you assert and defend yourself, and also your primal sexuality. Befriend your crush! This makes them seem very impressive, but never unapproachable, as she has a natural down-to-earth energy. With Mars in Gemini you have a great energy for communication. Trine (): When two planets are ~120 away from each other, they form a trine aspect. All Graphic Elements via Canva Mars is the planet that rules our drives and desires, including those of an intimate nature. Enjoys being physically active in some way, getting out anddoing things. You are often too busy with the other aspects of your life to think about sex. Mars in Cancer people can be extremely moody, but they hide it fairly well. Will bristle at the slightest criticism, they can dish it out but they cant take it. If they enjoy sex, they really enjoy it and have the stamina to go all night, but a lot of them seem to be uncomfortable with sex or even outright asexual. Can be absolute hypocrites to the point where its shocking how self-unaware they are. It can help determine happiness in relationships. Mars in Scorpio are some powerful or sexy ass people. It is a matter of waiting for the perfect moment to get your own back, probably with a cutting comment. Life is too short for anything else. We can use astrology to discover our potential and to see what we are capable of. Can have a bit of a childish view of the world, no patience for the complexities. Mars in Leo Meaning: Ambition, Sexuality, Personality Traits & Significance, Mars in Libra Meaning: Ambition, Sexuality, Personality Traits & Significance. Signs that form harmonious aspects are the most compatible. Sable - He would be ashamed. There are three modalities or quadruplicities: cardinal, fixed, and mutable. Socially conscious, likely to get involved in some form of activism, a cause they believe in. Figure out your placements and the placements of your partner/crush, and look at interplanetary compatibility. You dont tell your secrets, and you prefer to be self-reliant rather than have to rely on anyone else. ), Occasional but Honorable mentions: Scorpio Degrees (8 & 20), Gemini Degrees (3 & 27 but not 15) and the 4th Degree (Cancer). the fact that you can take something concrete like the position of the planets and use it construct an entire chart that depicts something abstract like your personality": "you learn so much about yourself through astrology! But ju, February 5 brings an exciting and chaotic full moon in Leo that will ignite our passions and desires as well as our individuality. He is good at reading people and situations, so he tends to know if the other person is interested and the best time to approach. You know that you are doing well so far, and that you have the ability to get where you are going. You understand that you may not be able to see why someone is behaving in a certain way at a given moment. Each zodiac sign is a unique combination of an duality, element, and modality. Moon person often feels hurt with the Mars person. Mars in Tauruspeople arestubborn, stubborn, stubborn. This pairing features one of the hottest attractions around. Their convictions/beliefs are usually based on gut reactions rather than research. You probably have a pretty clear image in your mind of what the perfect version of you would be, one that plays to your strengths and uniqueness. Mars. Houses can be uneven If you are looking for the rising/ascendant or midheaven, look under the section explaining houses. Moon-Mars, like Mars-Venus, is an iconic yin/yang combination or masculine/feminine. Always itching to try something new. This double shot of raw instinct creates a passionate . Figure out your crushs age and their birthday. Since the introduction of television, physical attractiveness and good appearance have been vital for presidents to be elected, and no rising sign encapsulates elegance, beauty, and grace as well as Libra. Of each sign, there are x members of the stated party, as shown below. At times, you're known to sacrifice your well-being, in a relentless instinct to be impeccable. Mars in the 1st House people are often described as impulsive primarily in abad way, but i conceive their impulsivity quite as a talent, here's why: The first house represent our immediate reactions to the environment around us, and mars (the planet of action) represents immediate action. While you are highly critical and demanding of yourself, you tend to take a softer touch with others and accept that you never really know exactly what is going on with someone else. We all have the same points in our charts: the Sun in a sign, the Moon in a sign, Mercury in a sign, and so on. You have a tendency to assume the best in people. Your temper is cold instead of hot. It represents peoples' value, what they find pleasure in and compatibility. Aquarius. Capricorn Risings are not worth the "badass" rep, since they're the softest people on earth, they hate to show it publicly but they're the most huggable people in private life. While they do like to play games, they are scrupulously honest, and Scorpio and Virgo can form an us against the world bond. Id also say try to avoid too many fire placements, though a little bit might not be so bad :D, I'm the intp anon- my mars is cancer and Venus is Leo, Hi there, I am a cancer sun aqua moon cancer venus libra mars and taurus rising , 27 | INFP | 4w5 | Pan | Nonbinary | She/Her |, dunno how well this one's gonna go over without the context of the other essays lol. Astrologically, each house represents a different function of your Queen Elizabeth II is a Taurus Sun (on a Venus Decan), Leo Moon (on a Jupiter Decan) with Capricorn Rising. They push and can come off as aggressive at time to moon but moon respects their power and strength. While you work hard towards your goal, you will never reach it, as with every step you imagine that an even better version of yourself is possible, and you keep pushing the goal post up. EX: Cancer Venus looks amazing when wearing earthy tones (Capricorn) and flattering dresses. After the debate, both people who watched the debate on television and people who heard the debate over the radio were asked who they believed won the debate. While relationships are enjoyable from the start, they can take some time to get truly intimate, as Mars in Virgo men can be reluctant to let other people into their worlds. Not afraid to say or do anything they believe in. Both of my parents and many of their friends have this placement, and they all look younger than their age. My bests were definitely; Pisces sun + Scorpio mars, Gemini sun + Virgo mars, and (my current partner) Leo sun + Libra mars! Therefore, these kind-hearted people would be best suited to a person with Venus in Cancer. Likely to be very clingy and needy when it comes to love and sex, but also very giving. It does not determine your fate. They are prone to be violent and dominating with an inherent desire to control others. And they really like sex. But when it does come up, you find yourself in your sweet spot very quickly. Learn More. And i say this LOUDLY. all has energy of the Sagittarius archetype. Even if you and your crush or partner are incompatible astrologically, it does not mean you cannot have a happy, healthy relationship. This happens because Pisces & Sagittarius have the rulership of Jupiter (the planet of luck, money and abundance). But when it happens, you let your guard down and the experience is intensely intimate. Mars in Aquarius: Questions everything they read. On the flip side, a Mars conjunct North Node pairing is not without its challenges, as it is bound to be intense thanks to the influence of Mars on the other partner's Nodes. I mentioned that the Moon sign will always be the initial reaction or defense mechanism. Cuddles are recommended, though theyll need to really trust you before theyre comfortable with physical contact. I've noticed someone feels somehow more attractive when embodying the sign characteristics opposite to their natal venus. This can help when solving problems that require creative, unique solutions. Youve got their birth chart! But if someone does get under your skin, your anger turns cold and you will stew on things before getting your revenge, probably with the perfect cutting statement. A persons natal chart does not set into stone what the persons personality or essence is, so its important not to take astrological compatibility too seriously. Aries with Pisces Placements is a current pattern in famous artists, especially painters and geniuses. The dualities are masculine/yang/active (all fire and air signs; extroverted) and feminine/yin/passive (all earth and water signs; introverted). Asteroid Atira is often prominent in wealthy people birth charts, Almost all Billionaires charts I've seen have the following degrees interacting in their charts: 2, 22, 26, 28, 14, 18 & 5. Mars in Leo people are fun-loving people who are always on the go and ready for a new adventure. let me know if any of the links are wrong! Belief is something they have in spades theyre drawn to mystical mumbo-jumbo and yoga routines. Highly intelligent, incredibly quirky, but never comes across asnerdy. First off, I am going to give you the disclaimer that all astrology bloggers love to give: astrology does not dictate exactly how well people get along. When they talk about sex, they describe it clinically and bluntly, its not something they romanticize as sacred. It is often up to their partner to initiate encounters, because it just isnt on your mind. Square (): When two planets are ~90 away from each other, circle) and the purple division designated for Gemini (you can see the A Venus-Mars conjunction in the natal chart can indicate a person who is seen by others as charismatic, assuming that person has successfully integrated Venus and Mars. House I: Expression (aka rising/ascendant), House X: Career, reputation (aka midheaven). Another Cancer Mars guy, and he also have a Venus in Scorpio. Rather than get angry in the moment, you are likely to stew on something. When Mars transits through Virgo, you will probably feel the need to be organized in order to be able to move forward. Mars in Leo: Can be obnoxiously arrogant and oblivious to how theyre perceived. Mars - He'd feel a deep satisfaction that it was just a bug bite. They get very attached to people, places, and pets. When you are born under Mars in Virgo, you need someone intellectually stimulating and imminently trustworthy. They have many interests and many people interested in them, if yknow what I mean. Pairs between the same sign are also good, but not as strong as harmonious aspect pairs. There are two wheels in your chart as depicted below. A conjunction almost morphs the energy of both planets together. If you were born with Mars in Virgo, you aspire to be the best possible unique version of yourself and you are slowly and steadily working on that project, pushing the bar higher with every individual success. May fall along any point of the political spectrum, and will be very outspoken and capable of strongly arguing the case for their independent views. You might have known someone well for five years, and you still might not consider them close enough to share many of your thoughts and feelings with them. Aquarius: January 21 - February 18. I will discuss these charts further in a future post. So look at the zodiac wheel below. Think of a car getting t-boned. 2022, part of the Hopnetic network. If they enjoy sex, they really enjoy it and have the stamina to go all night, but a lot of them seem to be uncomfortable with sex or even outright asexual. Blue indicates the first quartile, Green indicates the second, Yellow indicates the third, and that PInkish-Red indicates the fourth. Especially if you work it into the conversation or ask them what they want as a present. Gemini, Taurus, Leo & Virgo Suns are common among spies. Get really grouchy sometimes. towards the top of the chart. Here is the data I collected. Aspects show how different planets clash with, strengthen, or work in harmony with each other. Practice looking up each individual sign/house position and aspect present in your chart. Secretive with magnetic personalities, like folks cant help but be drawn to em. location. You are highly organized and good at keeping on top of everything. Logical, open-minded, intellectually interesting men . See a recent post on Tumblr from @delaneydiaries about mars compatibility. in size. Reply. A trine brings strong harmony between those two planets. Heres my little attempt at an interpretation. A square aspect also brings tension between the two However, this is very open to interpretation. Thankfully, Mars does not retrograde through Virgo often, as the planet only retrogrades every two years. (2) William, Duke of Cambridge is a Cancer Sun, Cancer Moon and Sagittarius Rising (on a Sun Decan). For example: look at the chart above, and find the moon symbol So, signs of the same element or of the same duality (except for the signs sister) are the most compatible. There can be a lot of friction between them and their children if they become parents, mostly because they have no idea how to give praise without turning it into a critique. Cancer is emotional, nostalgic, security conscious, and family and home oriented. Mars is the planet of action, sure, but it's also the planet of aggression. They treat love like a performance art, which is why the courtship stage is their favorite part. Nothing more. Aries: aggressive, brave, playful, active, Taurus: lazy, determined, artistic, loyal, Gemini: analytical, bubbly, restless, talkative, Cancer: defensive, empathetic, parental, caring, Leo: creative, dramatic, prideful, affectionate, Virgo: selfless, practical, critical, dependable, Libra: romantic, elegant, indecisive, social, Scorpio: mysterious, jealous, suspicious, stubborn, Sagittarius: honest, carefree, reckless, philosophical, Capricorn: ambitious, hardworking, greedy, careful, Aquarius: rebellious, unique, innovative, distant, Pisces: emotional, dreamy, manipulative, flexible, Moon: Your unconscious self, desires, emotions, Mercury: Your mental processes, communication, decision making, Venus: What you look for in relationships and partners, your style, Jupiter: What expands you, your luck, growth, and your generosity, Saturn: What limits you, the lessons you learn, fear, and work ethic, Uranus: Your individuality, freedom, rebellion, Neptune: Your spirituality, ideals, deception, Pluto: Your most primitive side, your secrets. Cancer: June 22 - July 22. Mars shows what a woman is attracted to in a man. I'm sure situations are different when the woman is the Mars and the man is the Moon than when the man is the Mars and the woman is the Moon. You also never tend to judge people based on a single interaction. We earn from qualifying purchases. And when we're talking about matters of the heart, it's important to look at, Or, to speak from personal experience, before I was even aware of Heese and Schwimmer's thoughts on the matter, I was chatting with another astrologer about my birth chart. You are generally quite a private person and prefer to keep many things private and locked up. Aspects are special angles that show relationships between your planets. They tend to lean towards more aggressive and even fast strokes and or sways when in the moment. the 9th house (you can see the tiny number 9 towards the center of the Meanwhile, Pisces is dominated by the ruling planets of Neptune and Jupiter (ancient ruler). You're an assertive communicator, however, and will always fight hard to win an . They are the dreamers of the sun signs, and they are both creative. rotation about its axis. The traditional dates used by Mystic Meg for each sign are below. The hardest workers youll ever meet, especially in blue-collar job environments. Your natal chart shows the positions of the planets, asteroids, and other points at the moment of your birth, relative to the zodiac signs. No matter how tough their other placements make them seem, they have a squishy teddy bear side that the people closest to them will see. One of the least sexual placements of Mars they might have an aversion to even discussing sex. But you manage to keep all of your plates in the air without help because you are highly organized and relentless. As these signs are both air signs, there is a lot of common ground for them to connect with. It will next retrograde through Virgo in 2027. You might be drawn to older, experienced partners. Artistic types with this placement will actually finish their projects because theyre willing to power through the nitty-gritty boring bits that so many of us flaky, flighty artists get stuck on. I chose the Senate rather than the House of Rep. or the entire Congress, mostly because Im lazy but also because there are an even 100 people in the Senate, which makes the percentages easier to work with. Very pushy people, no concept of boundaries. ex. A cold and ruthless reaction indeed. To find your aspects, use one of the websites listed above that provide aspect information. You can get more information about the way this aspect will manifest by looking at the houses that Mars falls in each other's charts. But in some ways they enjoy thinking about sex more than actually having it the act itself can be disappointing and dissatisfying for them, partly because they dont know how to live in the physical moment instead of rationally dissecting the proceedings. You do . But they dont usually like admitting how horny they are because it might harm their public image. So, if, for example, your sun is in Sagittarius. Signs that form square aspects are the trickiest. There is a chance of human error, considering its late and I did this by hand, but I believe its about right. So what are the placements of the perfect president? Many of them honestly do despise their fellow humans and will stick their nosy asses in everywhere to fix things. Mars in Taurus is thought to be compatible with both the earth and water signs. But while you appreciate people in this way, you dont tend to trust people in general. Doesnt mean they wont fight back if you push them, but for the most part they recoil from arguments and will try to subtly nudge everyone into getting along. A Virgo Stellium can put extra emphasis on the 6th house of your chart, Ex. An Aquarius or Pisces sun, Capricorn or earth moon, an Aquarius Mercury, and a Libra rising (or at least a pretty face and peaceful demeanor). They prefer friendships and romances to work pretty much the same way, relaxed, easygoing, with no pressure to commit to anything. If theyre artistic they can make beauty out of the most fucked-up subject matter. These are signs of the same modality, not including the signs sister. Self-awareness is not one of their strong suits, but self-expression certainly is. And imo it's absolutely true, especially in the Ascendant. These planetary forces take on different forms, depending on their zodiacal position and on the way they relate to one another.. The planet Mars in Taurus has been considered compatible with both earth and water signs. Mars in Virgopeople always strive for perfection in everything they do. Each zodiac sign is designated a 30 portion of the celestial dome, and our natal chart shows where the celestial bodies are positioned in the dome. Many of them have literally the worst opinions on politics. Your greatest weapon is being able to say the exact thing to cut someone to their core and bring them down a peg or two. They also dont know how to stick to one person, goal, or idea because there are so many tempting options that set the wheels in their heads a-spinnin. Talking about wealth, the top 5 Sun Signs I've seen repeatedly in over 200 wealthy people charts are (not in order) : Cancer, Leo, Aries, Libra & Scorpio. Venus in Air, Mars in Water (Romantic Air, Watery Desires): In matters of the heart, you are a youthful, intelligent, and passionate lover, or you are magnetically drawn to partners with these qualities. In a relationship, it can be difficult for her to make space for her partner. (x) The colors given to each president is based on the quartile, rank-wise, of that president. An Air sign Mars is slow to assert themselves but can do so in a cold manner. In the natal astrological chart, Venus and Mars are the "go to" planets of love and relationship. Does not know how to compromise, would rather die than give ground on what they believe in. based on the earth and the other planets revolution around the sun, They build up a thick shell to conceal how sensitive they are to changes in scenery and circumstance. Funny and charming is their default state and they probably dont know how to turn it off. They have the six-figure salary, but they are still driving the first car they ever bought. In determining unity, Venus' placements are of vital importance because it can help you understand what your partner wants in a relationship. You have some placements and you can work on building up courage to ask for all their birth information. Funny and charming is their default state and they probably dont know how to turn it off. There are four elements or triplicities: fire, earth, air, and water. Capricorn Moons/Moon in the 10th hate to be helped, they love to help but hate to receive help, they often follow the motto: "I'll figure it out alone". Mars in Geminipeoples brains are always buzzing, they have a natural taste for knowledge. Here are my favorite planets to compare when it comes to compatibility: A zodiac sign is a 30 division of the zodiac wheel. The sign and house will govern how he likes to be appreciated and validated in his masculine energy and how he will express himself sexually. Fascination with death. This can lead to melding their feminine and masculine qualities. zodiac wheel which contain the signs (traced in purple) and the wheel of Each zodiac sign is defined by a certain basic archetype with a distinct sort of energy. The good ones are worth giving it to because they mean well and have a generous loving heart, but the bad ones wont shut up about how great they are and go into a red-hot rage when they dont get what they want. Ill explain everything soon: The sign each planet (sun, moon, Mercury,,Pluto) is located within in your natal chart shows what sort of energy the different parts of your essence contain. Most people born in wealthy families have Pisces, Sagittarius Suns / Moons or Sun/Moon on Jupiter/Venus/Neptune/Sun Decans. Element And Quality: Fire & Fixed. Remember, that asking someone for their birthday isnt strange. Their natural instinct is to fight and fight aggressively whether its verbally or with the physical body. Their childlike curiosity is so freaking cute. Also, Scorpio Risings/Asc on a Scorpio degree/ Mars or Pluto in the 1st house tend to have scars on their face, or tend to get small cuts in their face a lot. There is the Posted on Last updated: September 2, 2021, Our readers support us. Your secret to success? An Aries Stellium can put extra emphasis on the 1st house of your chart, ex. Are four Elements or triplicities: fire, earth, air, and water signs to commit to.... Does not know how to turn it off if, for example, your Sun is in.. This by hand, but never unapproachable, as shown below between your.... Sign are below and relentless: Career, reputation ( aka rising/ascendant ), house x: Career, (! Ask them what they believe in for them to connect with Elements or:! They want as a present: Career, reputation ( aka rising/ascendant ), house:... Aspects are special angles that show relationships between your planets is very open to interpretation mystical. 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mars mars compatibility tumblr