michael palmer waterloo

Closed Captioning and Described Video is available for many CBC shows offered on CBC Gem. here's a 2021 study specifically discussing the lipid nanoparticles confirming they are present in the \"vaccine\": https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8032477/ A beginners guide to climate change, with Ron Barmby, Alex Jones on the New World Order and the Great Reset, Mikki Willis on dividing, conquering, unity and winning, James Fetzer on JFKs assassination coverup, cities being destroyed with conventional explosives and napalm; and. 22, 2022: OCLA on the First Freedoms Foundation's "Freedom Feature" program, Mar. The fact that this has been so one-sided that other perspectives have not even been allowed to express themselves throughout the process is a very concerning thing.. Uncle Sam repeated the same atomic bombing over Nagasaki a few days later. And, of course, about Covid funding. But Prof Palmer's course note is definitely one of the best course note I have used in Waterloo. Both Vrscay and Palmer said they have started with the universitys disciplinary process outlined in the Memorandum of Agreement between the university and the faculty association. He is AMAZING; I really wish I didn't skip so many of his classes (they were early; 8:30am). Take, for example, the University of Guelph, he said, referring to another important Ontario university. There is just no way that any competent medical scientist who makes an honest effort to himself could not see that these vaccines in particular the mRNA vaccines, which are touted as the safe choice will cause grave harm, and with a sufficient number of cumulative doses certain death, he added. to colleagues, clients or customers, or inquire about The OCLA now stands alone and its position should be supported by all Canadians who cherish democracy and freedom. He's very fair in grading and if you ask him questions that he doesn't know the answer to, he will research it and get back to you. To order January 7, 2022: Dr. Michael Palmer from the University of Waterloo offers expert insights into the connection between mRNA vaccine technology and Cationic Lipid Toxicity. The notes are concise, detail, very organized, and he even added in a sense of humor to it. But if we can, why do we already know that it will all come down in the end to Billy Gates world-saving vaccine? We continue to keep this policy under review and expect to update our community before the start of the spring term, he said. 22, 2022: Un scientifique des donnes interjette appel contre la politique de vaccination obligatoire de la Banque du Canada, Mar. If you do not yet have a Torstar account, you can create one now (it is free), Copyright owned or licensed by Toronto Star Newspapers Limited. Its the same process for other professors who have not followed the schools mandatory order. 1997-2023 LifeSiteNews.com. All Rights Reserved. Staff terminations have come after the provincial government announced it was looking at removing the requirements for mandatory vaccine policies in the workplace near the removal of the vaccine passport, which came into effect on Tuesday. York University says its policy states that employees who are required on campus, and are not compliant with the universitys vaccination mandate, may be placed on full or partial unpaid leave of absence., When asked if any on a leave of absence would be called back to work, a spokesperson said, York is carefully reviewing evolving government and public health guidance as part of our decision-making for the summer term and beyond., Anyone can read Conversations, but to contribute, you should be a registered Torstar account holder. This guy pulled Darth Vader's teeth on weekends! As the person responsible for carrying out Policy 71 investigations for the Faculty of Science, I would like to provide some guidance about identifying and reporting evidence of this activity. I tell you what this funding is good for: to get some academics invested in the scam, so that they will say all the right things in front of the cameras through their masks, and with social distancing, of course. This includes damage to blood vessels, the possible introduction of auto-immune diseases and the inflammation of organs and tissues. "Yes, there is a virus and it kills some people, but the panic around it is created with fraudulent data. He is a critical thinker and encourages students to also think critically. LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page. However several photographs appear online claiming to show the mushroom cloud. One current area of interest is the action mode of lipopeptide antibiotic daptomycin, as well as the mechanism of bacterial resistance to it. Dr. Palmer, a certified medical doctor and microbiologist, told LifeSiteNewsby emailthat his opposition to the vaccines is not in spite of [his] medical education, but BECAUSE of it,. Republication or distribution of this content is Box 500 Station A Toronto, ON Canada, M5W 1E6. As instructors move to using online assessments available for 24-48 h time periods, it has become evident that some students are making use of inappropriate sources to find answers to test questions. Always willing to help outside of class! Even worse,Palmer elaborates that the result of thismechanism isthe sameresultradiation treatmentsfor cancer patientsproduce, which he saysmeans there arestrictlimitsonhow muchthe human body canwithstand before dying. Jerm Warfare is the battleground of South African cartoonist and broadcaster, Jerm. They could be genuine but showing the effects of firebombing; they could show firebombing in some other location I havent attempted to collate the points from which they were supposedly photographed with the actual view which would have been seen; they could be faked; or they could as claimed show the after effect of an atomic bomb exploded in the air. Brown, C.M. 5. The vaccines are, themselves, unsafe. "The faked-up scare is used to defraud the economy and rob the people of their freedom," he wrote. Michael Palmer (whose biography can be found at his website) held a faculty position in the chemistry department at the University Of Waterloo before being fired after his refusal to receive a toxic mRNA jab. 22, 2022: OCLA letter opposing governments proposed new crime of Holocaust denial, Mar. If you are a "premedical" student who wants high marks for doing nothing much, don't take this course too bad the latter group constitutes the majority of the class; hence the complaints. [] Dr. Palmer is a rare gem. that his opposition to the vaccines is not in spite of [his] medical education, but BECAUSE of it,, Universities. According to the doctor, with the limited information provided regarding the sudden deaths, they look very much like adverse vaccine effects., PETITION: Urge the Quebec Knights of Columbus to REVERSE draconian vaccination requirements, Bonnie Mallard, and Niel Karrow, who are clearly the most competent people at that institution, and who are on our side of the debate. Emeritus, I have long suspected it, but I had to see this to really believe it the long-festering idiocy of academia has reached its terminal stage. Michael Palmer, MD and Sucharit Bhakdi, MD July 23rd, 2021" "Of particularly grave concern is the very slow elimination of the toxic cationic lipids. His course notes were very concise, informative, and easy to digest. Cordially, Palmer even mentioned that he will be cooperative with the school in finding a replacement for him as to minimize the disruption for the students in his classes. Fair prof, will answer any questions you have. He tells you to go read the text book. I have met numerous academics who feel alienated from their institutions and are interested in joining such an effort. For more about my work and background, please see my web page (link in the side bar). He's incredibly witty and does talk quite fast, so sometimes the jokes get missed if you're not paying attention. In short, yes, said Manning. Further, data from theWorld Health Organization, theEuropean Union, and AmericasVaccine Adverse Event Reporting System(VAERS)show reports of millions of injuries and tens of thousands of deathsarelinked to the shots, whichis more than all vaccines combined since 1990. It is unwise to take and promote vaccines which have not undergone sufficient testing (animal, and otherwise), and which have no track record for possible long-term negative complications. That includes implementing health and safety measures on their campuses, he said. 27, 2022: OCLA Statement on CMAJ Fisman et al. If you do not yet have a Torstar account, you can create one now (it is free), Copyright owned or licensed by Toronto Star Newspapers Limited. Palmers letter, addressed to the universitys president, chancellor, department of chemistry chair, and dean of the faculty of science, opens strongly with the doctor stating: This letter is to inform you that I categorically refuse to comply with any of the COVID vaccine-related mandates imposed on its employees by the University of Waterloo: 1. Current guidelines require universities to have a mandatory vaccine policy in place, which requires educational sessions for those who do not provide proof of vaccination. A chemistry professor at the University of Waterloo has come under fire after he sent . Dr. Patrick Phillips, a medical doctor in rural Ontario, has consistently posted about his opposition to vaccine mandates, lockdowns, and other forms of medical coercion on social media. And the faculty of science has its collective heads firmly lodged into its collective rears and worries about cheating students. 4 Family Life Lane Thank you for your efforts to more effectively detect this misbehaviour, Department of Chemistry They have immunologists Byram Bridle, Bonnie Mallard, and Niel Karrow, who are clearly the most competent people at that institution, and who are on our side of the debate. At Laurier and the University of Guelph, no one was fired for non-compliance, but they were put on an unpaid leave of absence. I will not let myself be injected with any of the ineffective and poisonous concoctions that are misrepresented to the public as COVID vaccines. N2L 3G1 The following is a comment found under the video. Moreover, he is a professor with flexibility, and I like that. That was their behaviour at a particular point in time, university President and Vice-Chancellor Vivek Goel told the Star. Meanwhile, Marvin Minsky was a computer scientist and co-founder of MITs artificial intelligence laboratory. has very few notes. My hope is to get involved with starting up a new university one that upholds old-fashioned values such as honesty, academic rigour, and free speech, he told LifeSiteNews. Dr Michael Palmer, chemistry professor at University of Waterloo Ontario, shares excellent COVID-19 vaccine information Dr Michael Palmer COVID-19 vaccine quick-facts educational information click here: Michael Palmer CHDC educational presentation Waterloo Michael Palmer. Finally, the guy told you exactly what to study for and it was on his website; so the non-english part is a bunch of bull. He is indeed challenging, but this is how you friggin' learn! Once it finishes, he said, he will start the cycle again. Dr. Michael Palmer, a board-certified medical microbiologist teaching pharmacology at the University of Waterloo (UW), once again rebuked the university's leadership over their imposition of. Star Newspapers Limited and/or its licensors. Media in category "St. Michael (Unterasbach)" The following 17 files are in this category, out of 17 total. Laurier says those with active contracts will be invited back to work in-person on May 1. With radiation there is a total lifetime dose limit that you can survive, Palmeroutlined. If you look at real data, it turns out that it is no worse than a flu. Dr. Michael Palmer explained that the mRNA mechanism has the same result as radiation treatments for cancer patients and there are limits on how much the human body can withstand before dying. Soon after answers are posted on these websites, they become available through Google. The mere fact that we havent even been able to have conversations and actually have people listen and talk and respond in good faith within our institution which is supposed to be built around respect for the search of knowledge and norms of collegial governance we feel we have been totally set aside and disrespected, said Waterloo philosophy professor John Turri. With all due respect, Barb, but the real cheating going on is this fake Covid epidemic. Speaks very fast, English not that great, he speeds through all the metabolites and substrates names so if you don't prepare for class, u might as well not go to it. New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science, Apr. As first reported by the Waterloo Region Record, the University of Waterloo this week fired Michael Palmer, a chemistry professor who has worked there for more than two decades, because he chose not to get vaccinated. Chemistry nazi indeed. But this city no longer existed. The secondcomponentis the lipid nanoparticles,the doctorcontinued. Hamilton, ON L8L 4S4. ", Robert Martin Our mission is to end childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and to establish safeguards to prevent future harm. 35100 Expert In Antibiotics Biochemical fluorescence Mechanisms of drug action Medical microbiology Metabolism Links Faculty Page Media Relations The fairest course and prof at Waterloo if you are looking for a course where you get what you put in; coupled with a great and funny prof, take this course. An interesting study was published during 2014 by a profoundly fascinating thinkers by the name of Miles Mathis. Lots of material, but is expected for metabolism. However, universities across Ontario have unanimously taken the stance of fully mandating vaccines. Despite approval from the likes of Health Canada, all currently available COVID-19 vaccines are experimental, withclinical trials not set for completionuntil 2023. to colleagues, clients or customers, or inquire about Waterloo, Ontario You have seen the media outrage resulting from Professor Michael Palmer suggesting that COVID-19 "is no worse than a flu", but the media have avoided publishing the important email itself, and have avoided reporting key content in the email. Take a listen to what he said in the following clip. On Wed, 3 Jun 2020 19:18:35 +0000 Michael Palmer, a Waterloo chemistry professor, has been one of the loudest opponents of the schools vaccine policy and was one of the 40 signatures in an open letter denouncing the universitys stance last year. Our corporation number is 1295112-6. [The mRNA shots] have twocomponents. The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations the voice of 17,000 university faculty and academic librarians says its concerned decisions about health and safety on campus continue to be made without proper consultation with faculty. If I am willing to accept that a lot of history has been misrepresented by the establishment, such as 9/11, the Titanic, Sandy Hook and JFKs assassination, then I am willing to accept that what I believed about Hiroshima (and Nagasaki) is equally misrepresented by the establishment. MMWR. Vrscay has been with the university for over 35 years and still has a cohort of graduate students under his watch. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The Waterloo Region Record spoke with three staff members who were terminated in February for not complying with the vaccine mandate. The WHO has already reported over 2.1M injuriesrelated to COVID jabs, worldwide. The province has told universities they no longer need to have COVID-19 vaccination policies but at least one university is still terminating employees who were not compliant. He published a related study, during 2016, which is also worth reading. Since the start of the pandemic, there have been 1480 cases of COVID-19 in Waterloo region and 43,685 cases in Ontario. He mentioned that he suspects the main addressees the chair and the dean likely dont even have permission to engage with him, citing that all of their communications through email have been completely robotic and concerned solely with procedure and protocol., When asked why he thinks that UW, and academic institutions more broadly, have been so stringent with vaccine mandates and other so-called COVID-19 measures, Palmer asserted that the leadership is stacked with globalist stooges, just like all other important institutions of society, and are subservient to the [so-called COVID-19] agenda.. If you find evidence of this activity, please contact either Samantha St. Amand (copied on this message) or me and we will help with tracking and follow-up on any allegations of misconduct you wish to pursue. "The real cheating going on is this fake Covid epidemic," wrote Palmer. Still a great course to take. Excellent Professor! He later sent an apology email to the faculty, saying the message was meant for one person. ", The goal of Michael Palmer's biochemical pharmacology course is to "gain an in-depth understanding of the biochemical principles of drug action. This copy is for your personal non-commercial use only. I thankfully am in good health and retain my usual capacity for work. Press Esc to cancel. What that means is the total lifetime dose of these messenger RNA vaccines that you can tolerate before you die is limited. This is not the first time Palmer has sounded the alarm regarding the COVID-19 vaccines. To order copies of University of Waterloo Dr. Palmer is an amazing prof, very well learned, and has interesting insights into many of the topics covered. This very fact should militate against penalizing Knights who cannot accept these jabs, in good conscience, as morally repugnant per se. It is beyond hope and simply should be put out of its misery. However, excellent course notes and flexibility with assignments. Whereas most vaccines have taken between six and ten years to be fully tested and approved, these COVID jabs have only been given for less than a year -- and so, we do not know what the long-term effects will be. OCLA ED raises constitutional issues in Social Security Tribunal appeal, Oct. 14, 2022: OCLA Report 2022-3: "State coercion to receive medical injections confirms conflicting interpretations of the right to life, liberty and security of the person", Oct. 5, 2022: OCLA hosts report "Proof that Canada's COVID-19 mortality statistics are incorrect", Sep. 23, 2022: OCLA Report 2022-2: Canadian court decisions on the constitutionality of Covid measures are invalid due to jurisdictional errors of law, Sep. 20, 2022: OCLAs submission to the Public Order Emergencies Commission, Aug. 3, 2022: Research article: COVID-Period Mass Vaccination Campaign and Public Health Disaster in the USA, May 8, 2022: OCLA's Spring 2022 Newsletter, May 4, 2022: Dr. Denis Rancourt presents OCLAs criticism of the CMAJ Fisman et al. To order We have seen this happen on final exams as well as assignments and quizzes. Yes, he may be not so helpful. It had been wiped out in two previous raids. This cannot be construed as some sort of honest error.. This is how it has felt this entire time.. It also gives universities the option of requiring regular testing for individuals who choose not to get vaccinated. Waterloo has said its entire community is now more than 99 per cent vaccinated but with a massive population that includes tens of thousands of students, staff and faculty, it leaves potentially hundreds dealing with the fallout of the mandate. I'm an award-winning cartoonist and broadcaster. 3. I don't think he enjoys teaching and really seems to put people down a lot. As of March 24, Waterloo had terminated 49 staff and faculty for not being vaccinated. As first reported by the Waterloo Region Record, the University of Waterloo this week fired Michael Palmer, a chemistry professor who has worked there for more than two decades, because he. Now, we have clear-cut evidence that the vaccine itself, plus the protein, gets into blood circulation.. When Kilian fielded her worries that the hospital was forgoing the standard approach to informed consent, CEO Gary Sims told her that during a pandemic what may feel like infringing upon an individuals medical rights, or taking short cuts, is actually just action being taken directly to save lives.. At the time, Palmer fielded similar concerns regarding the safety of the experimental jabs and told LifeSiteNewsby email that his opposition to the vaccinewasnot in spite of [his] medical education, but BECAUSE of it., There is just no way that any competent medical scientist who makes an honest effort to himself could not see that these vaccines in particular the mRNA vaccines, which are touted as the safe choice will cause grave harm, and with a sufficient number of cumulative doses certain death.. Barbara Moffatt wrote: I am writing to you because there has been an increased volume of cheating on assignments and tests since moving to an online format, and the Faculty of Science is trying to be proactive in addressing this behaviour early in the term. He comes across as a brilliant man. There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name Combine Editions Michael Palmer's books There is a hopeful conclusion to Dr. Michael Palmers story: he revealed his potential plans for the future, assuming UW follows through with their policy and terminates him. Palmer first came to public attention on the matter when he circulated a course outline in Sept. 2020 for his biochemical pharmacology course, saying in-class exams werent mandatory because of the COVID fake emergency. The university later issued a statement saying it respects the academic freedom of our faculty to express their opinions but did not share the same opinion as Palmer. Download our FREE eBook guide to learn how, with the help of walking aids like canes, walkers, or rollators, you have the opportunity to regain some of your independence and enjoy life again. Moreover, one has to wonder why these people only took one picture of what is presented as a horrific and unusual event. the best prof ever! It has approved medical and creed-based accommodations for 123 students and 47 employees. 35100. On 6 August 1945, during World War II, an American B-29 bomber dropped the worlds first atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Michael Palmer MD speaks on the mRNA vaccines. These lipids, fat-like molecules, they encase the messenger RNAand theyserve two purposes. View Randy Michael Palmer's record in Waterloo, IA including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. "The University of Waterloo respects the academic freedom of our faculty to express their opinions. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Children's Health Defense - Canada Chapter is a certified not-for-profit organization in Canada. Cordially, Palmer even mentioned that he will be cooperative with the school in finding a replacement for him as to minimize the disruption for the students in his classes. If an employee has been insubordinate repeatedly, it doesnt matter if the situation changes. By the start of the winter term, university staff were beginning to be told they were on unpaid leave. This representation is not, however, shared by the University of Waterloo or the Faculty of Science," said the statement. Current time in Gunzenhausen is now 07:51 PM (Saturday). Whimsiquisitive 275 subscribers Subscribe 681 29K views 1 year ago Michael Palmer from the University of Waterloo speaks on the actual science. He is arrogant and has a really twisted sense of humor. Associate Professor Waterloo, Ontario mpalmer@uwaterloo.ca Office: (519) 888-4567 ext. Palmer and longtime mathematics professor Edward Vrscay have been vocal against the schools mandates since they were introduced ahead of the fall semester. the victims being killed not with radiation but with mustard gas and napalm. Yes, he may be lazy. Activities Collapse all expand_more Employment (1) sort Sort University of Waterloo: Waterloo, ON, CA 2001-08-01 to present | Faculty (Chemistry) Employment Show more detail A university spokesperson would not disclose how many staff and faculty are still facing a disciplinary process for not being vaccinated, but said its a handful. University of Waterloo 200 University Ave. W Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 The university follows the disciplinary process prescribed in the agreement, which Palmer describes as an escalation of unpaid leaves. CMAJ paper with Dr. Byram Bridle & Dr. Denis Rancourt Trish Wood is Critical, Apr. The goal of Michael Palmer's biochemical pharmacology course is to "gain an in-depth understanding of the biochemical principles of drug action." Palmer received a medical degree with a. In this brief video, the viewer is provided with a simple but critically important understanding of Cationic Lipid Toxicity and the relevance of this theme when it comes to short-term and long-term personal health. Click to share your thoughts or simply subscribe, Dr. Michael Palmer MD (Biochemist): The connection between Cationic Lipid Toxicity & mRNA Science, Dr. Michael Palmer is an Associate Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Waterloo (Canada) teaching. The dean then sent an email to the faculty saying Palmer's views don't represent the university and he was disappointed by the tone. Michael Palmer Associate Professor Faculty of Science Department of Chemistry Waterloo Centre for Microbial Research Waterloo, Ontario mpalmer@uwaterloo.ca Office: (519) 888-4567 ext. Interview with Denis Rancourt", "Charte, coercition et injections - Entrevue avec Denis Rancourt et Joseph Hickey", "Study finds COVID vaccines were 'useless' in reducing all-cause mortality in USA", "Recent CMAJ study vilifying the unvaccinated is unwarranted", "Do Unvaccinated Increase Risk of C-19 Infection in the Vaccinated? He studied Medicine and Medical Microbiology in Germany and has taught Biochemistry since 2001 in Canada. He's not that helpful out of class esp if you ask questions he thinks are 'stupid'. Republication or distribution of this content is It is sad this let this monster stay in the University. (Answers may also be posted on other websites like Course Hero or Stack Exchange). And he is not unreasonable!! Dr. Palmer is a fantastic professor. To order copies of Multiple Canadian doctors outside academia have also publicly denounced the safety and efficacy of the jab. Dr Michael Palmer COVID-19 vaccine quick-facts educational information, click here: Michael Palmer CHDC educational presentation. Nazi? Michael Palmer Biography MD, biochemist at University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Palmer said he is currently on an eight-day unpaid leave. The United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War 2. All his students are miserable. Meanwhile, Wilfrid Laurier University and the University of Guelph placed non-compliant staff and faculty on unpaid leaves of absence and once proof of vaccination is no longer required, the former plans to invite employees back to work, while the latter says cases will be individually assessed. Instead of considering the legitimacy of Phillips claims, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario has placed sanctions on the doctor, prohibiting him from providing COVID-19 related exemptions to patients, and even revoking his ability to prescribe the life-saving drug used to treat COVID: Ivermectin. The Quebec Knights of Columbus should be prepared to make reasonable accommodations for those members and officers who have decidedto refuse these unethical, untested and unsafe vaccines. The day and hour Hiroshima was bombed, U.S. air command logged a fleet of 66 bombers for an operation in nearby Imabari Japan. It is a toxin, he added. My wife and I live in the countryside with our pets, homegrown (and hunted) food and alcohol. "Our response to the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to be based on the best available advice from public health officials," the statement went on to say. For a detailed collection of critiques and analyses, I recommend going through this guided tour which includes patents, photos, reports, testimonies and more. CMAJ paper with Dr. Byram Bridle & Dr. Denis Rancourt, "Immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle responds to flawed 'study' used to justify unvaccinated segregation", "Critics say widely shared study on mixing with unvaccinated contain massive errors", "Civil Liberties Group Raises Concerns Over Proposed Criminal Law Under Antisemitism Title". The Record also noted it was aware of at least two other professors, and one lecturer, facing termination. He belittles his students and colleagues and make them feel like crap. very unspecific in what he is looking for. How can firing employees who work remotely promote health and safety on campus?. In recent weeks, the province relaxed restrictions as part of its reopening plan and on March 1, the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health said post-secondary institutions no longer need to have vaccination policies. On whether any terminations under this policy are final. However, if the following is true, then it is quite damning. paper to the Canadian Covid Care Alliance, Apr. Michael Palmer CHDC educational presentation, Children's Health Defense - Canada Chapter. There are only three principal photographs, neither showing any general scenery. Before the school year began, Ontarios universities implemented mandatory vaccination policies requiring students, staff and faculty on campus to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, unless they were exempt. The Knights of Columbus in Quebechave apparently begunto pressurize and bullyunvaccinated council members and officerswhodeclineto take theCOVID jab. I highly recommend taking his courses since they are valuable subjects, but do NOT recommend talking to this professor outside of class for help or research. Quebec Knights of Columbus Telephone Numbers:450-768-0616 or1866-893-3681, Quebec Knights of Columbus Email: [emailprotected], **Photo Credit: Joseph Sohm / Shutterstock.com. Easy to digest panic around it is beyond hope and simply should be put out of esp... Palmer 's course note I have used in Waterloo Region and 43,685 in! Has already reported over 2.1M injuriesrelated to Covid jabs, in good conscience, as morally repugnant per se if. '' wrote Palmer defraud the economy and rob the people of their freedom, '' he wrote is damning!, Marvin Minsky was a computer scientist and co-founder of MITs artificial intelligence laboratory and for. Notes are concise, detail, very organized, and I like that and unusual event has! Of humor to it Hero or Stack Exchange ), homegrown ( and )! 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michael palmer waterloo