puma punku in the bible

As for lighter materials, an absolutely unbreakable crane with the weight of balsam wood is not going to lift these stones. As I understand you found a written confirmation that the monolith was dragged about 250 years ago, it is very very good. This Conspiracy Claims the Smithsonian Destroys Giant Skeletons, Explore the Mystery of Native American Creation Myths. Pictures back when it was discovered show tractor lifting blocks army of guys digging in dirt etc . Even with modern-day technology and information, these structures defy logic and confound those who seek to solve the mysteries that lie within them. What's always fascinated me is why in the world you want to build such difficult works? The MilkyWay our galaxy is the largest of the easily viewable galaxys. We came up with gravity from Maxwell's magnetic theories, they were wrong, and thus so is gravity. Now we have been flying planes for about 100+ years Thanks to the Wright Brothers and have took a few baby steps in space travel. The Tiwanaku managed to grow hardy crops such as quinoa, corn, potatoes, and sweet potatoes for sustenance. the only way to find out is to read the ancient buildings the truth lies. Pumapunku, a terraced earthen mound walled with intricately carved blocks, stretched toward the sky. Animals were not used. It is known that tunnels have been found inside the Akapana Pyramid, elongated skulls and strange metal alloys have been unearthed, and strange, very sophisticated stone pieces are still being uncovered at the sites. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Until recently, due to the condition and placement of so many stones laid strewn across the landscape, there was really no way of seeing what Puma Punku may have looked like during its peak. Correction: I meant to say nearly 12,000 feet altitude. Clearly, it last longer than what we build with. pushing it back a step is like Hoagland screaming about Mars all the time. In some, the ashes of the dead person are deposited in cairns or cenotaphs. Tiwanaku was the major culture in the region between 700 and 1000 AD, and they controlled not only the Lake Titicaca area , but also stretched their hold over other parts of Bolivia, Peru, and Chile. If we do't have gravity right, the "Standard Model" will never find anti-gravity, like Ed Leedskalnin did. Aren't you worried that one day all your stories will be lost? Joan Veronica Robertson from Concepcion, Chile on June 25, 2012: Hi again! Stone blocks at Puma Punku, Bolivia. Cherry picking the data Only the oddities Sceptical archaeology? I would ask for a show of hands of others who thought of this, but I don't want to flood the hub. We saw what one six mile wide asteroid did to the dinosaurs. Created Based on The Mirror Neurona. The general belief is that droughts and possibly civil unrest caused the inhabitants to seek refuge in the surrounding hills. Top Image: Megalithic cut stones at the Puma Punku archaeological site, Tiwanaku, Bolivia. What a mystery! Modern archaeologists are not about to entertain the idea of using lasers, ancient alien visitations, or otherworldly means of transporting blocks of stone for miles without any mechanized vehicles. ( saiko3p /Adobe Stock). Both are very well written, but approach the subject very differently. Get instant access to free videos, helpful articles, and exclusive offers. This block seems to get the most attention, as there is a perfect groove with identically spaced precision-cut 6mm holes drilled along the cut. I too am absolutely fascinated by these ancient stuctures an would love to know how they built them, but one of the great pleasures in life is not knowing sometimes but building our own lil world around what is a mystery an living in that lil world we create just for the pleasure of passing time. By all accounts there would be nothing left of us in just a few thousand years. If these statues are former rulers of the region, how do the co-called mainstream archaeologists explain the statues and with full heavy beards? Seeing these pictures of this amazing place and reading about the Wyoming legend I now know I have come across some thing truly amazing. Or, were the Romans protecting something even more valuable than silver? What Are The Names of the Thieves Crucified With Christ. How Long In Prison? The very straight line may have been the first thing to master followed by the boring of holes in that line. Have you checked out the the discovery Gobeklitepe? We don't do that now, either. These people can travel across our galaxy like we fly to Europe. judging from some of the pictures i got, of mummies found in peru, it certainly seems possible. You're example of the lighthouse is a good oneI agree. The elder replied that yes, his stories seems to have lost all relevance in todays world, the younger mans stories are more captivating an exciting an need to be told for todays young peoplebuthe replied, my stories are never an will never be lost, even if no one talks to me until the day i die an i cannot pass these stories on my stories will never be lost. Available at: https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology-latest-historical-news/new-discoveries-tiwanaku-puma-punku-lost-statue-021912, Lamoureux, A. So the earth is billions of years old, and habitable to the human race for this duration. Source: dmitriy_rnd / Adobe Stock, Amarilo. No tree has ever been seen growing that high up, in Bolivia or anywhere else. "Since all knowledge comes from God" - in a close competition, this comment must take the prize for most foolish. Not a bone or a spoon or a watch or a cellphone or a Lexus (they're highly advanced remember)just some perfectly cut and drilled H-blocks strewn across the plain of Bolivia. One possibility is they represent the previously mentioned "gods". I belong to a tribal region in Meghalaya, INDIA (South East Asia). 33 Hells Angels Photos That Put You Inside The Notorious Biker Gang, Rare Case Of Coffin Birth Found In Medieval Gravesite, What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch. Mostly coastal or somewhere near water so we are pretty much living on where those ruins would be. The precision with which these angles have been utilized to create flush joints is indicative of a highly sophisticated knowledge of stone-cutting and a thorough understanding of descriptive geometry. God bless you all. The absence of items not made of stone to me indicates nothing other than tremendous antiquity. their year has 364 other days. Let's not forget, we're talking about one million six hundred thousand pounds. The exact origin and age of the site is disputed. I remember helping people with crops, education, judgments & tribunals, health issues and festivals. Giant megalithic construction cranes would not exist in 1000 years!? NO ALIENS OR ETS. Our species as it exists today, has been around almost 300,000 years. More at http://www.aymara.org/biblio/html/igr/igr.html. Plus you can download videos to your device to watch offline later. Could the ruins of Puma Punku be evidence of a long-lost civilization? Based on circumstantial evidences, it can be argued that Puma punku was never built by the Tiwanaku, but by a civilization that was more advanced. All I know is 5 years of "soul searching' and self study. Pumapunku, a name that means door of the puma, was a holy site started between 500 and 600 CE. NEW CHANNEL FROM ANCIENT ARCHITECTS: "Space and Planet" launches this month. One common engineering technique involves cutting the top of the lower stone at a certain angle, and placing another stone on top of it which was cut at the same angle. Been there done that. https://lookoomehome.files.wordpress.com/2021/04/11a-ponce-monolith-tiwa https://cdn.xxl.thumbs.canstockphoto.com/tiwanaku-monolith-closeup-view- https://www.travelyesplease.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/IMG_3670-Edit https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/1/ten Just like with the ancient Greek (or Atlantean-era) statues from Africa, Europe, and Asia, THE NOSES ARE SMASHED OFF. Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - The mysterious site known as Puma Punku, "The Gateway of the Puma.". Preserved paintings, coins, and a detailed description of the entire transportation process. I could easily tell her what was around the corner of each building. It focused mainly on the internal chambers of the great pyramids. Available at: https://amarilo.com.co/blog/especial/el-misterio-de-puma-punku/, Ancient-Wisdom, (n.d.) Puma Punku. Ancient-Wisdom. "It is a pity that there is money for another new Mars rover ". With the technology that we currently have today, it would be extremely difficult to recreate the site of these ruins, if possible at all. dakebeeagceb. Note3: A clean pronounciation and syntax which is optimized to be concise and deal with abstract concepts.) Also in Indian legends there are the mayyans who were master builders of palaces etc- water transport might have been big at that time and intercontinental ocean travel was big? The unique nature of the site raises curiosity regarding its builders, when it was constructed, and its purpose. To build a place like Puma Punku, there must have been significant planning and writing involved, but there is no record of any of this. 17 year old bulgarian on January 31, 2012: our ancestors weren't stupid. Help your neighbors and find love. Puma punku is the name of a large temple complex located near Tiwanaku, in Bolivia, and is part of a larger archaeological site known as Tiahuanacu. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ktv13x3V8U0, http://www.aymara.org/biblio/html/igr/igr.html. It has been said "we are condemned to rise, be knocked down and rise again". Mind boggling structures like this all over the world. Lots of good stuff here. I think you have remarked some very interesting points , appreciate it for the post. The amazing issue is not only the stones, carving, moving: it's that this was done @ 15,000 years ago. Thousands of people took part. And it would have been filled with people. *** get back to your home Tao tewukon..get ready..but I dont know what for. The Chilling Mystery of the Octavius Ghost Ship, Film Footage Provides Intimate View of HMS Gloucester Shipwreck, Top 8 Legendary Parties - Iconic Celebrations in Ancient History, The Spanish Inquisition: The Truth Behind the Black Legend (Part II), The Spanish Inquisition: The Truth behind the Dark Legend (Part I), Bloodthirsty Buddhists: The Sohei Warrior Monks of Feudal Japan, Legends Of The Oracle Of Delphi At The Centre Of The World, Ancient Animal Bone Ice Skates Found in Chinas Birthplace of Skiing, Caesars Savage Human Skewers Unearthed In German Fort, The Red Taj Mahal and the Dutch Hessings of India, Ivar the Boneless: Viking Warrior, Ruler and Raider, What is Shambhala? And was later the seat of a socially and politically influential Andean empire. I am sure you are familiar with his legend which states that he was born in a manger surrounded by shepherds, about The Awe-Inspiring Karnak Temple Complex and Vatican of Ancient Egypt, about Ancient Egyptian Weapons: The Evolution of Warfare, about The Cataclysm of Ra: Saving Humankind from Hathor Using Beer, about Helicopter Hieroglyphs? We have western recorded history that pinned against the perspective of the lifespan of the plant, is comparable to mere seconds, the Japanese have old records, and if Sadam Hussein had not destroyed so much of the evidence of the Sumerian and Babylonian sites. Visitors still marvel at the geometric wonders of the matching H-shaped blocks with approximately 80 faces placed in a row, and the precise cuts and the regularity of the stones suggesting prefabrication and mass production were employed. You can see the past stretching in front of you as the future comes unseen from behind. We found it on earthpossibly mars in the pastand possibly now in the liquid oceans of europa. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=e2qE0lOIBtE. Another suggestion is that a cataclysmic event such as a flood wiped out these ancient peoples along with any records they may have kept. Perhaps representing the alumni or what would constitute a degree today. etcIn order for the human civilization to keep expanding and reach new limits we must let go of our current religions and beliefs. SOLVED! To support this theory, they point to the evidence that some structures, including the Gate of the Sun, werent brought down by time or looters; they were deliberately torn down and broken. The most intriguing thing about Puma Punku is the stonework. I assume you didn't mean they would be hand cranked. Take a long wire and dip it in cement and then diamond dust, or even diorite. These comments are very entertaining, to say the least! Why dont anyone listen to what is said by annunaki before leaving earth they placed plants on either side of a mountain for us to live for a long time but I never hear anyone mention it, Your email address will not be published. What is the origin of the legend of the Christed Son who was born of a virgin on December 25th? She did know it.. She showed me a photo in another book and sure enough- it was --- tao tewaukon. I live in Wyoming and I have stumbled upon a lost ancient civilization a that had to be created by little people but also around these places I have found giant stones that I can tell have been placed on the ground Andi had theory that they where an outline to An ancient roof. If the people who built this place cut these stones using stone cutting techniques, then they would have had to have used diamond tools. If you can tell me how the Coral Castle was built in Florida, I will tell you how these stones were cut and placed. I think archaeologist need to take a serious look at the lost lands of MU. One of the things I learned recently is that Earth is not the ideal cauldron for intelligent life we have been led to believe it is. Did The Vikings Use a Solar Stone Crystal to Navigate Cloudy Seas? A building that could easily be built from lazer guided cutters, and assembled as protective living quarters, later still discarded when no longer required, will be of great use to future space travellers, As I understand you found the river, it is very good. Isn't rewriting the textbooks, the whole f*ing point of science's search for truth? The priest prays and the stone starts sliding or floating in the air and moves. The site, and many others like it, is an anomaly to modern science and is therefore avoided. The complex is in complete ruins today with huge blocks of granite lying around on top of each other. Other stone art depicts what archeologists think is the veneration of ancestors. Photo credit, The numerous H-shaped blocks all match each other with extreme precision and fit into each other like Lego blocks. The strongest feeling every second of my life is to hurry - we dont have much time ! We may add one more possible clue to this story. The smaller andesite blocks that were used for stone facing and carvings came from quarries within the Copacabana Peninsula about 90 kilometers away from across Lake Titicaca. Tiwanaku is significant in Inca traditions, the place where it was once believed the world was created. The Inca people accepted those legends and added that Viracocha their creator god (and the figure depicted on the Sun Gate in their interpretation) first made humans at that site. The blocks are cut and shaped so well they fit together perfectly. OK, Here is what I strongly feel is the reason for Puma Punku, so buckle up Star Trek fans for Warp travel and sone food for thought. The architecture found in the ruins astounds archaeologists and historians and has inspired advanced ancient civilization and ancient alien theories. Even a house cat can walk outside and survive. From the design, you can infer that other machines such as lights, defensive works and scientific equipment fitted neatly into these tight crevices. times. that all members of society from infants to the elderly regularly used psychoactive, hallucinogenic plants. I was confused and said nothing to anyone. To realize what people are capable of constructing, consider the large structures that are built for offshore oil production. Nobody did any sacrifices or warring with neighbors. The megaliths are among the largest on earth, with some weighing several tons. I don't think there very many masonry tools that I haven't used, or at least seen used to construct every type of building or monument in this area. {{posts[0].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, {{posts[1].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, {{posts[2].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, {{posts[3].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, Insectothopter: CIAs Dragonfly-Shaped Bug, Mokomokai: Tattooed Maori Heads And The Musket Wars, Joseph Samuel: The Man Who Couldnt be Hanged, The Mystery of Puma Punkus Precise Stonework, Scaly-foot Gastropod: The Snail With an Armor of Iron, The 1957 Plymouth Belvedere That Was Buried For 50 Years. Tesla's ideas are not dead, Coral Castle was not done using levers, Puma Punka, Great Pyramid, etc. When an Austrian explorer named Arthur Posnansky performed a study on Puma Punku back in 1926 he put forward the idea that its one of the oldest archaeological sites on the face of Earth - dating back to at least 13,000 BC. I say these stones are man-made, although someone went to great lengths to produce such perfection. Stones stay for a long time. The Egypt scene I was being shown in school around age 8 had none of that. Wikimedia CommonsWhat we have left today of Pumapunku. Who among us has had an out of galaxy experience to make such an observation? The same thing happened here. About 250 years ago russians dragged monolith weighing 1,600 tons!!! Or other artifacts found in the area, or what? Trees die and fade away, they are a life form. There are what are now being called Super-Habital planets. However the Tiwanaku complex was suddenly abandoned sometime around 1000 AD. As I have said before and some others here have commented in similar thought. We'll need a time machine for that. As for Puma punku, in four and a half billion years there could have been 100 highly advanced civilizations to have come and gone on earth. They mined the elements they needed. We just had to set aside centuries of archeological dogma ("humans became civilized 7000 years ago") and start looking! An article from Wikipedia describes the fantastic engineering involved in the temples construction. If not to leave a permanent, impressive, record of your visit to Earth for future generations? This one is well-written. These blocks and such were made from hard stone. Ivar the Boneless was likely the son of legendary Viking king Ragnar Lothbrok, and raided alongside his father and brothers, eventually becoming ruler of York in England in the 9th century AD. And it looks so utterly destroyed, bombarded almost, in the damage you see another link with the valley temple and the osirion in egypt, also so utterly destroyed; if it was deliberately destroyed, those guys must have been really pissed, the why of the construction is as mysterious as the why of the destruction. yet we have maps of the earth, and lines only seen from high altitude, we have different groups over the earth with stories of aerial combat, storied passed down with details of the color of the fuel used in vemadas, people loosing their hair and bleeding as if from radiation sickness or Abraham telling of seeing the roundness of the earth. Later she found another location from my drawings ==== puma punku. Although the Puma Punku megaliths are the most eye-catching aspects of the site, the majority of the architecture is made up of smaller stones. All of the blocks are cut so that they interlock and fit together like a puzzle. The accepted dimensions for the largest stone at Puma Punku are 7.81meters (25.62 ft.) long, 5.17(16.96 ft.) meters wide, and 1.07meters (3.51 ft.) thick. We may never have these answers until they decide we are ready for them to come backthat is if they still exist and I hope they do. Ceramics and textiles took on new color and vibrancy, and jewelry proliferated. What's so hard to understand about this concept? One day a few years later one of the teachers recognized a painting I made in art class -- and said OH - you know Machu Pichu". Show me an actual scientific study, backed up by CREDIBLE sources and real archaeologists if you want to convince me. Such a society could also see the obvious advantages of building with stone. Interviews with modern day stonemasons have revealed that even with todays advanced technology, it would be extremely difficult to replicate the precision observed in the stones found at Puma Punku. (Skeptics have hypothesized reed boats and ramps.). Puma Punku is not very old. One good war and we are back to chasing rats and squirrels and wishing we had the lighter again. Photo credit, The Plataforma Ltica, or stone platform on the east side has the largest blocks, the heaviest being 131 tons made from red sandstone and quarried 10 km away. An elder (native) was asked why not that many people come to talk to him any more an why do the young people go to talk to this younger man who has stories to share an the young people are quite taken with him? If you have a humanoid species that has been doing space travel for 5000 years, they most likly are civilized, and they are space explores, similiar to the star trek TV shows. Receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The name means door of the puma, and as far as archaeologists know, Puma Punku was a thriving, ancient town originating somewhere around 500 and 600 C.E. There is justification for the theory that a world-spanning civilization, with complex architecture and trade, could have existed 10,000 to 15,000 years ago and was subsequently devastated when the last ice age ended. (2013) Puma Punku, el lugar de los bloques imposibles. Arquehistoria. One worker reached a little early and crushed fingers. WHY CAN'T WE JUST LEAVE THEM ALONE AND RESPECT THE CULTURES OF OUR ANCESTORS! We need to look at this from a completely unbiased perspective and learn whatever we can from this priceless gift to us from our ancestors. Another group of archaeologists used the carbon dating method to date the construction of Puma Punku to between 400-600 AD. Kalasala means place of art or a university in Sanskrit @ India! Good Hub. Must be the Bible. Puma Punku is a massive temple complex part of the Tiwanaku Site near Tiwanaku, Bolivia. I recently heard a radio interview about all the space junk orbiting the earth right now and a caller asked how long it would take for everything to either drop out of orbit or fling off into space if people disappeared tomorrow and the fellow being interviewed (I believe he was from Nasa but I can't confirm) said that most of it would be gone in just a few hundred years and in a couple thousand years all of it would be gone. Located 45 miles west of the modern-day city of La Paz, Puma Punku is situated in the still-thriving city of Tiwanaku, high upon a desert plateau of the Andes Mountains, at an altitude of more than 12,000 feet. Stone portraits Tiwanaku, Bolivia. Why Has This 1600 Year Old Pillar in India Never Rusted? Just after World War II, Austrian archaeologist Arthur Posnansky had a hypothesis that was far ahead of his time. A Solar stone Crystal to Navigate Cloudy Seas: our ancestors the Egypt scene was! 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puma punku in the bible