obstacles in serving god

There are two glorious ways Jesus abolishes the fears that might keep us from a rich relationship with God. Yes, we are sinners. It may just a sprained ankle or a runny nose or a toothache, but it hinders our performance The question we should ask ourselves today is: Are you fulfilling your God-given role in His kingdom? You inevitably will be faced with moments in life that seriously challenge you. Abraham Taking Isaac to be Sacrificed. We can certainly learn how to handle any challenge or difficulty when we examine how the first century church handled her own challenges. God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Trusting God gives us direction (Proverbs 3:5-6). One of the glories of God is that He left the majesty of heaven to have intimate relationship with us. Will we be able to do these things well? The elders of Ephesus were faithful in their roles asshepherdswho provided for the flock and protected it from danger. What does God say about overcoming obstacles? Then look to these promises. Its a rich relationship, not a mechanical one. Everything else comes after that. No! There is one good way to know whether you are spiritually well or not. Committed to Loving God and Loving People. First, the apostles identified their main priority. During his third missionary journey, Paul spent most of his time in Ephesus, a city on the western coast of present-day Turkey. Serve the Lord with gladness. I hope that everyone who is serving in any ministry of Life Church will take this exhortation seriously Guard yourself! Sometimes, the key to overcoming your problems is through replacing these negative emotions with Gods love. If you do, you won't ever feel alone. Without the proclamation and teaching of Gods words disciples are not developed. Please see the Disclosures for how it will all go down. Fourth, Psalm 1 says that successful people do not get tangled up with negative, wicked, or limiting people. Following Jesus as our Lord and Savior not only means that we . Get FREE "He Cares for You" teaching sheet, Build up your faith as you meditate on inspiring Scripture verses of how much God loves you, "It's not what goes into your body that defiles you; you are defiled by what comes from your heart.". The trouble is, many congregations face substantial obstacles that make the daily practice of experiencing God more challenging. There is one thing that everyone can do that is to pray. The food distribution ministry was just caring for the needs of those in the church. Therefore, Jesus said to Peter Get behind me Satan. Rejection and betrayal are part of life and help us grow closer to God when we realize our weaknesses are actually strengths. These dark moments can leave you feeling frustrated, scared, and broken. This is similar to how the higher law of aerodynamics supersedes the lower law of gravity for a hang glider. But what if they aren't enemies? Jeremiah 32:27 states I am the Lord, the God of all mainkind. This morning we will see how the apostle Paul highlights the need for faithfulness in Gods service to the Ephesian elders by his example and his exhortations. *A.W. Tit was through all these works of God that the Ephesians had now grown into a thriving churchwithin three years. It requires a true heart in full assurance of faith. This is a full and rich and satisfying relationship one that is more real to us than anything else. These verses will strengthen your faith in God. Thus we have seen that Paul and the Ephesian elders were faithful in fulfilling their respective God-given roles. Cf. Serving God is one of the greatest things we have been given by the Lord to do. We Must Obey God Rather than Men (Acts 5:12-42) by, Gods Wisdom and Requirements for Church Leadership (Acts 6:1-7) by, Stephen-A Man of Faith (Acts 6:5, 7:54-8:3) by, Acts 20:17-35 - The Challenge to Serve Faithfully, Mailing Add: 10 Gilstead Road Singapore 309064. Many of us, however, get to a point of exhaustion and fatigue as we strive to do His will. But he also said that the gates of Hades will not overcome his church. Doesnt this remind us of what our Lord Himself did? Life is full of ups and downs. Download the free myCBN app. You never know, God may even speak to you through on of your fellow Christian friends. They really piss me off. Money Money. Faith is from God and fear is from the enemy. The Bible says eternal life is to "know God and His one and only Son." As I made the transition from knowing about God for 19 years, to actually . Ive tried it before. All Rights Reserved. Click to Tweet If it has, one way to restore it is build yourself up spiritually. This shows that Jesus was a very big part of Pauls life. No! Now we shall read what Paul said to them, as recorded in Acts 20:17-35. Psalm 32:11, "Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!". After our conversion, our inner person matures and grows, but our flesh is neither removed nor improved. Understand Gods love will help us demolish the intrusive thoughts we have. Error: There was an internal error submitting your form. In the following paragraphs, I have listed 10 common things that can interfere with our walk with God. As a Christian, its important to not let your obstacles in life tear you away from your faith. "How pleased the Lord must have been when Abraham did as he was instructed, without question and without wavering.". The church has faced external and internal challenges since the day it began through the preaching of the apostles. He is patient toward us, always showing his mercy toward us, always deals with us in his steadfast love. Is anything too hard for me? When faced with an enormous obstacle, dont focus on how big the problem is. Yea, ye yourselves know, that these hands have ministered unto my necessities, and to them that were with me.He worked as a tent-make, to provide not only for his own needs, but for the needs of others as well. Much of the ministry of Jesus was devoted to correcting bad teaching; see, for example, Matthew 5:21 on murder, 5:27 on adultery, and 5:33 on oaths. To be faithful to the Word is to give our attention to thewholecounsel of God. As a result of this they become spiritually weak, they fall into sin and become ineffective in their service. There is no way that you can escape from the fires of hell, unless yourepentof your sins andtrust onlyin Jesus Christ to save you, submitting fully to His Lordship in your life. Here Paul begins his discourse to the church elders in about the same way that he begins every epistle by drawing attention to the Lord whom he served: the Lord Jesus Christ. It isfaithfulness to the whole counsel of God. God will help you knock down that wall in front of you. Are we a biblical people, or do we just get our truths from our emotions or non-emotions? But having said all this, the question still remains what if Gods people are somehownotdiligent enough to guard themselves well and to build themselves up with God Word? And we must be very thankful to Him. In 1 Kings 19, we see how detrimental fear can be to hearing God. The Bible has scripture for every one of your needs. 10) 1 Corinthians 15:57 " But thanks be to God! He feels supreme love for One whom he has never seen, talks familiarly every day to Someone he cannot see, expects to go to heaven on the virtue of Another, empties himself in order to be full, admits he is wrong so he can be declared right, goes down in order to get up, is strongest when he is weakest, richest when he is poorest, and happiest when he feels the worst. Weve tried it. Romans 14:13 - Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way. You think a person as messed up as you just isnt supposed to be close to God. Will we be able to do these things well? Acts 6:1-7 The devil is always looking out for opportunities to gain a foothold in your heart and make you fall. True friends! Your browser does not support the audio element. The first exhortation is found in v.28:Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flockThe Ephesian elders would already have known that they were to guard the flock, which is the church. The preaching and teaching of Gods word. They told the church they had no desire to abandon the preaching in order to embark into another ministry. This doesnt happen automatically. It is just like eating well-balanced meals that include every kind of food that your body needs to be strong and healthy. Look at your, If it has, one way to restore it is build yourself up spiritually. We overcome the emotional barrier when we believe it is safe to yield to God. The answer is simple, but not necessarily easy. In fact, faithfulness is the most important quality needed in serving the Lord. This command to draw near might be summarized as a summons to live in a rich God-accomplished relationship with God. God rewards faithfulness. This was approved by the church, and they selected seven men to take care of the ministry of food distribution. The challenges that Nehemiah faced in building the wall are illustrations from God's Word of obstacles and opposition that Christians may face. He died in our place. Do you remember when you first yielded your life to Christ? Nothing like a twisted ankle because you stepped on an uneven surface, rock or twig. Here are seven ways you can rely on God to help you break down and overcome the challenging obstacles that are standing in your way: Focus on God's power rather than on the size of your problem . For them to enter the Promised Land, they would have to trust God to bring them through this raging river. First, we can have a rich God-accomplished relationship with God because of Jesuss sacrifice (Hebrews 10:1920). He will surely see to it that His Church will endure to the very end. Audio Version. Obstacles that we face in life are riddled with anxiety, fear, worry, anger, stress, and every negative emotion that you can think of. The emotional barrier deals with bad experiences, but the intellectual barrier deals with bad teaching. You can be comforted by Gods commitment (Psalm 46:1; Luke 15:11-32). Beliefnet is a lifestyle website providing feature editorial content around the topics of inspiration, spirituality, health, wellness, love and family, news and entertainment. Here are 4 barriers to getting through to God: 1) Harboring secret sin. Obstacles to Seeking God. This would enable them to remain faithful to the end and to receive their eternal rewards in heaven. More growth and new challenges would come ahead. Jesus isnt appealing to the irrational, but to a higher truth. God made it possible for you to know. It is, There is an important detail here which I want you to notice. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. But there is still so much more that needs to be done as we move forward as a church into our 67thyear. Did the Ephesian elders fulfill their role well? Trusting God gives us confidence not a flesh-driven confidence, not confidence in the wrong things (like money/possessions) or with wrong motives, but confidence rooted in God and His Word (exemplified by the Bereans of Acts 17:11). Matthew 17:20 ESV / 89 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful (More people to deal with, more personality issues, cultural issues and so on). Materialism. Three years was actually the longest time that Paul served in one city throughout all his missionary journeys This was because of its strategic location in reaching out to the whole province of Asia. These are emotional, intellectual, and volitional barriers. A very sermon in the current challenge of CIVID-19, which should not deter the preaching of the Word of God. The fear of judgment keeps you from a rich relationship with God because you just cant believe that God can forgive your sin. Within that time, Paul put in all his efforts to fulfill his role in several ways: Public teaching is mentioned in v.20 and havetaughtyou publickly, and from house to house.Testifyingboth to the Jews and also to the Greeksis mentioned in v.21. The church of Jesus Christ has faced huge challenges throughout it existence and will continue to face challenges until Jesus comes back again. He is our perfect, spotless righteousness and our lives are hid with him on high. Worse, some of us feel too exhausted we just want to stop serving Him. Without prayer all that we do willlackGods power and enablement. This is biblical! Its a God-accomplished relationship, not one that we contrive. If you want to remain faithful, you must give sufficient time to the study of Gods Word. 3. The whole counsel of God also includes the need torepentof ones sins and to receive Christ not only as Saviour, but also asLord. The church needs your effectual fervent prayers! DAVID David is a Bible character who is no stranger to hard times. - Watch past sessions at https://mcceastbay.org/obstaclesEvery Muslim is on a journey to Allah. Obstacles expose our weaknesses and increase our dependency upon Christ. The apostles recognized the severity of the issue. With God, you can navigated the deepest and darkest valleys of life and walk high on the mountain. Remind yourself that you are a child of God and you were put on this earth for a reason. He gave us a once-for-all sacrifice and he gives us never-ceasing intercession. 5 MarWe Must Obey God Rather than Men (Acts 5:12-42) by RevQuek KK, 12 MarGods Wisdom and Requirements for Church Leadership (Acts 6:1-7) byRev Charles Seet, 19 MarStephen-A Man of Faith (Acts 6:5, 7:54-8:3) by RevQuek KK, 26 MarPhilip-A Light in Darkness (Acts 8:4-8) by RevHo Chee Lai, 8.00 am English Worship I9.40 am Catechism Class Sunday School 11.00 am English Worship II Chinese Worship Children's Ministry Filipina Service2.30 pm Thai Service4.00 pm Indonesian Service. What happens when the trapdoor opens in your life? More growth was taking place. (Rom.12:2). Genesis 50:20 - But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. The Bible says that the church is like a human body. "The way is hard that leads to life," He said ( Matthew 7:14, ESV ). As church leaders, they needed to move into action to resolve this conflict. Serving God is what we were made to do as his creatures, but our service has been corrupted by our sin and rebellion which has rendered us unable to please him. Christs mission must be the churchs main priority. Through his faithful teaching, and testifying to Jews and Greeks, and preaching the kingdom of God, and warning the Christians against false teaching, the Ephesian church was firmly established on a strong foundation. We have to fully believe that God is in control and that He has a great plan for our life. Paul belonged to Him alone, and so he lived to do the will of the Lord Jesus. When this question has been settled, we should then go on to another area that requires faithfulness fulfilling our God-given roles. No tongue can bid me thence depart nor can anything else in all creation separate us from his love. Be willing to say yes to whatever God wants you to do. With God, you can move from being a victim to being a victor. About10 years laterwhen Timothy was pastoring the church at Ephesus, Paul wrote to him:Holding faith, and a good conscience;which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck.(1 Timothy1:19) And so, not wanting this to happen to his young co-worker, Paul gave him the very same exhortation that he gave to the Ephesian elders. Gods plan may seem confusing, unconventional, or mysterious at times, and especially when you are facing difficulty. We must look to Him for all the help we need to remain faithful. Warning. Only God the Holy Spirit can change a heart. In those days when the number of disciples was increasing. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window). But what do we see here? He was committed to obedience. Satan could not stop the growth of the church through outside influence. Through the Bible, we can understand the promises God has made for us, how He can help us in our time of need, and His amazing love for us. God's people cannot be shamed into serving God; they need to be challenged. . Tozer, Root of the Righteous (Harrisburg, PA: Christian Publications, 1955), p. 156. Overcoming Obstacles to Serving. 4. Stephen was murdered, Philip and the rest had to leave. As a result of this they become spiritually weak, they fall into sin and become ineffective in their service. About, There is one good way to know whether you are spiritually well or not. How do we keep doing all these things until we reach the end? But the enemy doesnt like this, so he would use anything to stop you. You can be confident in Gods ability to handle your problems (Job 42:2). We asked a few members of our staff at Deep Spirituality for their favorite biblical characters who trusted God in the midst of difficulty and came up with 10 examples in the Bible of trusting God in difficult times to inspire you. But overcoming feeling rejected is a secret to moving past approval seeking. And that's hard to do. Can God change your life? Reduces Ego: When seekers realise that serving God happens very nicely after praying and not taking doership of the act, it helps in reducing ego. If God Is Loving, Why Is there So Much Pain in this Life? If Christ has purchased His Church at such great cost to Himself, do you think He will leave its fate to be determined by the changing hearts of men? More Ken Boa on Trusting God in Turbulent Times. Three obstacles keep us from coming to Christ, and these are the same barriers that keep us from yielding to, trusting in, and submitting to Him on an ongoing basis. Sometimes God may call you to a different ministry. He said,neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received ofthe Lord JesusIn v.22,23 Paul says,And now, behold,I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there: save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying thatbonds and afflictions abide me., Paul was heading for Jerusalem in obedience to the Lords direction for him, despite knowing the awful trials he would have to face there. While he was there, Paul sent a messenger to Ephesus (which is about 40 km away) to call the elders of the church to come for a conference with him, as he believed that he would never see them again. More real to us than anything else to leave not only as Saviour, not... Muslim is on a journey to Allah the Bible says that the gates of Hades will overcome... God is that he left the majesty of heaven to have intimate relationship with God separate from. 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obstacles in serving god