once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness

Not until she knew more about them. The fumes alone from Reginas third try knocked her out for two hours, nearly leading her roommates to call a prefect. Splotch seemed to know what to do though. Shes a White, so her lineage is far more pure than yours is!. Shed always suspected Mother had killed people, but now she had seen it with her own eyes. Since the curse had left the people afflicted thinking they muggles and with no memories of their loved ones, theyd been primarily in muggle care centers as their conditions deteriorated. David was pretty rubbish, but Ruby might make chaser. My fathers family we dont speak to them much, Mother doesnt like it. Luckily, this was a situation shed prepared for. Its Christmas Day! Henry was knocking on my door. Instinctively, she reached for her potions textbookher best subject was potions after all. She would find the right balance doing this, she had to. The cooler air inside the stone building was very welcome and Emma stopped to use the toilet and the water fountain. Regina froze at the abrupt dismissal, the most degrading one shed had to suffer this entire trip. She supposed hed never mentioned parents, but she was trying to avoid the topic too since she didnt want him finding out about her own lack of them. The auror team moved in and I held Mother off using the spells we practiced until they arrived and stunned her unconscious. You cant even tell when someone isnt interested, can you?, The mans face went red and he reached for his wand, Why you little b. Lily had posters up all over the walls, a mix of muggle actors, Puddlemere United, and singers from both the muggle world and the wizarding world, only half of which Emma recognized because some were in Spanish. Cora grinned triumphantly and began pulling Regina towards her. It must be nice to know what you want to do, the way you do with potions. Shes taken me there a few times., Wed need probable cause to search her property, Archie put in. Emma felt the rest of the world fade away as she stared at Lily. After checking that her wand bag was secure since even these dress robes didnt have any pockets, she went down the stairs as quietly as she knew how. Just when Emma thought she couldnt keep the spell going any longer, the light stopped coming and the blue ball rises before swelling and then exploding outward with a noise like a large bell being struck. Emma couldnt believe she hadnt noticed her vision getting worse again. He gave Emma a brief nod, but didnt introduce himself, just watched her with intent eyes. He wrote a letter mid-way through term and entrusted it someone to be sent in the event of his death. He tended to go after it whenever he saw it, confident in his chasers ability to rack up enough of a points lead that his catch would guarantee a win. Silvia looked up as soon as Regina walked in, for all that there was no bell. August pushed open the door which chimed cheerfully. Luckily, they didnt seem that bad, so I carefully picked one for tasting and put it on a small plate to let it cool down. Some people thinks its very easy to tell, but I think thats a load of rubbish, if you dont mind me saying. That got a smile from Emma. I think he thought his dad was still in Scandinavia though so he thought this trip would be safe. Now, they all hovered in a loose formation as the captain summoned beater bats for the three students trying out for that position. Can you do that? Granny showed no confusion regarding the muggle money she paid to the driver. Its not required, but mastery basically guarantees extra points on your O.W.L.s., Oh, yeah. This time Emma kept her eye on what she was cutting, not Regina. Regina looked back into them and could see the older witch already knew so she plucked up her courage. Incendio! Flames leapt from her wand, fierce and hot as Reginas anger over how many times her mother had done this to her. A counterspell to your mums heart stealing spell. Regina merely blinked at Emma in complete surprise as Emma barreled on with her explanation. Regina tried to back away from them, but they burst through the weakened shield spell and began ensnaring her. Itll be less than a week. Faye gave her a sharp and knowing look that cowed the girl slightly before she lifted her chin in defiance. Okay., Emma waited a beat, as if expecting Regina to say something more. Who thought a school with stairs that disappeared was a good idea? This idea had been forming in the back of her mind every time she tried the spell and it came spilling out. After their first lesson when Neal got a handle on just how bad she was, theyd started with the very smallest circle with the least number of cards. Moms? They want my help going through a lot of the house. I um- I dont feel well, she said softly, but Im good at lip-reading. And that was when I caught Emmas gaze (and held it) for the first time since the clock hit 0:00. Regina ignored it initially, assuming it was an owl for one of the professors. Wonderful, Miss White, Ms. Sapphire said when she saw Emma leaning against a tree waiting for her. When Regina completely turned her back to Emma, Emma walked around so she was in front of the other girl and crossed her arms, Im not leaving. He was in a steep dive and as she closed in on him, Regina saw the golden ball too. Home; About; Blog; Media Room. I know how to ride, but not bareback. If Sapphire says theres nothing else, Leroy scowled at her and she resisted the urge to shrink away from him. A lot of the other students here, they dont They dont know what its like, to feel misunderstood and rejected. Emma remembered the look on Reginas face when Emma tried to thank her those few times, how completely confused and bewildered she had seemed, like shed never been told so before. Still, each house is named for a founder of the school and the members of the house are said to be similar to the personality of each founder., For Gryffindor, bravery and action mattered most. Hi Granny! Ruby greeted the older woman in the doorway with a tight hug. Also, light blue wasnt a color she liked to see on herself, it made her feel like a baby. She shook her head a bit as her eyes adjusted and she looked around the library. What are you doing here?, Leroy came and got me, Emma explained and Sapphires face contorted in rage as she looked around for the aforementioned dwarf. How had it taken so much longer to get here than it usually did? Whats that sound? Archie asked, a bit nervously, looking around for the source. It is nice to have people asking and paying me to make potions.. Good luck, newbie! her opposing seeker called, before racing away. And thats how we spent the following hours: the three of us fooling around in the pool while I got more and more confident practicing my new skill. I would see it returned., Without taking his hand or his eyes from the flask, Grundran held out his other hand, Your business records?, Regina handed over her leather binder after muttering the spell to decode it, I have my written records of orders I received, who the customer was, the price I charged, and when I was paid. Regina nodded stiffly, her eyes not leaving the boys, who did in fact look stricken. Hes like a five-year-old sometimes, Emma chuckled next to me. I wasnt expecting you, so I think its a bit messy in there, besides all the kids are muggles., Ms. Sapphire smiled kindly at her, Of course, Emma. Not right now, Ms Wheeler. Regina was left staring after her, head still trying to catch up with the days exciting events. Regina hadnt been able to turn her away. Are you so sure you wouldnt rather be elsewhere?. So, are you like, Hogwarts new premier potions dealer or what?, Regina looked up, What do you mean? You think I cant tell?. I yelled over the loud music (We somehow ended up near one of the loudspeakers). Good morning darlings! I smiled at them. But Regina Emma thought that Regina just might Not the way I do. This time his spell was so powerful his wand tip started to glow orange before he even cast, Ill show you medieval, Confringo!. Between what he had been shouting and what Marco impliedit wasnt a hard leap to make. Are you Emma White?, He was clearly drunk, even though it was the middle of the day. She needed to refresh herself with what potions were covered during fourth year. Regina was surprised they had been able to get the news in time to attend at all. However, he continued, we do not want to open a vault only to close it in a few months when something catches new your eye, how do we know you will be a loyal customer?, This was something Abby had told her about. The sound of talons on stone caused her to look up, startled, only to see the owl flying off into the night. Flinging her door shut she threw herself on her bed and dissolved into sobs. She wrung her hands, Mother wants me to work at the Ministry., Kathryn nodded because she was fairly certain thats what her parents expected to, Well forget about that. Emma blinked, new glasses? I don't own these characters or any mentioned songs/movies/books. No, noMother couldnt find out. Ruby launched into a break down of their first two weeks, talking about the different professors and how the stories shed heard from the students over the years about everything differed from what they actually were like. Their heads were so close together. No wonder my head feels cold, I forgot my hat, she thought to herself. I brought you coffee. Mechanically, she sat down in her usual seat and filled her plate with whatever was directly in front of her. Regina and I arrived at the nightclub before 1 a.m., sitting at the counter, drinking shots. They were both a disheveled and tired from the rigorous practiceas well as the times their spells had made it past the others barriers. Just let me get someone. And Im horrible for knowing about it. Good idea! David replied and they formed a loose half circle before slowly backing towards the door. Im just glad that my social workers signature was good enough for Sprout, Emma said. Emma could see why this broom was called the Twister. Granny gave her an unreadable look, before giving a polite nod and shaking her hand, You as well. Regina wasnt sure how long she stared unbelieving before her mother found her and dragged her away to start getting ready to greet the guests that were coming. She swung around to finish the Sloth Grip Roll, the preferred move of her favorite player and one which shed practiced for hours over the summer. The wide grin didnt fade from her face until she fell asleep that night. Luckily, the driver wasnt really talkative, but we arrived at the hotel really fast. She supposed it might make sense for him to try to be friends with her if he was working for her parents. #fanfic I sat her back on the end of the bed and went to get her and myself clean pajamas. True, Emma admitted as she copied Regina, kneeling opposite her I have no one to blame but myself.. Great, so, do you think youre ready to play? Neal challenged, raising an eyebrow. Growing up in London. You know what they call her, Regina said plainly as she arranged the stone pieces on the door in the correct formation. I rubbed my hands up and down her back to warm her up a little. Regina needed to figure out a way around these nightmares. Leroy just gave Emma a look and headed off to the mine with a wave. Or they could just pick one up at one of the many stores. She almost had Emma, she could sense it. Verdimillious! The entire fireplace, mantle and wall were illuminated by the purple sparks, revealing the entrance that was hidden by Dark magic. Set in my Magical Misfire storyverse. Wouldnt you like to know, Mother. She ended up window shopping in Diagon Alley for the rest of the day, refusing to think about her problems. They wouldnt let me in until I left her so I ran away. Its okay, I got her! I told her and went to collect Emma. I walked over to the stairs leading into the water and Emma did the same. Why cant I just be Emma Swan? There was a desperate quality to that last question. What did you do?!. She was reminded of Emma then, from last week, watched her, eyes filled with sympathy and yet with a distinct lack of understanding of how she must be feeling, yet a yearning for it. The shelf looked as though no book was missing, but once she held up her text, a space opened up for her to fill. Seems like it would be kinda painful., At that Mary Margaret burst into tears, Im so sorry, Emma. Regina stared at the words in complete shock. I had a lot of trouble with finding a memory at first, but I figured out that I can use aa dream? Wait! Do you need any help? Daniel asked, walking over to stand next to her. That had to be wrong, right? All were glad everything had been resolved. Professor McGonagall said thats who my mother was. Learning magic is harder than she remembered, and she struggles with simple spells. She pushed on the sturdy oak door and into the shop with Trackleshanks Locksmith written above the doorway. I dont even want to know what youre talking about, Mary Margaret said with a head shake. Wary. This is Emma Swan, a new student., Of course, of course, he said. We didnt train that much just for the exercise. Nothing. I shook my head, but Emma kept looking at me questioningly, so I marked where I left off and put the book on the table. Shed sent a letter to all her friends explaining what had happened. It was a good way to break up the studyingreading books and looking at flashcards got boring quickly, even for Ravenclaws. Shed chosen tonight specifically because the party theyd come home from a couple hours ago was at the Rosiers, a family known for their cultivation of magical grape and wine varieties. That night she broke into an abandoned building with Alohomora, having heard rumors the Trace didnt work in public areasit was primarily placed on muggleborn homes and neighborhoods, not on the kids themselves. Well, Regina glanced briefly at Emma, who merely smiled supportively. Regina recognized the two fifth year boys as close friends who became distracted until theyd defaulted to only passing to each other, something the captain disqualified them for since this was also about being part of a team. She knew she should probably let it be, but she couldnt help herself. Its okay, Ill figure it out. Reluctantly she closed the photo album, handing it back to Ruby. "You might as well come in." Regina got up and began shutting down her laptop and gathering her things, seemingly taking Emma's presence as the signal to leave. May up the rating later. Professor McGonagall re-entered the shop and either ignored or didnt notice the double take from the teenager and his frantic whispering to his siblings as he recognized one of his professors. Emma didnt look up when Regina came closer, although it was obvious Emma knew it was her. She smiled at Emma and Emma blushed, deciding to ignore the fact that Ms. Sapphire couldnt seem to remember Emmas last name due to the compliment. Emma drew her wand and got the most serious look Regina had ever seen on Emmas face before. She glared at the haughty fifth year, Maybe you just need to learn how to teach better.. She will also become more accepting of herself and her past. He didnt even try to confront her about it. He cheated, Regina said flatly. Regina smiled at the praise but sobered at the rest of her words. Emma sipped at her tea, but helped herself to the cakes so she had a better reason for being so quiet. Ready to go?. I'll try to preface each chapter with where it falls in the timeline, since it's likely to be out of order. Its my fault hes dead., Its definitely her fault, Emma said and Regina almost couldnt believe how good it was to hear her say that. Im just using him for my bareback riding practice. Emma didnt wait for his response, she just raced back in through the front door, down the hall and into her bedroom. Pleading with mother to obliviate him instead. She nearly tripped when she noticed one painting of a meadowwind appeared to be rustling the grass and the leaves of the trees. Emma paled and both jumped when the surface of the potion suddenly boiled alarmingly. The fairy dust piled in the middle began to shine with light and slowly rose to cover the entire diagram in an even layer. Even with her what? Now there was no going back. Zelena cheated on him with Hades and Hades killed Robin. One down, two to go? David said weakly. She felt like she was re-reading the same few pages and without absorbing any of the information. Im- fine, she said, her eyes distant. What about Quidditch?, We have a couple different teams, and some home schoolers come to the school for clubs so they normally have their own too., We have four different teams, one for each house, Emma explained. I didnt think and if I could take it back I would. Emma felt lighter at that, Mary Margaret hadnt said that she regretted it until now. Before Emma could say anything, the evidently nervous girl blurted out, I just wanted to say thanks, your parents saved my aunts life.. What would be an example of something you would suggest teaching me?, Okay, um, Emma dug out a piece of parchment with writing on it. Since she was on an allowance, she only got a certain amount each year. It was already the faded yellow of a few days old bruise, but it did not look good. Oh Regina, can I..? Kathryn gestured toward her, but when Regina only looked at her, Kathryn threw caution into the wind and embraced her friend. I have no plans to spend it on anything beyond a few necessities and to procure more materials for my business.. Neals eyes lit up with an idea, Lets see if I can guess what house youre in., Emma waved him forward, Alright, go ahead., Hm, he gave her a very serious and considering look, pretending to look at her from various angles, Im torn between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff., Alright, Neal replied with a pout. They also havent reported the actual number of people she killed, but I think they werent allowed to. Once outside, the full moon provided enough light they simultaneously extinguished their wands. Henry, no running! I shouted, but I doubt he could hear it. She was so tired and hungrythe snack cart on the Hogwarts Express seemed like ages ago. Youre scaring me, Regina! Whatwhat if he cant find it? Emma couldnt keep the question in any longer. She approached the clearing more cautiously than usual and peered through the trees and underbrush. Good, thanks, Regina said before stepping up onto the block and then mounting Melchoir with the ease of practice. Regina looked over at her and sat up straighter pushing off from the tree. Shell be so glad Ive made a friend my own age instead of all the older kids. Push me away and Ill stop, she yelled back and in the blink of an eye, I was filled with anger. Unfortunately, without Papi here to run certain disillusionment charms over the skies and Mother wouldnt cast them for her, calling it a waste of magic, she didnt have much of a choice. They werent the same, with parents who didnt want them or liked sending them away. Just because we go to school in a bloody castle, doesnt mean this is actually the middle ages!, No traitor brat gets to tell me what to do! he cried. Regina tried to follow all three, glad her main focus was going to be on a single ball, and tried not to flinch every time their beater hit one with a loud crack. He does, but not that bad. I watched them leave and caught Eleanor whispering how Henry has two moms and she has two fathers. 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once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness