substack alex berenson

Despite all this, I offer a truce. Im a parent. Because he is now using his platform on Twitter to slam and defame a woman who has suffered from serious neurological vaccine injuries, Alex Berenson has crossed a line, a line which has destroyed any shred of credibility he had as a . Update on Berenson v Twitter This would be a very good time to donate to the legal fund. BUCK: I also want to ask you about the vaccine situation here, cause reminded with masks, I have more and more people on the left who are saying things like, Masks are really now just They are a symbol. ALEX: (laughing) And the dashed cumulative excess death trend lines toward the bottom of the chart should be flattening in confirmation. RFK Jr. opened by introducing Alex and how he became a hero to many of us in the past two years. In his critique, Mr. Berenson - a former NYTimes journalist without any . Good for him. Thats older people and, listen, if youre 400 pounds you probably should. Nothing is ever that simple unless you are a liberal elite. Sen. Cruz: What Does Pete Buttigieg Have to Do to Get Fired? And if they do, how would you tell people? His newest book, PANDEMIA, on the coronavirus and our response to it, was published on Nov. 30. He didn't. CLAY: Want to support your work on some level. And that's not. In the past, he has worked for the New York Times and was part of the liberal media elite. And then he brought up something else entirely. He also writes here on substack so check him out. Ill say this, okay, when you look at the Israeli data there is one thing that theyre sort of clinging to, this idea that vaccines still prevent or lower the risk of severely illness and death, okay? GOV. There is no justice from people who want to rule over you like a king or queen. Immediately," Berenson wrote. Suddenly the money is there like magic--just don't ask too much where it came from, what was cut to make it happen (like the roads, bridges, broken dams, etc), just don't look too closely at social programs that take kids from their moms for one violation of drugs or whatever so that they can sell that kid into the sex tradeEvil is normalized in order to get something else. The right wings folks who embrace him also love the ex-New York Times credential. But given their cheering on of Berenson's rudeness, you start to wonder if this whole group of people is for real and/or has been purposefully misled. Share this post. 10. The day the hospital ships left New York City, New York Harbor in April/late March or I guess its late April of last year, that argument should have ended. I mean, do you believe that its not the case that for anybody, that if you get the shot, whoever you are, whoever you may be, youre much less likely to end up in the hospital and/or die from this from covid? Go get it. So you are right now suspended from Twitter for seven days. ALEX: which I dont think I was on. Thats the big takeovers here. And Alex, perhaps youre right. When will there be a reckoning? Everyone is equal here, everyone has a chance. It was basically, for most people, having low oxygen. Its as you close to full vaccination as you can reasonably hope for. BUCK: And now, Okay. Its just this is your response thats supposed to be, If you get the shot, youre going to basically just be fine., BUCK: Even if you show up. Ugh. And even people that I know, Alex, who have been really supportive of a lot of work youve done have complained to me and wanted me to ask you, Hes too critical. ALEX: Thank you, Buck. It is sad, for sure. The collective will create power and keep power anchored to them only. Perhaps Alex's silo of truth stance is why RFK Jr. called him a young curmudgeon. BUCK: and now theyve gone back on that. And if not, what does the future look like right now? Never miss an update. He has a new book out called PANDEMIA. Its in British government documents.. That is a catastrophic failure for decarceration and cashless bail and cannabis legalization and all the other soft-on-crime policies, and the left needs to own it. Alex, great to see you. What these people commenting don't seem to recognize is that Alex isn't part of any team other than Team Alex. My recently updated excess deaths charting capabilities (in this case of total population death RATES for valid country to country comparisons) using Human Mortality Database data (as debuted, simplifying an earlier sine wave base version. ) But it was a long time ago and he needed the research money! Is the data clear on this one? You can look at the real world data and say, Yeah, it looks like they reduced deaths for a time, again, for a time. If the covid vaccine did that, sign me up, okay? People said, You got your daughter vaccinated against covid? No, I got her vaccinated against MMR and DTaP. A huge French study shows BELIEVING you had Covid is associated with many later symptoms. While Greenwald and Taibbi embrace being invited on Fox News. I mean Berenson has his own substack now and of course is allowed to pick and choose what . Costs nothing for now and if you get in now you will never pay. They said, You can get this in youre a heterosexual woman and you have sex with the wrong guy one time, you can get this. They knew they were lying. Look at the U.K. Theres no cases. So, back then the argument would be sort of about, Look, theres all these side effects, which, by the way, were not even talking about side effects any more. His newest book, PANDEMIA, on the coronavirus and our response to it, was published on Nov. 30. Sounds like youre tell us that even if they didnt have those bad unvaccinated youre talking to two of them right now, those unvaccinated people out there, there would still be but is it then the situation that they dont want to be honest about that with the public because they dont want to get to 100% vaccination and then tell us there will be boosters? There is simply no way that England has completely contradictory data to the United States with the same virus and vaccines. Berenson moved to Substack in order to get his reporting published because corporate media wouldn't touch it. Of all Berenson's positions, it was his opposition to the Covid vaccines that elicited the most pushback and vitriol. When the hysteria around COVID jabs hit a fever pitch in the second half of 2021, there was seemingly no voice in the mainstream press that was willing to question the "safe and effective" line that had been . You have young children. BUCK: Alex, we want to return to this with you in a second, and also I want to pose to you and for everyone listening just the narrative right now from the Biden administration on down is get the shot, youre fine; its over. In a subsequent Substack post, Malone let Berenson have it. So that idea that the vaccines are gonna end up the epidemic, that they are going to return life to normal by themselves? BTW it was the third hit on duckduckgo when searching for Alex Berenson substack. pointing out that at the level of population excess mortality, many highly vaxed European countries regardless of the proportion of actual Covid deaths making up the excess are not trending well. If you chase the truth, you will be on the right path. Alex Berenson just put up a substack pointing out that at the level of population excess mortality, many highly vaxed European countries regardless of the proportion of actual Covid deaths making up the excess are not trending well. Second of all, Israels relatively small, and theyve been collecting data on a daily basis and releasing it since before the vaccine started. Note, the 40 and older age groups, where the fully vaccinated (blue) have a higher chance of catching COVID-19 than the unvaccinated (pink). Authored by Alex Berenson via Unreported Truths, On August 24, 2021, Dr. Scott Gottlieb sent an urgent email about my reporting to a contact at Twitter. I know what your thinking, and you would be right. Your Dept. He pointed to the fact that the British Governments own data shows the majority of COVID cases and deaths occurred in the fully vaccinated during the month of September, or more specifically, between the weeks of 34 and 37 2021. You are not anti-vaccine. But smart people I talk to say it looks to them like its not that the Delta variant is so much worse. I envy the reader who can reach the end of Alex Berenson's Unreported Truths About Covid-19 and Lockdowns: Masks, without tearing her hair out in frustration at the absurdity of the world today, which apparently is not so different from the one that Galileo inhabited four centuries ago. Neither side is good, neither side is awful. BUCK: Thats too much. How it happened that way is forgotten immediately. They dont get sick. Alex Berenson is a former New York Times reporter and the author of 13 novels, three non-fiction books, and the Unreported Truths booklets. I recommend you do so on Amazon before they decide you cant. Aren't you glad we shut, Five crucial scientific and public policy measures we can take to keep the insanity of the last three years from ever happening again, Ive been getting a lot of notes like this lately I know, its been a while. Where nearly 1 percent of the entire population just tested positive for Covid. So the data is more comparable to the U.S. data. While they accuse the other side of doing what they are doing at a never ending drumbeat, I wonder if those following them even understand what is going on. Does it make any sense at all for kids in particular to be wearing masks in school , ALEX: No, its madness, okay? Alex Berenson's substack is an utter gem. CLAY: Buck and I, Alex, have been saying, Hey, to our parents, you should go get the vaccine.. And if theyre not okay with that, then I guess I have to consider my legal options. ALEX: I cant guess at the motive. Where they disagree with me is they would say it still looks like theres decent efficacy here against severe illness and death. Because if he gets kicked off of Twitter. I'm resending this piece from Feb. 9, 2022 in its entirety. Paris Pied. By Alex Berenson The world's most mRNA vaccinated countries now have shockingly high Covid infection rates. You have how many kids? And that was now well over a year ago, and that was before the huge wave we had through the winter where we had the all-time records hitting. Okay. One side of town gets richer the other poorer and then it's all a giant mess. Let me compare Berenson with the two Substacks I pay to support, Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi. between the old and the young, high COVID-19 rates in people under the age of 40 is exponentially less of a risk of hospitalization and death compared to high COVID-19 rates among the elderly. Even if you only talk about the myocarditis risk and the venous science thrombosis risk with the J&J vaccine. YouTube Bans All Content Stating Vaccines Are Ineffective Or Dangerous: YouTube has expanded its medical misinformation policies with new guidelines targeting content that falsely alleges that approved vaccines are dangerous and cause chronic health effects, claims that vaccines do not reduce transmission or contraction of the disease, or contains misinformation on the substances contained in vaccines will be removed. Read More. Berenson said: According to Table 4 from the PHE Report, during the month of September, there were a total of 3,158 COVID deaths in England. BUCK: That is a fact. Banning Alex Berenson From Twitter Is a Mistake "The pandemic's wrongest man" can likely profit from martyrdom. Thirty-six of them I think you could just say were totally wrong. BUCK: So theyve transitioned, because otherwise if you look at data it doesnt make sense. Click to read Howard Marler Museum Collection Notes, a Substack publication. In it Berenson argued, "One way or another, the Pandemia is ending in the United States.". So I added this up, starting at a baseline of 20,000 subscribers: That was the (pre-vaccine) Covid death risk for people under 50 - not 30, 50, and including people with severe comorbidities. Note, the 40 and older age groups, where the fully vaccinated (blue) have a higher chance of catching COVID-19 than the unvaccinated (pink). I know, I'm as shocked as you are. PHE defines deaths as occurring within 28 days of a positive specimen (COVID-19 test) or COVID-19 reported on death certificate. RFK Jr. continued, describing Alex as a prickly character and something of a young curmudgeon., Alex responded by saying he didn't know if he was a curmudgeon but that he doesn't like to get pushed around., So Alex is, in personality terms, disagreeable.. You got a lot of heat in the beginning. Be part of a community of people who share your interests. BUCK: is that the only reason we still have covid-19, really, is because of Delta being more efficient at spread and unvaccinated people. ALEX: you are very unlikely to get it again. 1. Malone and I dont agree on everything, but we do agree that censorship is wrong.. (It should start around the 21 minute mark.). What I want everyone to see, he said. In the first few months of the vaccines, the Atlantic even devoted a whole . You just took your kids to go get their vaccines. Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) January 18, 2023 Share this post. Thanks for being here in the studio with us. CLAY: Explain. Communities function better when people have normal life, and, three, get the schools open normally, period. There was no people being cared for in tents in Central Park. Alex Berenson Jan 30 505 44-year-old female vegetarian MSNBC host is hospitalized for almost 10 days for heart inflammation, blames everything but the obvious cause It was because of a cold, people. For example, data from, also show the majority of COVID cases in the fully vaccinated. They are looking to blame me. Anyone surprised by this is not paying attention. Please subscribe to access C&B 24/7 content, Please reactivate subscription to access C&B 24/7 content, Where's the Reckoning? And so theyre paying for what they can get mostly for free. Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson offers the third installment in the best-selling series that offers an honest counterpart to credulous media coverage about the risks of the coronavirus and ways to stop it. Theyre homicide or suicide or something like that. It is abundantly clear these vaccines dont meet that definition. 16 talking about this. At most, they get a fever for a couple days. People look at the numbers, they look at the data, and come to very different conclusions. Im not saying that was what happened, but its something to keep in mind. The liberal press does not care about truth unless it supports their narrative, so most of Berenson's audience are not fans of the New York Times, The Jeff Bezos' Washington Post, or any of the liberal TV networks. Those are the numbers. Berenson also discussed Englands case rates by vaccination status featured in Table 2 of the same, The rate of cases per 100,000 classified by age group and vaccination status can be better visualized with Figure 2 from the same, . I am well aware that the corporate media coverage on this topic is virtually all lies, although occasionally some truth peeks through. In other words, they are vaccines that lower the chance of severe illness but still allow for infection and transmission of the virus. But he didnt tell the producers what his plans were. Senator Ted Cruz joins Clay and Buck with a message for Secretary Pete. Former New York Times writer Alex Berenson, a vaccine and coronavirus contrarian, has more than 10,000 paying subscribers on Substack. Hospitalizations and deaths are rising fast too. Attention citizens! Note that right wing news outlets have been doing this all along, but an elite journalist doing it was a big win for those reporting on vaccine issues and how poorly the entire Covid situation has been handled in the US and many other countries. Miss Clay on Fox & Friends? Im gonna tweet what I want to tweet, and I need to make sure that Twitters aware of that. I'm sorry I said I wouldn't spam you, but it's just so good. Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and website. It doesnt It looks like if you get it and you recover from it . And something like that is happening on a much broader level with much bigger consequences right now. RFK Jr. and Alex then had a brief moment of discussion regarding how they have been attacked for their work. That makes sense. Email. Its not as transparent as I would like, but its pretty transparent. They have no idea what the numbers really are. How is it possible that public health officials and media pundits in the United States continue to call it a pandemic of the unvaccinated when 72.32% of COVID deaths in England occurred in the fully vaccinated last month? Only we can do that to ourselves. The assumption is that Dr. Malone and Alex Berenson are on the same team and any attacks on other members of the team hurt the wider effort. Berenson makes an airtight case . My kids go back to school tomorrow, Alex. BUCK: So in this country right now going back to the narrative thats all being jammed down our throats all the time by the generally Democrat-aligned corporate media . Berenson showed Rogan a report entitled COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report Week 38 from Public Health England (PHE), which is equivalent to the Center for Disease Control in the United States. 20 Aug 2021. We dont know those numbers in the United States. Dr Malone was quite eloquent in responding to it. ONE: Berenson's book blatantly omits several of the key players behind the covid pandemic. And that is the trial that is the reason these vaccines got the emergency-use authorization. But they do have far more side effects. There were no mass graves. But in my opinion, no; it's, To me, the secret to life is following truth, If you chase the truth, you will be on the right path. We know this because Dr. Malone indicated that the producers apologized to him about it and were blindsided themselves. His recent posts and actions tend to support this theory. If you dont get the shot, youre a barbarian who basically, you get what you deserve. , you will never pay Greenwald and Matt Taibbi a brief moment of discussion how... Town gets richer the other poorer and then it 's all a giant mess how became... Substack publication is associated with many later symptoms it Berenson argued, & quot ; one way another... 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substack alex berenson