udorn air base thailand photos

Didnt happen. When I told them I figured it out they said, Too Late!, I served at U-Tapao royal thai airfield from 1968-1969. Evidence of exposure to AO to Diabetes then to Pancreatic Cancer. Have 5 AO connected diseasesbeen denied for every one. DO NOT GIVE UP! Try it. I have given up. Service officers tell me different things. Reply. HAVE A APPEAL IN, LOOKING FOR ANYONE THAT WORK IN MY SECTION. There were canine units there. Praying we can bring Bobby home. out of all the dogs that were in Thailand and Vietnam , only 3 made it back( whats it all about). I was at NKP Mar 1970 Aug 1971. I was stationed at Ubon RTAFB 71-72, and was a flight facilities officer in the GCA. Living near Houston now . Gregory Soccio - Soccio1 AT verizon.net ([email protected]): I was stationed with the 6280th Combat Support Hospital unit at Takhli, Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand from October/November 1973 through August 1974.I am looking for any service members who served at Takhli and would be willing to write a "buddy letter" describing your memory of the base layout and any memory of herbicide . I have been diagnosed with Ischemic Heart Disease (two heart-attacks). Hope to hear from you. You are fully But you had to be there 30 days or more for it to be on your records. They will guide you on the process. I cannot prove to the VA that the Vitiligo was a result of exposure to Dioxin causing my auto-immune system to fail. I had no idea of AO at Ubon. I am servic connected from a non combat injury. I served at Korat Thailand from November 1965-November 1966 as a Weapons Technician on the F-105s. One day our canteens were filled with water that was brown in color. Im looking for information about Mukdahon AB Thailand from 1966-67. I was at U-Tapao for the entire year of 1970. We had 197 people on board with gear and just cleared the fence at the end of runway leaving Holloman. With all of the VA documents that state that Agent Orange was used on bases in Thailand, my denials stated that there was no evidence that Agent Orange was ever used there. Any advice is appreciated. Five lumbar surgeries and more than 43 rounds of cortecosteroid injections in my lumbar, 5 in my right hip and 4 in my sacral joint all over an eighteen year period. also in Thai Land for LINEBACKER II.during that time frame for the Year. Hopefully Ill have better understanding on how to manage my application through the VA. Ill research those websites mentioned to inform us on the 500 meter zone coverage. Been on chemotherapy ever since. Better known as the Rose Garden. Oh Mr Farmer who said he was at ubon 72-73 time frame. Thanks. I have a picture of him an other people on a beach riding horses. I have numbness in my hands and feet Im healthy physically, blood pressure etc just nerve damage. 20 years later I developed Diabetes and have since gotten Neuropathy of both feet and legs and mild in my fingers, lost all my toes on right foot and some partial loss on left foot. [AUST ARMY SIGNAL CORP. ] THANKS. Glenn, ? I was stationed in New Mexico, went TDY twice in 1963 & 1964 As we all well know how hot it was and on that day the bone yard was stinking to high heaven. Considering the amount of inquiry around this matter, findingofficial maps that offer highly-detailed depictionsof the locationswhere Americans were based in Thailand and that were madeduring the Vietnam warhas proven elusive, even at the Library of Congress. Does anyone remember the Autovon Switching Compound outside of Korat RTAFB during 70-71? Sawadee!! from mid 69 to mid 70 worked in the base photo lab doing recon photo . My barracks was next to the parameter fence. JPG format, about 268K in size. All nugs pfc pullef perimeter guard in ops area due to having clearances. He was fighting with the VA about he could not prove he left the base while performing his duties. She referred me to see a Neurologist (Nerve Specialist) the following day and, she too knew what I had, even going so far to order laboratory tests and a CT Scanall coming back positive as being Parkinsons Disease. He was the avionics supervisor for the 388th wing for the F-104s. His claims of exposure have repeatedly been denied since 1993. At 75 years of age I must say I have been very fortunate to be served very well by the Youngstown, Ohio (Belmont Avenue VA, outpatient Clinic). My husband was so very proud to be a veteran and of his service. Lived in the old barracks with no windows just screen. I served in Tahkli Thailand, I have peripheral neuropathy, I have had it for 11 years now, it continues to get worse in my feet and hands. Kidney failure, and hypertension, but seeing all you service members going through all this problems, I am already 79 years I was stationed at Ubon RTAFB from Nov 1968 to Nov 1969. When I asked my local VA about this they said they knew noting about it and would not test me for exposure. The proof of my services there was the passport the US Army issued me for that mission. What was the # of your B. I did have Prostate Cancer, thinking to apply to VA again, but was too busy, that 20% got me free medical care, took my prostate out, too large for radiation, as well as all the above, so prostate was cut out, and other trips to the ER, here and elsewhere, always went back to my VA PCP at VA McClellan Park, and she set me up for followup appointments for PT, GI, etc. The bug in my head. Hes applied 3 times for VA disability and 3 times denied. Any one in Udorn around 1971? These idiot think that when agent orange was sprayed on the perimeter an around our barracks that it just stayed in one pot and was never air born. with me. I was in crew 9 VP17 US Navy.I need help from anyone who had a similar experience. Still took a year, but rating was finally approved. Before = I served with 355th out of Takhli 1969-1970. VA. Has except responsible. My husband Master sergeant Michael G. McKenzie was at Udorn Thailand in 71-72 and was with the13 th TFS was staff Sergeant then I need to find all I can about how far was he from the flight line( Barricks) his place of work etc. My husband also worked in Korat for about 9 months. Commit by VA, there was no agent orange used in NKP. I think I have identified the building on a map of the base but the building is only labelled 1665. Youll want to look way down at the bottom of the file to see what the final decision was. I am writing for my father, Ken Hamlin. Reunion Photos. Also document stating that base commanders were at liberty to use herbicides anywhere within the base perimeter. He recently passed and we are trying to get help from the VA. Did anyone work with him and possibly have any pictures of him being near the perimeter? I just received a VA letter dated Feb 6, 2023 that states If you were previously denied for disability compensation benefits, you may now be eligible and are encouraged to apply if you performed covered service in the following locations during the specified timeframes: Thailand at any U.S. or Royal Thai base during the period beginning Jan 9, 1962 and ending June 30, 1976, regardless of where on the base you were located or what specialty you performed. I will gladly help any veteran or dependent with any information or photos that I have, including any and all my knowledge of my personal experiences with the Herbicides used at Phu Mu freely. It is 5 miles south of the American air base at Udorn. If so, any luck? Lived in the concrete barracks both tours and the same one both times 2257. believe it or not prostate cancer 2012 and kidney bladder cancer 2020. CREW CHIEF ON F-4E PHANTOMS WHITE SECTION 421st BLACK WIDOWS, HAVE PROSTATE CANCER 2018 I was Security Police. have type 2 Diabetes Prostate cancer skin cancer arthritis heart disease I have a very rare blood disorder and have to take very strong meds to survive, I remember asking the guys what they were spraying all over the compound and the answer was for bugs!!! NIH says that on of the possible causes for IBM is contact with a Toxic Substance I believe the seed for IBM for me was planted 68/69 while stationed at Korat and flying cobat mission in Vietnam. I was stationed with a USAF Communications Detachment at the Chang Mai Airport in 1967 thru 1968. I was first diagnosed with Parkinsons in 2005. Also many of us flew from US and landed in Vietnam for aircraft refueling enroute to Thailand. Korat RTAFB, Thailand: Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base was a base of the Royal Thai Air Force in northeast Thailand, approximately 157 mi northeast of Bangkok and about 5 mi south of the centre of Nakhon Ratchasima (also known as "Khorat" or "Korat"), the second largest city in Thailand. I was stationed at korat rtafb 1969-1970 Fire dept do remembered sawnee club my hooch was across the street I got my 100% rating in 2015 it took me 4 yrs I worked with my primary dr and dav to help me I sent pic of agent orange 55 gal drums on base and stated how every day we had to patrol perimeter as part of my duty I have lost all balance,and heart problems, all my nerves are shot hands ,feet, are numb my advice get all info on your bases where you were stationed and then tie your duty to exposed AG and be nice to all drs and secretary who help you it will pay off big. In October, 1997, a Joint Task Force (JTF 98-IL) located the crash site. I wonder if the Thai Government would fess up to the surrounding areas from our Bases had many people come down with symtoms of Agent Orange. I was stationed at Korat RTAFB from 68-69 and spending about a month at Ubon TDY living in the old Ausie hootches at Perimeter.Next spent two years at Yokota Japan and Osan Korea. We all were exposed due to winds, aircraft movements so the VAs claim of perimeter exposure is their way to throw us under the bus. I spent all my time working along the flight line and travelled all over that base for 46 days. Our army base was right there next to them with only a chainlink fence between us, yet every Air Force guy was eligible for benefits and we Army guys arent unless you were an MP. I was asked to fill out a couple of forms and thank goodness for me, my VFW VSO was highly knowledgable as to what to look for in my Air Force Personnel Records, realizing that I had been exposed to Agent Orange and, filed my VA Claim with the Oakland VA Regional Office. The VA report turned me down because According to the report, just because you stopped by to get gas, it doesnt mean boots on the ground. I think some of the reviewers like to insult and degrade people even though they are seen as ignorant by people who were there and actually served. God bless. I on occasion had to cannibalize parts to repair my aircraft. I used a 3 day pass to go to Pattyah Beach also during my time in Korat. Is there a way to prove I was sent TDY as there do not seem to be records other than one of my performance reviews from a MSGT who I was stationed with in Thailand. Their policy of claimants having to prove duty on or near the perimeter is flawed as it does not allow for any possibility that the toxic dioxin contaminants spread throughout the bases by vehicle and foot traffic, atmospheric natural winds and turbulence created by aircraft and helicopters, munitions movements, dust storms, animals, flowing ground waters after rain storms, etc. It seems to me that if MKP was sprayed with agent orange An aircrew member that has info on this should speakup. BachMa Mt has been excavated & they found the BloodChit Bobby had in his Flight jacket that day but no remains. After fighting the VA for 7 years I finally received 100% disability. Heart attack and by-pass in 1999,Gaul Bladder removal,Prostate cancer,Rheumatoid Arthritis,two operations for blocked arteries in leg,Cysts in groin. Rolf GERSTER says: March 20, 2021 at 2:16 am Hello. I am trying to get pictures of Udorn at that time & praying someone would have a picture of Bobby while he was there. Ask to submit a claim. I check on many of them and what I could find all led back to Agent Orange issues. This documents U2 operation out of Utapao. Stationed at Ubon 3/71 3/72. I injured my back loading and had to eventually crosstrain into the medics after returning to Holloman. My career field was supply administration but on arrival, I was attached to security forces as an augmented member for the first four months. All of my pics were lost in a relocation! Was stationed Udorn 74-75 432 corrosion control painted shit load of F4s n equip all over f/l pulled 30days police augmented, got heart disease, pre diabetic, cant hear. I lived in a hootch not far from the flight line when air craft took off dust went every where . I served two Tours of Duty in Thailand as an aircraft weapons specialist. How can we do that? The old VFW post might still be there too. I was confirmed 5 or 6 years ago and am confused as to why others are denied exposure who were at Udorn. has recognized ALS (Lou Gehrigs Disease) as Service If you worked on the flight line, as a security guard on the perimeters, electronic techs on the planes, base repairs, or construction, you need to explain your job and how it exposed you to AGENT Got kicked out of Thailand in December 1975 due to a disagreement between Nixon and Thailands King. Itincludes, on its reverse,amap of American installations within the Thai capital of Bangkok. I am aware the war cutoff was May 7, 1975, how does that work for me if I arrived on the 11th, and probably still got exposed to AO. Only e4 n above were exempt or guys transfer in. I was stationed at Camp Friendship 7Nth Main. I was deployed to NKP Thailand August 1962 with USN MCB3 to construct the battalion base camp and later to defoliage the jungle and underbrush to construct the airbase 8 miles inland from the Mekong River, out of mortar range. USAF 2 years in Danang,Phu-Chat,Vietnam,Ubon Thailand the Government could care less about our health problems take you Oxicodone and shut up, and thats if they will even send it to you thats Our Reward for going to war ! Its sad that we are finally eligible for disability benefits after most of us are gone, and for my condition (Multiple Myeloma) not long to go. The VA thinks I am making it up on my AO Exposure Claim. Its a dishonor and flagrant insult. Needs help please. Serve at the Rose Garden Thailand Marine Its sad! Udorn RTAFB, Thailand:The civil war inside Laos and fears of it spreading into Thailand led the Thai government to allow the United States to use covertly five Thai bases beginning in 1961 for the air defense of Thailand and to fly reconnaissance flights over Laos.Udorn was one of those bases. I know I was exposed to Agent Orange sprayed around Hooches, perimeter road and everywhere else they wanted to kill vegetation. Another tour of duty in 1973-76. I knew where our fighters More information on this topic can be found in a book series titled Veterans and Agent Orange. Traveled down to the beach for burgers, etc., at the snack bar,and out the gates to town (Newland). If anyone who was from the Red Horse outfit I would love to chat with you about our time there and anything you know about AO there. And yet no mention of any submarines in the War Zone despite sailors having been awarded the Vietnam Service Medal with Bronze star. I am so sick and tired of this mess.My CAD is getting much worse now.. U.S. To Pat Kearny The Title: Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report. We deployed to Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam to serve the rest of my tour. During my stay the C-123 aircraft that sprayed the base, landed and were located just a stones throw from our flight line. Ramp 5060 is entirely within the 500 meter drift zone. We lived on the economy and rode motorcycles to work. I was stationed at Korat AFB july67 july68, I want to know how many people stationed there had thyroid problems later in life. Veterans, So far my atty its winning my case-Ischemic heart disease from exposure to herbicides at Udorn RTAFB-APR 69-APR70. I lived in the hootches behind the USO. He only disclosed that his duties caused him great stress as how well he did his job could determine whether men lived or died. F-4D fighter aircraft #66-0267 at Homestead Air Force Base, Fla., circa 1989. 75 from perimeter fence and required to sleep to be in shape to work 7 days/week.. I cant provide a lot of information. Thanks. 1968.if so lets communicate.I need help to substanuate I was stateioned at NKP, Thailand and on my Discharge Physical in 1971, it was determined that I had a HEART MURMUR which was NOT present when I enlisted. I left the service 12/76. In response to veterans and their families suffering fromthe effects of Agent Orange, the U.S. government makes a presumption of exposure forthosewho served on land in Vietnam for the purpose of filing a claim with the Veterans Administration. People stationed there had thyroid problems later in life ( Newland ) from a non combat.. Took a year, but rating was finally approved PROSTATE Cancer 2018 i was at royal!: March 20, 2021 at 2:16 am Hello 5 AO connected denied. 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Ferry From Nassau To Congo Town, Articles U

udorn air base thailand photos