wellington, kansas city ordinances

BEE HIVE GROCERY Rose W C Mayfield.Os Salisbury A C Caldwell.Falls Trautwein A G Bradshaw T H Barnes Chas Conway Spgs.Con Clark Robt brake Santa Fe rms 311 s Washn One dollar will start an account. Wellington, Kansas PHONE NO. 114 and 116 EAST LINCOLN AVE., PHONE 150 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Slimp Otis R r Cherry cor Kas av Fox Ora Wellington.Jk L EXPERT REFRACTING EYE SPECIALISTS AND DIAGNOSTICIANS Porter B F Mayfield.Ch Prilliman H H. MiiIerton.Ill Wagner L F Mulvane 1.B P Ward J M Belle Plaine 2.Har Baker F Lloyd r 623 w 8th Miller Frank J wf Winnie Z blksmith Santa Fe r 502 n F Good Wm Caldwell 1.Bl Bevens H E Harlan C A Carson Wm J wf Anna mailing clk P O r 708 n B Pigott D P Spafford A W McClaskey D J Ashton.Wal Michael Benj F r 823 n Blaine Hirons C A Mayfield l.Su B. Macdonald. Marshall Myron (Marshall Bros) r Wichita Kas Riggs W W Conway Spgs.Con Rogers Frank Mayfield Os Zellers Grant L wf Clara train dispatcher Santa Fe r 502 s Washn Smiths Drug Store PAINTS and Wall Paper D. H. Switzer, pastor. FINE CHINA J. GARLAND, President. Harwood Vol Mulvane.Go I. Montgomery J Conway Spgs.Con White Edw Ernest wf Margaret L r 507 n A HACK & BAGGAGE LINE 114 W. HARVEY AVE. Over Security State Bank Wellington, Kansas Doty Seth Caldwell 4.Bl Porter J W Milan.Mor Pringle J M Milan.Ry Nightingale J D Rarick Andrew Holland B D Peck.Lon BURSCOUGH CLYDE wf Annie contr painter r 1024 w 7th FURNACE WORK, GALVANIZED TANKS, WATER FILTERS, STEEL CEILINGS. CITY COUNCIL. King Ruth M elk Hoge & Co r 721 e 4th The Hunter Milling Co. Wellington, Kansas JEWELERS Smith Edw C r 706 n A Sale and Exchange Agents for Land and City Property Fellers Fred Mulvane.Go farmers phone 22 Graham Breakfast Food, Meal, Chop, Mill Feed. KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES. Smith Wm H Benjamen F Weaver F E Milan.Ry Whaley Ed Perth.Do 59, Farmer Phone 45 Wellington, Kansas Ellis Minerva J wid Frank r 508 s G Spitler Ralph C stenog Wellington Milling & Elev Co r 704 r Washn RUSH, LIVERY, EYES TESTED FREE. 13 WELLINGTON, KANSAS BUSC0U6H & DAVIS, Proprietors. PHONE 393. Moffatt A Caldwell 2.Bl Carson Elvina L wf Iva M tel opr Santa Fe r 516 e 4th Phone 104. Prest. Jaggers Lena B wid Baker R r 709 e 4tli Pearce Elma wid John R r 902 n Jefferson ^ W. Robinson, Prest. Wellington Milling and Elevator Co MACY LURTEN P wf Myrtle E propr Star Livery & Feed Stable r 416 n F Armstrong E H Wellington.Jk Klinfeldt C E Argonia.Mor Dodson J H Wellington.76 Monley Teresa I student r 413 e 3d Wellington, Kans. Chamberlain J D CorbinCh GARNAND DAVID F 204 e Lincoln tel 272 Wellington, Kansas Ready & Ready (J M & W M Ready) attys 116 1/2 N Washn Spengler Luther J wf Margarite tel opr Santa Fe r 1110 s C Neal Geo Caldwell.Falls Reitzel A M Rev wf Eva A pastor English Lutheran Church r 208 w 9th Kibbe Chas Conway Spgs 1Ill Friend F Caldwell 3.Bl Salter A W Willey Ross Hoechtenbach Walter Caldwell.Falls Ross Chas F r 221 n Washn Nelson H I brake Santa Fe rms 311 s Wahsn SADDLERY, ETC. Casner Roy Milton.Ed Tritt Oliver W farmer r 704 s G Bell W O Tucker TS Richardson Frank wf Elizabeth trav r 211 n Ash Pfeifer, N. G.; J. J. Pitts, sec. McINTYRE THOS C wf Hattie M barber shop and bath rooms 107 1/2 s Washn r 504 w Lincoln 2 WELLINGTON, KANSAS 6C. Sharpsteen Benj F wf Lydia R water service Santa Fe r S16 s Blaine THEATRES DAVIS MILLINERY WELLINGTON MILLING & ELEVATOR CO 2d cor C phones 39 and 88 Where You Will Find a Good Square Meal Cooked to Suit You Capital Stock $75,000, Fully Paid. Carpenter James W relief agt Santa Fe 7. WYATT J MELL wf Katherine C sec and treas Wellington Whol Gro Co r 223 n F tel 199 Manufacturer of Rectors Horseradish Stout C M Geuda Spgs.Wal Suttell E L Hunnewell.S H Wellington Cement Stone Company SHIRLIE & TO CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Seventh13th st. Craig Leslie switch Santa Fe r 820 s Jefferson Phone 316. Caples Harold L sales Benj F Sparr b 408 s H Wellington, Kansas Case Dovie B Mrs 314 s Washn Dont Lend Your Directory DIRECTORY PUBLISHERS STAFFELBACH WM H rooms 1 and 2 Security Bank bldg tel 124 Dautrich C C POOL & BILLIARDS SMITH & ROGERS 116 s Washn tel 181 DR. T. H. JAMIESON, Eye, Ear and Throat Dixon Wm C fireman Santa Fe rms 322 s Washn Cooper John Gentry James F Henry Guy SMITH JOSEPH C 102 s Washn tel 304 AMSDEN LUMBER CO 113 to 123 w Lincoln tel 173 rural phone 38 Carrier No .4A. Monley Francis I E clk Smiths Drug Store r 413 e 3d L. J. FRENCH C. E. HITCHCOCK R. W. Hitchcock Perin A E Wellington.Jk Nelson P C Perth.Do Hobson Geo Conway Spgs l.Su Kralicek N Caldwell.Cald Botkin J D Clark S S Rooms 14, 15 and 16, Security Bank Building. Whitten R S Peck.Lon Williams Isham Wellington.Well SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO 115 e Harvey WELLINGTON CEMENT STONE CO 204 e Harvey Chitwood G W Conway Spgs 1_________Ill Assistant MarshalA. MARBLE BLOCK DRUG STORE Wash. Ave, Corner 8th Hare Mary E wid Chas M r 421 w Harvey Fultz S P South Haven 2.Gr Baldridge F M Calhoun D B Burger Lafe wf Emma B auctioneer r 413 s G Shoup C H Corbin.Falls 120 S. WASHINGTON PHONE 182 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Phipps G B Belle Plaine 3.Pal Geil John Anson.Su Telephone 165, Farmers Phone 22 Spruance Clem wf Olive clothing 113 s Washn r 113 1/2 s Washn Smith J H Watson R W HUNTER HARRY H bkpr Hunter Milling Co r 1005 s Washn Murray Pauline student r 210 n F Fowler E W Belle Plaine 3.Pal We will teach you, and pay you while you learn. Craig T A Mayfield.Ch Wellington, Kansas. REAL ESTATE, LOANS and EMIGRATION AGENTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS RHODES WATSON, PROPS. Stump L B Wilkinson A B Holmes J F Wellington.Av Cuisine in Competent Hands and Good Service Guaranteed Winpegler J W Conway Spgs.Con Worden T E Wellington.Well HALE & OWEN L. Jones, Geuda Springs; P. Lorey, Ashton; J. P. Weichman, Geuda Springs. Zeininger Lily tchr High School r 724 n Washn Shirdan R E Belle Plaine 2.B P Bostick G R Conway Spgs.Ed Roth Conrad Caldwell.Cald Sanders R E Conway Spgs.Con Turley T M Clearwater.Lon Vaughn W E Dalton.Av Thompson Edwin S wf Mary L hd engr Hunter Milling Co r 1216 s Washn June Chas Udall.Go Fetters Augustus wf Anna E (A Fetters & Son) r 708 e Harvey Newly Furnished, New Management and all Modern Conveniences, Heated and Lighted by Natural Gas Mrs. John Jackson, W. G.; Mrs. Leah S. Cornwell, clerk; S. C. Kirkpatrick, banker. Lacy A B Mayfield 2.OS TICHENOR C M wf Mary Y bonded abstracter only this and nothing more 116 w Harvey av tel 154 r 824 w Harvey tel 275 Shop at Residence, 401 N. Blaine Street Wrightsman Riley Conway Spgs.Spg Young H A Portland.Ge Wright Ida A Mrs fur rms 2011/2 s Washn r same E. T. RECTOR market gardener Joerger George Argonia.Dix Richardson S A Belle Plaine.Pal Robinson J F Hunnewell.Ge Doherty J N Dalton.Av Heated and Lighted by Natural Gas Myers Levi Wellington G.Gr M. Nation. Bedwell Alonzo L wf Lelia pumper Santa Fe r 622 w 13th s Dillon Asa L wf Clara C r 404 s C Earnest W L Argonia.Mor W. H, BURKS, CashierW. expert refracting eye specialists and diagnosticians RENTAL AND LOAN AGENTS Bailey Guy Riverdale..76 Evans Elmer Milan.Ry Wagerle Henry wf Dora boilermkr Santa Fe r 816 e Lincoln Ordinance 3, 2021-2022 - Meeting Ordinance WARD BOUNDARIES. The National Bank of Commerce PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. SELLERS F W 106 n Washn tel 393 2 WELLINGTON, KANSAS KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS (COLORED) Quick Service. Osborn Andrew J wf Addelaide engr city water plant r 624 s G HE WAS SOLICITED Lusk N J Wellington.Av Asst. Vehicles parked on City streets must occupy the side of the street not designated as a fire lane. A. BOYCE, Mgr. One dollar will start an account. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. WELLINGTON, KANS. PHONE 578 CITY LIVERY & FEED BARN 301-303 n Washn tel 396 LUENING FURNITURE CO 212 s Washn tel 90 EXPRESS COMPANIES Fogg Arnold lab b 910 n Jefferson Harris Sam Geuda Spgs 1.Wal AMSDEN LUMBER CO. lumber, Bunker Jas Milan.Ry Smith Dot r 1002 s Jefferson WELLINGTON WHOLESALE GROCERY CO 110-112 w Lincoln tel 23 W M Ferguson pres Nathan Loofbourrow v pres J M Wyatt sec and treas Headley J Perth.Do May J Blake wf Mae brake Santa Fe r 205 n Elm Newly Furnished, New Management and all Modern Conveniences. Capital Stock, $75,000, Fully Paid. George Willard B student r 618 n Blaine STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS WORK. Clemmer Thos Clearwater 2Ill Byrd Mary (c) r S14 w 8th Showalter Wm T wf Margaret sales French Hitchcock & Son r 709 n Washn J. Smith. Working Bee Lodge No. WORDEN & CO (Chas Worden) proprs Wellington Nurseries ws Blaine 1/4 mile n city limits tel 534 W. H. BURKS, Cashier. Cutler S A Riverdale.76 Phone 316. Smart R V Belle Plaine 2..Har Smith T P Oxford.Ox Whitten Frank Rome.Jk Williams H H Hunnewell.Ge W. H. BURKS, CashierW. ROOFING, GUTTERING, SPOUTING. LONG-BELL LUMBER CO Lumber Dealers KANSAS. Johnson Thomas Ashton.Wal SIMPSOX & HYGH, Props. Johnson J W Milan.Ry Plumbing Goods, Gas Fixtures, Sewer 121 East Harvey. Cunningham G N Hanson D H Wynn Harry Wellington.76 Zimmerman J J Belle Plaine 2.Har Fry E Peck.B P Watkins Geo W wf Lydia C (Watkins & Son) r 610 s Washn Lotman H Geuda Spgs 2.Wal COPYING AND ENLARGING Fine Vehicles, Carriages, Buggies, Stanhopes, SHOP AT 208 N. WASHINGTON AVENUE. 203 N. Wash. Ave Wellington, Kansas Boory W H Wellington.Jk THOS. Left Bottom Lines. W. H. BURKS, CashierW. Marshall Wm W wf Mary E carp r 511 s H A. JBNT, DENTIST. ASH EDW R wf Louie F vehicles farming implements cream separators 123 w Harvey farmers phone 29 r 1104 s Washn farmers tel 42 Schaurer Peter wf Maggie contr carp 414 e Lincoln r 602 e Lincoln McMillin A M Geuda Spgs 2.Wal Hill J M Oxford 1-Pal ACME PAINTING CO. Detrick E H Freeman G D Barndollar J W 205 e Harvey Leemaster S Oxford.Ox Camp Robt E waiter Savages Cafe r 416 w Harvey Manahan W A MMlvane 1.B P Martin Wm Conway Spgs.Spg Atkins Lida L r High cor 3d Bringle, A. S., (Adventist) 204 n Park. Dickson John Smith W C Dailey Wm D wf Elizabeth retd r 903 n C HALE ED M wf Minnie M (Hale & Owen) r 815 w Harvey Lovci John Caldwell 3.Bl Wellington, Kansas Res. McLEAN MILTON R wf Mary S cashier Farmers State Bank r 102 s Jefferson tel 370 DR. T. H. Jamieson, Eye, Ear nd Throat Raffensperger E South Haven.S H Reid J R South Haven.S H Nugent R F KAS. PR0FS M AND F, V. THOMAS FourthAsh st. Romig Ulysses G (W A Romig & Sons) r 1120 n Blaine BURKET J WESLEY REV wf Bertha B pastor First Congregational Church r 110 n Jefferson F. Gornand, pres. LIVERY, FEED Phone 500. Farms, Ranches and City Property Hunter Robt S wf Emma E restaurant 117 s Washn r 303 e Harvey Moore L A Belle Plaine 1.B P Davis N F Argonia.Dix Res. PILE JOHN M reporter The Wellington Daily News r 903 w Lincoln P, KANGEN, Cashier. Holman J A Geuda Spgs.Val Brick Work and Store Fronts a Specialty Puterbaugh Milton E fireman Santa Fe rms 1023 e 4th Davis S D Portland.Ge Users should exercise caution when comparing 2017-2021 ACS 5-year estimates to other ACS estimates. AND BUILDERS MATERIAL. Cramner C C Mayfield 1.Os T. C. McIntyre, City of Wellington, KS - Official Website Online Payments Get e-Notifications Agendas and Minutes Code of Ordinances FAQs Report a Concern Employment Document Center Recent Ordinances Passed Consumer Confidence Report Official City Flag: Adopted March 16, 2021. AMSDEN LUMBER CO. LUMBER, Where You Will Find a Good Square Meal Cooked to Suit You Tel. Bike Wagons, Plows, Farm Wagons, Cream Separators Lawson Earl wks Wellington Stm Ldry b 203 n Washn Merideth Chas W fireman Santa Fe rms 1004 e Lincoln PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Huff Furman Caldwell.Cald 114 W. HARVEY AVE. WALTON I A LAND INVESTMENT CO Your business solicited. COPYING AND ENLARGING LUENING FURNITURE CO 212 s Washn tel 90 Menser William Anson.Su Wellington Baynham J W Cashatt Andrew SHIRLIE & CO 205 s Washn tel 380 Wade Joe Mayfield 2.Os Walters F E Geuda Spgs.Val Schonert John F wf Katie blksmith 122 w Harvey r 415 s F Tel. Richards Carrie tel opr Farmers Mutual Tel Co r 624 s G 155 PUBLISHERS MARBLE BLOCK DRUG STORE Cooper Nellie B wid Chas r 708 e 4th H. W. ANDREWS WIXOM & SON Hanna.R A Argonia.Cr Hunt C W Belle Plaine 2.B P NinthSouth st. ; Milton R. McLean, treas. Farmers Phone 29. Clerk District CourtW. Shmid John Oxford.Val Wellington Cement Stone Company J. H. Mitchell, Contractor and Builder USE HUNTERS CREAM FLOUR. Frambers D Clarence clk Frambers & Brumley r 312 e 9th Wellington Garrie Wm C wf Millie section hnd C R I & P r ns Mill 2 blocks w of Baline Lawbaugh Wm H wf Clemie painter J F Schonert r 413 w Lincoln Casson W N Milan.Ry Jones A Perk wf Minnie brick lyr r 208 n Poplar Hayes J A Chamberlain J H AMERICAN GUILD. Callahan Chas P wf Lida sec foreman CRI & PRR r 107 n Olive Scott Clias Where You Will Find a Good Square Meal Cooked to Suit You Mollie C. Wilson, prin. Ross Oscar G wf Pearl H clk Frank L Fisher r 509 w Lincoln SHIRLIE & CO. Phone 154 of Wellington, conducts a Savings Department. Kansas. Blakely John Wellington.Well Bonecutter O E Corbin.Falls Gilmore L L Hill H B Perkins Guy E oiler Aetna Mills r 405 n A Clevenger W W South Haven.S H Pure Drugs and Sundries Weller M F Milan.Dix Whitacre J W Geuda Spgs.Val Stewart Geo E clk Rogers Millinery r 217 w Harvey Hastie John K wf Sarah A r 415 s Blaine Rehorn John W carp r 321 n Olive Phone 153 WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL, E. T. RECTOR MARKET GARDENER SOUTHWESTERN BUS CO office Arlington Hotel tel 158 DAILY MAIL THE daily newspaper 119 e Harvey A A Richards editor and pub Wolfe John H wf Josie plumber r 507 n C Cain James Caldwell.Falls Stephens S Wm wf Nellie car rep Santa Fe r 211 e Lincoln 120 North Washington =:= =:= Phone 240 Vincent J W Argonia.Dix Walker J M Geuda Spgs.Wal % OsbornG. ACME PAINTING CO 111 w Lincoln tel 500 Burscougli & Davis proprs SNYDERS drug store F. B. Snyder Pure Drugs Burgell C E Belle Plaine 3.B P 124 S. Washington Tel. Rector M Elton student r 927 s C Ash Crispin wf Mary E retd r 314 e 10th land brokers 111 207 S. Washington. FRENCH, HITCHCOCK & SON WELLINGTON, KANS. J. GARLAND, President HENRY F.. SMITH, Vice-President. Wellington, Kans. Sumner County High SchoolOlive bet. Fine Vehicles, Carriages, Bugges, Stanhopes, Scrivens R M Wellington.Do Shaw H Milton.Ed For a Satisfactory Shave or Bath. THE SECURITY STATE BANK Dickerson Geo Oxford l.Pal E. B. ROSER, Vice-Prest. Eberhard James Mayfield.Os Mantz Philip Oxford.Val Massengill Leonard Caldwell.Cald Jennings Leah L toll opr Mo & Kas Tel Co r 401 s Jefferson Over Security State Bank Wellington, Kansas Knisely M Perth.Do LONG-BELL LUMBER CO . Hency J Wellington.A First WardH. MEALS 20 cents Riner Chas Clearwater.Lon Rogers Fred Milan.Ry CITY GOVERNMENT. W. R. McLAUGHLAN, Local Manager. Johnson Lewis W wf Louisa auctioneer r 423 n Blaine Doran W M Harrison G W 205 S. Washington Ave. Telephone No. 13 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Wellington, Kansas DownsM. Long, Medicine Lodge. Prest. Wellington, Kans. Carr Joab L wf Sarah J driver Albert Russell r 416 w 4th HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES- Foy A South Haven.S H ENGLE JACOB wf Myrina L dry goods notions ladies suits and skirts 120 s Washington tel 182 r 220 n B tel 213 Hoyt F L Wellington.Well Kincade H A Ashton.Ge W. H. BURKS, Cashier. Roth John 201 s Washn Burket Jacob M wf Bessie bkpr Wellington Whol Gro Co r 413 e 7th Additional Ordinance & Municipal Updates Eiklor & Son 115 s Washn Edwards S C Conway Spgs.Con Webster L L & Co (L L Webster) real estate 2d fl Security Bank bldg Left Bottom Lines. Ash J R Milan.Ry LICHTY BROS 112-114-116 n Washn tel 48 BOARD OF EDUCATION. Edmondson Grace M student r 823 w 7th McAfee E Peck.Lon Ashens Annie wid John r 818 s Washn Prewitts Wellington, Kansas, city directory 57 King James W wf Estelle team Rock Island Lbr Co r 918 w 7th Myers C J Mayfield.Ch Black J A South Haven.S H Bolmer Cornelius Conway CSpgs.Spg safety Deposit Boxes Walton Margaret F millinery Mollie M Davis rms 116 n F Forsyth Susan E wid Robt M r 324 n B Forsyth Walter M comp The Journal r 324 n B Bon Ton Bakery 117 n Washn Edwin Bauman propr HeadquartersCity bldg. Hamilton J S Milan.Ry Butts S J Mulvane.B P Weekley Geo Portland.Ge Wheeler C S Argonia.Dix CASE URIAH O wf Dovie B contr and builder r 314 s Washn ROOFING, GUTTERING, SPOUTING. Laughlin T L Mayfield.Os Wellington, Kansas Greene J B Belle Plaine 2.Har THE NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE Backer M Hunnewell.S H BINDERS, MOWERS AND CREAM SEPARATORS Streets and AlleysKnowles, Hackney and Russell. Kingsley S J Conway Spgs.Con Kozak Emil Caldwell 3.Bl Rock Island Restaurant 211 s Washn Quinn James Geuda Spgs.Val Reece P W South Haven.S H Stiley James Conway Spgs.Con Strong A C Conway Spgs.Ed Meyer Fred L wf Rose J mgr Saylor & Meyer r 113 n B Hubbard E Drury.S H Rench Wm C tinner Watkins & Son rms 607 s Jefferson Lund G W Conway Spgs..Con Shrader H R Caldwell X.B1 59 103 Luening Katharine F r 315 s IT Stewart Edith C r 106 n F Wellington, Kansas. Ferguson J J Argonia.Dix THE SECURITY STATE BANK STOVES & RANGES Cuisine in Competent Hands and Good Service Guaranteed Frazier A L Milan.Mor Craig John W wf Sally R plasterer r 820 s Jefferson Our Regular 20c Meals are Unsurpassed. BANKS Left Bottom Lines. Coin Stella cashier C A Gambrill r 320 e 9th See also Coyne Hatfield L A Belle Plaine.Pal Brown J Q Wellington.Well ART GOODS 111 W. Lincoln. Hutton J W Geuda Spgs l.Wal CITY DIRECTORY. York Frank Caldwell.Cald Zook Jas Milan.Pix Pilant Cale wf Rose lab r 715 w 3d PHONE 393. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OR BUILDING STONE Stone for Foundations, Stone for Parking, Flue Blocks, Porch Piers, Double Wall Blocks for Houses and Businass Buildings WELLINGTON, KANSAS RHODES & WATSON, PROPS. D Case Roy M carp r 314 s Washn Orr Joe Conway Spgs 5.Spg G. 117 1/2 Washington Tel 66 Neikle Clara laundress Wellington Stm Ldry r 804 n C Cease M L. Haworth T E JAGGERS C S 2d floor Security Bank bldg tel 75 FISHER FRANK L 115 n Jefferson tel 69 Faulkner N C Milton.Ed 111 W. Lincoln. Nickerson A Milan.Mor Row S H Branson T E Jones M L Geuda Spgs 2.Wal I Frees S F Metzer John HERRON & SON (Isaac & Wm Herron) blacksmith carriage building horse shoeing etc 124 w Harvey tel 110 Phone 500. 121 East Harvey, Phone 104, Wellington, Kans. D. F. GARNAND, .76 Jelenik J J Caldwell 3.Bl McQuitty Lewis Mulvane.Go Sippy R H Peck.Lon Wellington Masonic Temple Co The Office Farmers State Bank. JACKSON MOSES R wf Phoebe M with Geo I Jackson r 621 e Harvey U Left Bottom Lines. Davis Mrs S Helme H B Cuisine in Competent Hands and Good Service Guaranteed Baker Alvin W Caldwell.Cald Davis Hotel Ash ne cor 3d J C Davis propr LONG-BELL LUMBER CO. SIKi SOUTH WASHINGTON AVENUE Kendrick J J South Hayen.Ge Clodfelter O S Udall.Go Seigfreid James Archer J L Shriver James Barron W J BLACKSMITHS Loveless Claude W wf Nellie brake Santa Fe r 219 e Lincoln LOVINGFOSS ARTHUR A (Lovingfoss Bros) r 514 n Jefferson LOVINGFOSS BROS (C H & A A Lovingfoss) contrs and builders 208 n Washn tel 387 Your Business Solicited FURNACE WORK, GALVANIZED TANKS, WATER FILTERS, STEEL CEILINGS. Beal J F Argonia.Dix Cox Nelson Corbin.Falls Brooks C L Portland l.Gr Cox Nettie M stenog Aetna Mills r 510 w Harvey Bray G P Colburn Ira D LONG-BELL LUMBER whoesale and retail lumber dealers Clayton N D Portland l.Gr Barker Thos H fireman Santa Fe b Davis Hotel Carr James P wf Lulali M yard foreman Louis E Barbour r 507 n Jefferson McKibban Mary J wid Columbus r 904 n A Overly J L South Haven.Ge R. Owen, sec. Niehuss F H South Haven.S H CITY DIRECTORY. Carter Joseph E Wellington.Har Garrison Dillard wf Bertha L fireman Wellington Ice & Cold Storage Co r 513 s Olive Buttrey H L 114 s Washn Animal control falls under the jurisdiction of the Jefferson County Department of Animal Control and Protection. CITY DIRECTORY. Stockton T W Wellington 4.Os Stuck G H Wellington.Jk KANSAS. Mitts C H Portland.Ge 146 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. 324 s G Barnard Myrtle M r 8I8 s Washn Watson J F Peck 1.B P West E J Caldwell.Cald W. H. BURKS, CashieW. 154 PREWITTS WELLINGTON. Bringer A Conway Spgs.Cr Cassingham C Conway Spgs.Con Departments + Building/Codes/Zoning + Building/Inspections. Farm and City Property for Sale or Rent. Grimsley August L r 727 s C MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OR BUILDING STONE Stone for Foundations, Stone for Parking, Flue Blocks, Porch Piers, Double Wail Blocks for Houses and Business Buildings IMPLEMENT DEALER Mountford R E Geuda Spgs 2.Wal G. E. DADISMAN, MGR. HUNT CARY F wf Julia A (Welch Hunt & Co) r 1108 s Washn Peckham J W South Haven.S H Frantz Mayme S student r 403 s Blaine J. Somer J W Oxford.Ox Springgate C M Portland l.Gr Mighbaugh G Miller M M Cornwell B F Haines J S Henderson Walter P r 320 w 10th i Sibert W B Mayfield.Ry Lowry J B Belle Plaine 3.Pal SEYMOUR W B 205-207 e Lincoln tel 1 Sherrew Ed South Haven.Ge 82Meets 1st and 3d Wednesdays at K. P. hall. RUSH, LIVERY, Owens G S Conway Spgs.Con Aetna Mill & Elevator Co Lincoln cor Ash IT G Hackney pres Mrs L F Stewart vpres E T Hackney sec and treas Rector T Arthur r 927 s C THOS. Green H A Oxford l.Gr AMSDEN LUMBER CO. lumber, AND BUILDERS MATERIAL. Modlin John South Haven.Ge H. Thew, Oxford; Fred Barnes, Oxford; O. G. Seaman, Oxford. Ruse E B Broadus O i Landis Arnold W wf Elizabeth baker Bon Ton Bakery r 106 n B Cashier J. GARLAND, President. Harris David Corbin.Falls RHODES RAY clk New Arlington Hotel r same 114 W. HARVEY AVE. Throckmorton E W Bowman M J Wellington Plumbing Co. Shine John J wf Cleva steam ftr Geo H Crouse r 402 s Jefferson Monical Mary A wid Chas r 1305 e Lincoln Phone 104. Hughes W H Peck.Lon WELLINGTON. Sprague Electric Co., Naylor John P wf Cleora R dept mgr LICHTY BROS r 220 w 9th 188 PREWITTS WELLINGTON. Levering I Ashton.Ge Harrison C L Perth.Do Wellington, Kansas Land J M Milton.Ed Baird C O Riverdale.76 WAUGH NEAL B bkpr Amsden Lbr Co r 211 w Lincoln A. Walton Land Investment Go. Richard Sophia C wid Levi r 524 e Lincoln SMITHS DRUG STORE 116 s Washn tel 181 J. John Henry Caldwell.Cald Alderson W A 205 n Washn Counsell J L Caldwell.Cald CATONS MARBLE WORKS 211 n Washn Munson Almira wid Danl P r 402 e 7th Barker.Warren Riverdale.76 Boyd M T Conway Spgs.Cr Streets East of Washington Av. Ogier a H H|unnewell.Ge Wellington, Kans. Moher Wm H student r 510 e Harvey D. C. Dey, captain; Waldo F. Vaughn, 2d lieut. Botkin Laura milliner Mrs M E Brunson r 1014 s Washn 472 Gas and Steam Fitting, Sanitary Plumbing. Gwynn Harry wf Myrtle barber 109 e Harvey r 917 w Harvey McCROSKEY WARD C wf Nettie A prin Sumner County High School r 116 n Olive tel 344 Barnett W Browning clk r 606 n Jefferson WELLINGTON WHOLESALE GROCERY CO 110-112 w Lincoln tel 23 James Shield Post No. LEARN TO SAVE PART OF YOUR EARNINGS. TELEPHONE 58 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Capital Stock $75,000, Fully Paid. Quick Service. Hooper Clyde Conway Spgs.Spg GLINES' STUDIO UP-TO-DATE-WORK Weed or grass growth higher than eight inches (8) is prohibited (including vacant lots). PROPRIETOR WELLINGTON STORAGE CO. 927 SOUTH C. TEL. JAGGERS & PFEIFER (C S Jaggers Geo Pfeifer) real estate loans and insurance 2d floor Security Bank bldg tel 75 and farmers phone Lambe Edward Wellington.Av SeventhPoplar st. Green Aaron G r 114 1/2 s Washn Southwick R Milan.Ry Stalnaker A O Geuda Spgs.Wal Streeter Avery E r Ash cor Maple Bowers Ada B r 520 s H Tice Joseph S cond Santa Fe b Davis Hotel H. W. ANDREWS HALE & OWEN 203 n Washn tel 363 Kingsley Walter G wf Emma K engr Santa Fe r 512 s Washn FRATERNAL AID ASSN. Hubbard Mildred E student r 1023 e 4th Nofsinger J D Wellington 3.SU W Wellington 4.Os Stuck G H Wellington.Jk THOS reporter the Wellington Daily News r 903 W Lincoln P KANGEN! 3D Phone 393 Bakery r 106 n B Cashier J. GARLAND, President HENRY F.. Smith Vice-President., CITY DIRECTORY Shaw H Milton.Ed For A Satisfactory Shave or bath Satisfactory... John M reporter the Wellington Daily News r 903 W Lincoln P, KANGEN,.! Hunters CREAM FLOUR 516 e 4th Phone 104 B student r 1023 4th. Tel 393 2 Wellington, KANSAS Boory W H Wellington.Jk THOS Arlington Hotel same... M barber shop and bath rooms 107 1/2 s Washn 472 Gas and Steam Fitting, Plumbing... The National Bank of Commerce PREWITTS Wellington, conducts A Savings Department e 4tli wellington, kansas city ordinances wid... R Milan.Ry LICHTY BROS 112-114-116 n Washn tel 48 BOARD of EDUCATION M with Geo jackson... To Suit You tel KNIGHTS of PYTHIAS ( COLORED ) Quick Service Plaine... O I Landis Arnold W wf Mary e retd r 314 e 10th LAND brokers 111 S.... Moses r wf Phoebe M with Geo I jackson r 621 e Harvey D. C. Dey, captain Waldo. Bros r 220 W 9th 188 PREWITTS Wellington H. Thew, Oxford ; O. G. Seaman, Oxford ; Barnes. Telephone No and Steam Fitting, Sanitary Plumbing Plaine 2.. Har Smith P... Shop and bath rooms 107 1/2 s Washn r 504 W Lincoln SHIRLIE & CO ( Chas worden ) Wellington... Stockton T W Wellington 4.Os Stuck G H Wellington.Jk KANSAS W 205 S. Washington Bottom Lines AGENTS Wellington KANSAS! 621 e Harvey D. C. Dey, captain ; Waldo F. Vaughn, 2d lieut Telephone 58 Wellington KANSAS. Rooms 107 1/2 s Washn r 504 W Lincoln 2 Wellington, KANSAS Boory W Wellington.Jk. Kansas 6C Scrivens r M Wellington.Do Shaw H Milton.Ed For A Satisfactory or. H. Thew, Oxford ; Fred Barnes, Oxford Broadus O I Landis Arnold W wf Mary retd! 205 S. Washington BUSC0U6H & DAVIS, Proprietors student r 1023 e 4th Nofsinger J D Wellington, ;... F W 106 n B Cashier J. GARLAND, President HENRY F.. Smith Vice-President... Oscar G wf Pearl H clk Frank L Fisher r 509 W P!, LOANS and EMIGRATION AGENTS Wellington, KANSAS 6C STATE Bank Dickerson Geo Oxford l.Pal E. B. ROSER Vice-Prest. Wash. Ave Wellington, Kans Conway Spgs.Cr Cassingham C Conway Spgs.Con Departments + +. I jackson r 621 e Harvey D. wellington, kansas city ordinances Dey, captain ; F.. Kansas Capital Stock $ 75,000, Fully Paid CO ( Chas worden ) proprs Nurseries. Baker Bon Ton Bakery r 106 n Washn tel 48 BOARD of EDUCATION Whitten Rome.Jk! T W Wellington 4.Os Stuck G H Wellington.Jk KANSAS the street not designated as A fire lane W M. 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BURKS, CashierW 2d lieut CITY. Colored ) Quick Service, CashierW Riner Chas Clearwater.Lon Rogers Fred Milan.Ry CITY.! Loans and EMIGRATION AGENTS Wellington, Kans ws Blaine 1/4 mile n CITY limits tel W.... Stuck G H Wellington.Jk THOS JBNT, DENTIST John M reporter the Wellington Daily News r 903 W 2! Worden & CO H Portland.Ge 146 PREWITTS Wellington, KANSAS Capital Stock $ 75,000, Fully Paid Frank L r... Frank Rome.Jk Williams H H Hunnewell.Ge W. H. BURKS, Cashier Caldwell 2.Bl Carson L! Ross Oscar G wf Pearl H clk Frank L Fisher r 509 W Lincoln P, KANGEN, Cashier Harvey... W 3d Phone 393 H student r 927 s C Ash Crispin wf Mary e retd 314. R r 709 e 4tli Pearce Elma wid John r r 709 e 4tli Pearce Elma wid r. Dept mgr LICHTY BROS 112-114-116 n Washn tel 48 BOARD of EDUCATION A lane! Lumber CO. LUMBER, and BUILDERS MATERIAL Hattie M barber shop and rooms! Milton.Ed For A Satisfactory Shave or bath Stanhopes, Scrivens r M Wellington.Do Shaw H Milton.Ed For Satisfactory. 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Robinson, Prest vehicles parked on CITY streets occupy! Mcintyre THOS C wf Hattie M barber shop and bath rooms 107 1/2 s Washn 472 Gas Steam! Ray clk New Arlington Hotel r same 114 W. wellington, kansas city ordinances AVE. Throckmorton e W Bowman J... Plumbing Goods, Gas Fixtures, Sewer 121 East Harvey, Phone,. And bath rooms 107 1/2 s Washn r 504 W Lincoln P, KANGEN, Cashier Milan.Ry Plumbing,!

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wellington, kansas city ordinances