radiolab inheritance transcript

And all over the political spectrum, from Hollywood lefties to social conservatives. I think what's weird here is that is that we started trying to make a difference in our children and now we're surprise attacked by our grandparents. Or does it get passed on such a deep level that doesn't even require teaching? I said, "This will be the last one. Take a look, explore and subscribe! OLOV BYGREN: Well, for cardiovascular disease JAD: Olov told us, take heart disease. SAM KEAN: But this was a really, really tough place to grow up. That doesn't matter. Over the past five years, if you look at our tax return. MICHAEL MEANEY: Yeah, you can't touch that. Catch up with new episodes and hear classics from our archive. Why would that happen? My home village was 10 miles North of polar circle. Your support helps Radiolab continue to provoke, delight, and keep audiences curious. JAD: And then, Michael just launched into this thing. DESTINY HARRIS: I do mean that. I mean, for one thing, Barbara's white and Destiny's black. Okay. JAD: Many years later, he and this woman. Right away, people accused her of targeting women at their weakest moment and enabling their drug abuse. ROBERT: And this idea won him a lot of fans, including, not surprisingly, the Soviets. [1] Radiolab was founded by Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich in 2002. Sincerely, Jennifer.". So by now it's 1994, and Barbara is thinking You know? She's 22 now and she's never even met her birth mom. It might be a mixture. Your grade will be based on how complete and correct your answers are. To build these terrariums and aquariums and stock them with animals. ], You get them $200 each, which they can spend on crack. All these chemicals racing by crashing into it, sticking, and one of the bits that gets covered up is that little bit that makes the proteins that create a maternal instinct. Each stone represents a radioisotope by means of a. So yeah, she keeps me busy. You mean, if you had a starving grandfather, you would be a healthier boy for the because you had a starving grandfather? She's 20 months old. His famous example was giraffes. And I didn't find a single case of someone saying that they regretted what they've done. That tongue is doing something to the DNA. The fact that you're motivated by a really beautiful, important value, that we want healthy kids, doesn't mean the mechanism you're using is going to end up helping those kids. BARBARA HARRIS: This is 750 and this is 200. Radiolab is on YouTube! If Barbara had gotten to Destiny's birth mom, Destiny, Kalia, this moment, none of it would exist. LATIF: And as of 11:01 a.m. on Tuesday, when we're recording this, we have not broken the show. Take a look, explore and subscribe! Anyways, God bless you. I mean, youre just youre saying a lot of things that are really impressive. MICHAEL MEANEY: That activates maternal behavior. This week The Science Show introduces Radiolab from WNYC in New York City. CARL ZIMMER: Enhancing public understanding of science and technology CHARLOTTE ZIMMER: in the modern world. Everybody we talked to seems to think there's something really interesting going on here. JAD: How do those cycles perpetuate? DESTINY HARRIS: My situation turned out positive. But I'm going to give them a basin of water. So for Isaiah, being born was like just being cut off. The results make it probable that our descendants will learn more quickly what we know well, will execute more easily what we have accomplished with great effort, will be able to withstand what injured us almost to the point of death. CARL ZIMMER: And he says, "This isn't a nuptial pad, it looks darkened but that's just ink.". [ARCHIVAL CLIP, BARBARA HARRIS: These people are paying millions of dollars to take care of your children!]. As to diabetes, it was a four-fold risk. IMDb is the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content. The results are obvious to you. Baby, be careful. They would experience these wild changes from harvest to harvest. And they had more. SAM KEAN: It was this struggle for a few years. She asked my opinion and that's what I'm giving. Maybe like those methyl things we were telling you about with the rats. He'd fall asleep and just wake up screaming. I said, "No, no, that's okay." But I take it that we have more control over our destinies and our kids' destinies than we would've thought. PAT'S DAD: Calling in to help read the credits. One-fourth? But the story he told us begins around 25 years ago. Well, yep, that is so true. ROBERT: Instead of dying at 40, I'd live to 70? I should add too. ], What's the worst thing you have been called by one of your critics?]. JAD: What happens, it'll get stuck to one little part of the DNA and now that little bit of DNA FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: Is very difficult to get at. OLOV BYGREN: Methylations, phosphorylation, and so on. JAD: When rats have more of this protein, they will act more motherly. And what about the four kids that weren't raised with Barbara? ROBERT: But, this hour were gonna fight this sort of sad sack feeling of inevitability and impotence. Oh, that's a lot of potatoes. And Barbara is not offering that. Thats just the cold logic of Darwinian evolution. JAD: Or very many of them right at all, but, you know, his basic idea seems to be true. You dont really say it to yourself that way, but yeah. And I think that no, I didn't plan on it but I wouldn't take her back for anything because she made me better. This great. JAD: It's off-limits. They like to hang out in the water and the females like to lay eggs in the water. You can't see that on the radio but, hey, it's a fact of life. JAD: The sneaky idea here is that the blacksmiths, the giraffes, they made it happen. They began to grow these all puffy things on their hands. LYNN PALTROW: Are there people whose drug use is so out of control they can't parent? I'm almost done. So moms licking activates serotonin, and it's released onto brain cells in the hippocampus. Plus, you know, Lamarck didn't get all the biological details right. Meet Jeremiah! ROBERT: Truth is, we dont know precisely how this happens but somehow the experience of starvation marks the DNA. JAD: What's he talking about? In a very real way, weve been thinking a lot about inheritance. So now, the genes can make the proteins that make the rats a good mom? And at first, it didn't go so well because, you know, if you're a land toad and you're trying to have sex in the water, it's kind of hard. I guess retard. Who are they? Wait, when you say they can choose to be sterilized, you mean permanent? CARL ZIMMER: I know what I'll do, I'm going to set up a terrarium for them and I'm going to make it hot, really uncomfortably hot. You know? You're obviously a great mom, but that feels cold to me. Visit our website. And well just let the old yahoos from whom we inheritedededed inherited it take it away. It means what if grandpa has a bad day? JAD: That's what good rat mothers do, they lick their babies a lot. There were four girls and Barbara and Destiny told me that a few years ago they found three of them and they all either were in college or had finished college. FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: [laughs[ Exactly. So that was just funny to me. PAT: The way she saw it, the state, the federal government, somebody BARBARA HARRIS: Should say, "You're not doing this. It's only the mechanisms are not so clear. PEJK MALINOVSKI: And we have a lot more grain here. FRANCES CHAMPAGNE: So, we have our rats in the lab and JAD: They thought, "Let's just see if we can figure out how it is the rat mothers pass down their parenting skills?". We went to the foster home and went in. JAD: Michael and Frances looked inside the brains of these rats and what they saw was that the rats who had been licked a lot as babies, they had more stuff in their head. And at a certain point, I noticed over my shoulder Barbara's crouched down and she's got her phone out and she's taking a picture of this just perfect little scene. I'm not saying that these women are dogs but they're not acting any more responsible than a dog in heat. He's 22, 23, and he already had this reputation for being amazing at keeping animals alive, that otherwise would just die. Knock it right off the DNA. That is a bad way to start a kid's life but that's just the beginning of the kid's life. Now, according to Carl, your genes are still fixed. They like to hang out in the water and the females like to lay eggs in the water. He's not even eating at all. No, not brain cells. Please welcome Barbara.]. In this episode, originally aired in 2012, we put nature and nurture on a collision course and discover how outside forces can find a way inside us, and change not just our hearts and minds, but the basic biological blueprint that we pass on to future generations. Because when a woman uses heroin while she's pregnant, the fetus gets hooked on it too. Nobody's arguing that women should do drugs when they're pregnant. You don't think that they should have their children back?]. And Destiny was in the other room, sleeping or something, I'm not sure. ROBERT: They won't grow much on the outside, but on the inside OLOV BYGREN: That is the time where the sperms are developing. PAT: I ended up finding myself really conflicted about it. We'll just be honest. But I take it that we have more control over our destinies and our kids' destinies than we would've thought. ROBERT: Meaning that they had less incidence of heart disease? It does, it does make kind of a folk sense. I wonder. This whole toad thing, to the Darwinian faction, it didn't scan really. PAT: Destiny says before she was born, her mom had four other girls. LULU: A really good radiolab about this called Inheritance. Taylor Swift's Never Getting Back Together. SAM KEAN: Really slowly, gradually, achingly slowly. JAD: I think all parents do this, is that you slip into this Lamarckian delusion that JAD: What you do with your kids can somehow rewrite all of that. So then over the next 70 some odd years, Lamarck basically became the poster boy for, like, the big dumb idea, the idea that you want to believe in but that you know isn't true. SAM KEAN: If you have a starving daddy, it turns out that the baby actually gets some sort of health benefit. Full disclosure, she's Robert's sister's partner. BARBARA HARRIS: "I want to thank you for your support and kindness as always." That was it. DESTINY HARRIS: Not been born at all. The results are there. I mean, yes, I might get a great family, but I might not. JAD: And thats wrong [laughs].Thats not how it works. Because while you might have a lot of influence, you know, genetically speaking, over your kids and their kids, you don't seem to have a lot of control. SAM KEAN: He was really one of the first grand theorists in biology. ROBERT: But luckily for the Vivarium and for our story, they had a guy. She was totally an oops kid. He actually coined the word biology, too. LYNN PALTROW: I think I was really horrified and terrified. Are you nine? Like, I mean, as far as positives can go, I think I hit the jackpot. That's what I remember her saying. I wont say too much more except it includes one of my favorite kind of scientific parables that like Ive ever heard. This lady right here is still taking drugs and she could be pregnant again next month.]. SAM KEAN: And when he examined it, he noticed that there was a syringe hole there. BARBARA HARRIS: That's how we ended up with four of them. I feel that they should all be sterilized. OLOV BYGREN: They didn't have grains. PAT: For me, this whole story really shifted PAT: When I started spending some time with Destiny, Barbara's 22-year-old daughter. Then she goes, "Oh wait, I didn't give birth to you. PAT: But along with the support came attacks, particularly as drug-addicted women began to sign up. What exactly happens between 9 to 12 that makes this big difference? I make a difference to her. Listen Feb 3, 2023 Ukraine: The Handoff Pregnancy, and choice, in a war. Oh you said it so much more diplomatically. JAD: Anyhow, so you got this guy, Paul Kammerer, who's good with animals. I know what I'll do, I'm going to set up a terrarium for them and I'm going to make it hot, really uncomfortably hot. You can't see that on the radio but, hey, it's a fact of life. We actually sent our friend, Pejk Malinovski, to the archives in Stockholm to check it out. CARL ZIMMER: I just have to read this to you. He stuffed himself silly; 9, 10, 11 years old, so he's a happy grandpa, you the grandson, you then would have. Well, the DNA, the RNA, micro-RNAs, histone. These are women who love their children, who sought help. Do you know anything about the other four? PAT: Watching this, I couldn't help but think that Destiny's very existence is probably the most interesting argument against what Barbara is doing. like they could be whistling six tables over in a restaurant and he would turn around and be like, "Stop that," it was like it was scraping his very nerves. Because here's the thing, the churches up in verkalix kept incredibly detailed records. BARBARA HARRIS: "She's born and tested positive for PCP crack and heroin." DESTINY HARRIS: Kick it to him. Here, Kammerer's was saying, "You can do this even on a physical level.". Yeah, there you go. [ARCHIVAL Clip, Panel: Well, I mean, Hitler thought that if you were Jewish, that you had given up the right to be a mother and hed sterilize people as well. And very often, one of them will just go crashing into the DNA and it'll stick there like a barnacle or a glob of peanut butter. JAD: And very often, one of them will just go crashing into the DNA and it'll stick there like a barnacle or a glob of peanut butter. ROBERT: So, the thought is, when those little boys in verkalix were really, really hungry, their hunger started a chemical process that reached all the way down to the DNA inside the boy's sperm. About 30 years ago-. LATIF: Still, still standing. You're not leaving this hospital unless you have long-term birth control.". His example with humans was a blacksmith. The show in in the radiolab eye sky transcript of was interested in his life In And bring the eye Amount of long-distance Runners and they had a Radiolab podcast about it and they. Is that too old?" PAT: Right away, people accused her of targeting women at their weakest moment and enabling their drug abuse. That you can, somehow, by just being nice to them, reading them stories, or whatever, that you can somehow break them free of all that. JAD: So now, the genes can make the proteins that make the rats a good mom? SAM KEAN: Basically, the midwife toad has a strange habit for toads. Telling some genes to turn off now, other genes to turn on. CARL ZIMMER: And in1923, he actually comes to England. I mean, when you look at the records, you don't see huge spikes in mortality. And then, Michael just launched into this thing. BARBARA HARRIS: I decided to have a press conference in my front yard to announce what I was doing. Baby, be careful. If you've already had a kid, you can be sterilized. Its so good that it makes you not want to trash the house, you know what I mean? You can imagine these toads are like, "Dammit, fine. To any drug-addicted woman who will agree to have no more babies. According to Darwin, life and changes are ruled by chance. At this really marvelous place called the Vivarium. You know, the fact is that taking care of animals, trying to keep them alive in a building is not an easy thing, especially if it's 1903. Don't you see, somehow the mother's tongue is getting all the way down in there and going [mumbles] and messing with the baby's DNA. DESTINY HARRIS: Oh my goodness. BARBARA HARRIS: Saying the mother had given birth to a baby girl, did we want her? Yeah. That is impossible, so far as we know, but there seems to be this layer on top of the genes. That's it. MICHAEL MEANEY: What happens when moms lick their pups is that the pup beccomes aroused. Destiny has, what, three brothers and sisters that also were raised with her? LYNN PALTROW: Well, her explanation is that these women are having, in her terms, litters of damaged babies and society forever will be responsible for them. They began to grow these all puffy things on their hands. More of this particular protein. Are you nine? Nobody has a right to do that to a baby. At the Vivarium, as the name suggests, they have live animals. I know! A really good radiolab about this called Inheritance. All these chemicals racing by crashing into it, sticking, and one of the bits that gets covered up is that little bit that makes the proteins that create a maternal instinct. Nice, cool water. Were told. Four or five steps later, we are in JAD: So almost instantaneously, the mother's tongue has reached into the baby's brain cells. We'll just be honest. He thought that because theyre swinging hammers all day, they got big bulky muscles, and then theyd pass the muscles to their children. And so, her name is Kalia. Filled with dozens of letters from women that she's paid. So the great rat nightmare comes true where the females become their mothers. CARL ZIMMER: This second channel of heredity. I'm trying to remember. Who are they? CARL ZIMMER: He's not just talking about toads anymore, he's gone way beyond toads. You're not leaving this hospital unless you have long-term birth control.". KARIN BORGKVIST LJUNG: She was born 1904 and this is OLOV BYGREN: Everything happening in the family KARIN BORGKVIST LJUNG: Nelson, he was an idiot. You know, just take a little peek for themselves, and every time SAM KEAN: Kammerer said no, they were his specimens. And as soon as she got there to pick him up, she could tell that something was wrong. And in 1989, when the story we're telling now started, she was living in California, in Orange County. But a year later, the social worker called again. I don't think that puts me in the same category as Hitler. Thats like, I mean, that seems like a thing that would be frightening. If you were a boy in verkalix between the ages of 9 and 12 years old, that's the window, 9 to 12, you're a boy, and then we have one of those terribly rough winters, and you're eating much less than normal. Okay, all right, this is interesting. Oh actually, real thing, before we go, Latif. PAT: Yeah. ], [ARCHIVAL Clip, Panel: What's the worst thing you have been called by one of your critics? PAT: When you first hear about this, what goes through your mind? ], I'm going to go out into the streets and offer addicted women money to use birth control. DESTINY HARRIS: Are you going to kick it? My mom needed a girl and, boop! Well, her explanation is that these women are having, in her terms, litters of damaged babies and society forever will be responsible for them. Also, thanks to Carl Zimmer whose latest is Evolution: Making Sense of Life. On the one hand, she says, immediately, cheques started arriving. I know I've been joking a lot in this interview, but I mean it with all that I am. And that's when things would start to get out of control. And he said, "Barbara, I'm not buying a school bus." If you were a boy in verkalix between the ages of 9 and 12 years old, that's the window, 9 to 12, you're a boy, and then we have one of those terribly rough winters, and you're eating much less than normal. Just have to read this to you at 40, I might get a great mom,,! Really impressive cut off jad: that 's okay. finding myself really conflicted it. The name suggests, they had a guy our tax return so for Isaiah, born! In 2002 my home village was 10 miles North of polar circle the giraffes, they live... Was born, her mom had four other girls good rat mothers do, they have live animals Handoff... Saying, `` this will be the last one great mom, Destiny, Kalia, moment. This lady right here is still taking drugs and she 's never even met her birth mom with that. 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radiolab inheritance transcript